DHS and US Military Make Final Preparations Before Announcing Martial Law?

Susanne Posel
August 8, 2012

Informants and military personnel are coming forth anonymously to confirm that martial law “is right around the corner.” However, right now we are under a silent martial law and citizens are reporting strange and unexplainable activity from the US armed forces and multiple federal agencies that point to a covert preparatory operation to completely lock down America in the very near future.

Sources from multiple locations across the nation have independently confirmed that the US military are repositioning soldiers in conjunction with allied foreign troops in the initial stages of martial law.

The US military are secretly moving massive amounts of “equipment” across the country consistently for more than a year. In Phoenix, Arizona, tractor-trailers transporting tanks on public highways have been spotted. One witness stated that he saw these flatbeds multiple times in the month of June. Eye witness reports are coming primarily from the northern and southern Border States.

Peter Santilli, an ex-marine informant who was a specialist in aviation deployed weapons, explains that a refrigerated truck, allocated by the administration department on base, was directed to the commissary, where the unsuspecting driver believed that he was transporting food. The weapon was placed at the head of the trailer, and covered up with either food stores (like cans of soup) or body bags. In the event that the truck is stopped en route, the weapon would be well hidden and go undetected by inspectors on the public highways.

Santilli, who was assigned to ride in the cab of the truck with the driver, says that his orders were to make sure the truck arrived at its destination. If there were problems concerning potential civil unrest, he was to radio into his superiors for aid by either air or ground support. Should the situation warrant serious attention; crowd control methods would be implemented.

One possible scenario was the use of cluster bomb units (CBUs) that will emit upon detonation, a “sleep and kill” chemical weapon that will not disturb infrastructure, but is lethal to all living things within the effected zone. Santilli describes these particular 3 unit CBUs as shaped like water-heaters with a coned top and plunger-like device. Once deployed in the air, a parachute assists these CBUs to the targeted area. And when detonated, a deadly chemical gas will kill every human and animal in the specified cordoned area.

The acquisition of armory by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and contracts for bullet-proof glass for check-point booths to be positioned strategically throughout the nation on public highways have heightened awareness that the US government is preparing for a well-planned domestic military action. DHS armored vehicles have been sighted on highways in Kentucky.

When citizens attempt to capture the activity on film, some have their cameras confiscated; sometimes after a physical altercation.

On Google Maps, where known military bases were once visible, some strategic areas are now blurred out.

John (a pseudonym) was contracted by DHS to “fill in caves, mines and block trails”. Now these measures are being stepped up, as independent contractors are being brought to mountainous regions and told to block all entrances into the mountains, by way of caves and other areas where people could possibly “hide out in the hills” during a riot situation under declaration of martial law.

Forested areas in states like Montana, Missouri and Arkansas are being closed to the public while military activity is being witnessed by locals. Those commercially contracted civilians working in these areas are allocated parallel shifts and compartmentalized projects to provide for an intelligence controlled operation.

One informant relayed an incident where he was detained on a forest road by unidentified “paramilitary” officials that seized his rifle from the rack on the back of his vehicle.

Another source said that while traveling in a national forest park, he and his party were met by what appeared to be a military police officer who demanded that they turn back.

Residents in Pine Mountain, Georgia and Spruce Mountain, Nevada have had confrontations with US armed forces. When travelling in public national forested areas, military police with “automatic weapons” say that locals cannot gather wood in surrounding forested spaces (as they have traditionally done for decades). One man in particular had his rifle forcibly confiscated by unidentified armed men.

On dirt roads leading to the Lassen National Forest reserve, paving is being laid over the gravel roads. The locals know that secret underground drilling or tunneling is being conducted. Whenever they enter the park, they are quickly escorted out by heavily armed and quite menacing persons. Even once abandoned logging roads are beginning to see activity again.

Information coming out of reserve units in Arizona is that they are being put on official alert. Military personnel are being told by superiors not to schedule vacations and prepare to be on-call and on-duty indefinitely. According to one informant, these new assignments are not providing for deployment overseas, but rather for domestic service with the intimation that these deployments may have relation to civil unrest expectations.

