2009 Truth Convergence Nanaimo BC‏

Hi. Everyone,

I have been asked by Raymond to forward this information. For those of you that are in other locations please disregard, it was easier for me to simply send to all.

I am just sorry that this event is happening now as I am tied up every day now until 31 December. I would really have enjoyed this event there are some excellent speakers on the schedule.


Hi Friends

My first Truth conference is coming up this Sunday, November 29th at Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo.

I am hoping you can attend, and that you will pass on this pres release to others on your email list.

Thank you,

Raymond Geisler

2009 Truth Convergence: Project Uncensored

6 Speakers - 6 Different Topics - 1 Thing in Common:

Urgent Information our Governments and Mainstream Media Ignore and Distort

Being Informed is Our Best Defence

Sunday, November 29th, Nanaimo

Vancouver Island University, Bldg 355, Rm 203

All Day: $20 (11am – 8pm) Half Day: $12 (11am – 3pm or 4pm – 8pm)

Tickets at the door

1st Half

Nick Versteeg – Food Security.

For the past 28 years Nick has been producing and directing award winning documentaries. He specializes in video productions ranging from documentaries on culinary stories worldwide to specialized shows on food issues, food security and food sustainability. His productions have appeared on A&E, The History Channel, Discovery Channel, The Food Network, CBC and CTV. Nick’s seminar will focus on Food Security, what it means and why we should be concerned, and most importantly, what we should be looking for to be certain that our food is safe. He will be talking about the marketing of food by large corporations and how the media influences the choices we make. Nick will also show clips from his documentary “Island on the Edge” and talk about the discussions that followed the showing of this documentary in town-hall meetings all over Vancouver Island. http://www.dvcuisine.com/

Wayne Prante – False Flag Ops: From 9/11 to Swine-Eleven.

Wayne is a former Peace Officer and Security Professional with a background in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Studies. He is a student of geo-politics and the New World Order agenda, as well as a seasoned activist and organizer on numerous issues. He was a co-founder of the first 9/11 Truth group in Canada as well as the organizer of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference entitled “9/11, Canada and the New World Order” in 2007. In 2009, as the story regarding the “swine flu” outbreak in Mexico began to circulate, he noted a number of inconsistencies in the story and recognized quickly that it bore all the hallmarks of a False Flag Operation / PsyOp.

This has since become his primary focus, and he is now a leading activist in the worldwide Vaccine Resistance Movement. Further topics of his presentation include why mandatory vaccinations are a threat and the controversial Bill C-6. http://www.falseflagflu.com/

William Thomas – CELLPHONES OUT OF THE BOX: Radical Reflections On The Wireless Revolution. Thomas is an award-winning investigative reporter with more than 35 years experience. Named by Time magazine as Art Bell’s most popular talk-show guest, Thomas offers cogent, documented facts and insights into some of the biggest “under-reported” stories of our times. The author of ABCs of Cell Phones And Other Hazards Of The Wireless Age will reveal the hidden costs of wireless convenience. Thomas’s writing and photography have appeared in more than 50 publications in 8 countries. Winner of four Canadian feature-writing awards, he is the author of All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion, Scorched Earth, Bringing The War Home, Alt Health ,Days Of Deception: Ground Zero and Beyond and Chemtrails Confirmed. http://www.willthomasonline.net/

2nd Half

Kevin Annett – Genocide: Global and Local.

Kevin Annett is writer, organizer, film producer, radio talk show host and former minister of the United Church of Canada. He has authored two books about Canadian aboriginals: Love and Death in the Valley and Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust. In 2006, Kevin produced the award winning documentary film Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada’s Genocide. He is currently working on another film, the Diary, which continues to rewrite the history of Canada’s First Nations peoples. “Kevin is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than many who have received it in the past.” - Dr. Noam Chomsky http://www.hiddenfromhistory.org/

Paul Grignon – Money: Jailor or Liberator.

Paul is an artist and a political and environmental activist. Most recently he has become known worldwide as the creator of the animated movies Money as Debt, and Money as Debt II: Promises Unleashed, which illuminate the workings of the Western monetary system now collapsing around us. Money as Debt has been translated into at least 14 languages and pirated all over the Web. Money can enslave us or set us free, depending on the design of the money system. Paul will explain how the current system is our jailor, why the walls of the jail are now closing in and what we need to do in order to liberate money. http://www.moneyasdebt.net/

Splitting the Sky – Exposing the Cheney/Bush Cabal: War Criminals Past and Present. Mohawk activist, writer and actor with a background of orphanages and boarding schools, Dacajeweiah (Splitting the Sky) emerged as a principal participant in the New York state Attica prison rebellion at the age of nineteen, and later became active with the American Indian Movement. He has engaged in numerous armed standoffs with US and Canadian authorities, including Gustafsen Lake, BC, in 1995, and lived to share his experience, knowledge and discoveries with us. In 2001, he published The Autobiography of Splitting the Sky: From Attica to Gustafsen Lake. Now a leading 9/11 Truth researcher, advocate and speaker, Splitting the Sky was arrested and jailed in Calgary, Alberta, in March 2009, when he attempted to place former U.S. president George W. Bush under citizens arrest. http://www.splittingthesky.net/

Bring a lunch to enjoy at halftime.

~ An Unbought and Unbossed radio show production ~

Listen Wednesday 8-10 PM on CHLY 101.7 FM

or live streaming at http://www.chly.ca/

Listen to past episodes at http://unbossed.livejournal.com/

For more information contact Raymond Geisler at raymondtruthradio@hotmail.com

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