In Lake Havasu, Arizona, and Colorado Springs as well as Fort Collins, Colorado, locals are coming forth to report that local fires may have been lit by foreign troops; specifically Russian forces that have been spotted in the area. These Russian troops are believed to be stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado.

Military drills, a.k.a. urban warfare, have been played out in many states by the Pentagon and other branches of the US armed forces.

In Plainville and Worchester, Massachusetts, surprised citizens witnessed last “Wednesday evening. . . military helicopters descended on the vacant Wood School [in] the late hours of the night in a scene that might have appeared to simulate the United States’ special forces attack on Osama bin Laden’s compound last year.” Many locals had their homes swooped down upon by black helicopters in an obvious display of military dominance over the general public.

Residents saw helicopters landing near Worcester Memorial Auditorium in Lincoln Square. Local newspapers were flooded with “telephone calls and e-mails . . . curious about what was happening.”

The local police claim they were unaware of the drills.

A US Army spokeswoman made a half-hearted apology for “any inconvenience or unforeseen disturbance.”

In Hollywood, Florida, DHS and the Hollywood Police Department have taken part in Master Rappelling training exercises (MPTE) with Blackhawk helicopters scheduled over various government-owned buildings. Details concerning the drills are being kept from the public for “security reasons”.

MPTE are special operations to teach law enforcement and military techniques in tactical rope and rappelling skills that can be used in helicopter deployment and advanced tactical training.

Just this month, foreign troops were caught at a Wal-Mart . They were travelling in what were described as “large government vans”.

Law-enforcement battalions have been created out of Camp Pendleton, California, consisting of specialized military police (SMPs) that would be deployed to assist in any event of civil disturbance, handling of detainees, use biometrics to identify suspects and conduct forensic work. Their assistance is not limited to conducting DUIs and writing speeding tickets in an effort to re-brand the Marine Corps as being more involved with average work now allocated to local law enforcement.

Moving around in white, unmarked vans, strange troops have been seen purchasing food and water at another Wal-Mart in Franklin, Indiana. Parading in military personnel fatigues where drone activity has been reported in Oklahoma City and black helicopters were spotted hovering over a construction site.

According to documents from the RAND Corporation, a planned event concerning a Police Stabilization Force within the US will be “a mix of military and police forces to deal with a range of threats.” The study explains:

• What the response should be

• The creation of a high-end police force

• Costs for this military/police collaborative force

Estimates are $637.3 million annually and including many federal agencies including: the US Marshals Service, the US Secret Service, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) in the Department of State, and the US Army’s Military Police.

There is a media blackout concerning the “state of emergency” (code for martial law) that Anaheim, California residents have been under since the murder of a man by local police.

While protests have been conducted, residents say that “outsiders” are infiltrating peaceful demonstrations to stir up violence and ensure local and military police action against them.

While city officials are gearing up for “another large incident” and “another riot” protesters are coming forth to voice their distain at the “infiltrators” that attended a protest that ended with the fatal shooting of two Latino men.

During protest marches in Anaheim, the white, unmarked vans have resurfaced. This time unidentified “police” detained protesters and placed them into these vans.


Disclose.tvIs Anaheim Under Martial Law ?

The increased activity across the nation in conjunction with the mounting citizen reports of seeing military on their streets, conducting urban warfare drills, and spotting foreign troops have prompted public interest in the US government’s plans to enact a full-scale martial law in America – expected by the end of this year.

The more attention that is brought to these sightings and the more people come forward with information, the safer the American public will be. The US military have orders to shoot and kill all dissenters. They are being trained to confiscate guns and detain people in “internment” or FEMA camps. For the sake of continuity of government, they are being told to turn on their own fellow Americans.

Susanne Posel’s blog is Occupy Corporatism


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Comment by stormtrooper1991 on August 8, 2012 at 11:40pm

i'm not buying this .  I believe about 10% of what infowars has to say. call me ignorant, call me stupid, whatever. I just don't have the stomach for all this fear mongering anymore. If this true, let the chips fall where they may. but, LET THEM FALL ! I am tired of worrying about it. I will cross the bridge when I encounter it. There's no sense worrying about this every day. What kind of life is that ?

Comment by Jim Braun on August 8, 2012 at 11:14pm

Can we get laws rockets from the salvation Army? Again everyone. Our troops that are being trained to kill us have families as well. they may be brain dead robots,doing the bidding of the elite,but they still have a dad,mom,brother,sister,wife,baby. We have a bulls eye shirt,so will they.

Comment by Cryptocurrency on August 8, 2012 at 10:26pm

Take a look at who the bankers are giving their money to:

Barack Obama

Microsoft Corp $418,845
University of California $411,386
Dla Piper $314,977
Google Inc $303,225
Harvard University $276,824

Mitt Romney

Goldman Sachs $636,080
JPMorgan Chase & Co $502,874
Morgan Stanley $476,300
Bank of America $465,850
Credit Suisse Group $421,310


Comment by Friday Woodlans-Sprite on August 8, 2012 at 10:14pm

The truth is when TSHTF I would wish AZRanger was here near me, the nexus of .....I digress oft.... on Thanksgiving I was amazed by the plaid in the sky, since then I have seen the plaid in the sky and it reflected in images of still ponds...the truth is, TSWHTF and I am ill prepared.

Comment by AZRanger on August 8, 2012 at 10:00pm

Great article! Thanks for getting the word out. I have heard of some gov't types closing off the roads up to Crown King, in AZ by using the fires as an excuse. Also, some of the otherback roads that lead to rural areas where the militia in AZ train and gun-owners shoot are being closed down, or otherwise reduced in access and size over the last couple of years!

I was not aware of the state of readiness of the AZ reserves. We will get the fact-finding machine running full-bore!

I agree with the conclusion. You can almost feel the tension rising across the country. The Patriotic Community is getting prepared to take a stand and the Communists know it! This has been their plan all along. They are looking to force an armed confrontation in order to effect the takeover of this Republic! I will say this. Any individual who issues an order such as that will be deemed an enemy of the Republic, and dealt with accordingly! Any individual, or governmental agency which attempts to implement ANY UnConstitutional Law once the SHTF, will also be considered an enemy of the Republic, and also dealt with accordingly!

LE, all I can do is to warn you not to go along to get along! If your department is enforcing Tyranny, and you do not remove yourself from their employ, you will also be dealt with in the same way! There can be NO fence-sitting on the part of any citizen or resident of this country during this crisis! The Communists will not allow it either! So, everyone had better make their choice, and quickly, because to not make a choice for individual liberty, is to make a choice, but for the wrong side!

Join your local Constitutional Militia, get trained, get prepared, get ready! They are going to make their move before the election, because they have no choice. BO is aboout to lose this race to Romney, and although he is no saint, he is not a Communist, and will not implement martial law with the intent of destroying our Constitution! Look at all the recent successes of the TEA Party, even the GOP mainstream is not happy, either! There are too many people who see this as the perfect opportunity to make their mark upon the death of the Republic!

In the Spirit of AMERICAN Liberty,


Sic Semper Tyrannus!

Comment by Friday Woodlans-Sprite on August 8, 2012 at 9:40pm

I took a globe, and I made a map of every location mentioned in this article, and I couldn't help notice it roughly resembles a cross-bones, but then, I've never been all that good with connect the dots and surely never lived near the nexus of this skull and....oh, never mind.

Comment by MAC on August 8, 2012 at 9:14pm

Every Governor in every state are useless idiots, none of them should ever have allowed the federal government to commender there national guard, you would think by now all of them would get a pair and call every guardsman back to there respective state, to deal with this takeover.

I know, none will, have all the governors been replaced with NWO shills?

this is an issue the tea party groups should be raising hell about, but sadly they have been sidetracked as well and never deal with the real issues, just as all the media never gets into the real problem, they all feed us BS.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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