We may want to look at a financial dictatorship... until this is all sorted out. Most of the $ they are borrowing is being tossed into the wind or at vested interests or at programs which have proven to be failures... evidenced by the fact that they are asking for more $ to fix problems they have been "working on" for forty years...with rising negative statistics.

Simply put... the different ministeries and such need $ and present thier budgets... one man in charge... with the guts and basic knoledge of real economic principle... could and should refuse funding to all the bullshit...right down to the fucking paperclips these moron's are using to clip thier mindless beauocratic mile high stacks of unread paperwork togther.

No positive result? ....no job... I humbly suggest that we could cut the government by 3/4's and get them real jobs... I respect a lot of so called insane homeless people more than I do the "top dogs" or mid to upper echelons corporate and government employees.

The crumbling infrastucture.... is underworked and over payed. Working a government job is like winning the lottery.

Wage and price freezes ... until intrinsic value can be ascertained and fair exchange, not profit becomes motive... then price and wage cuts... to where they logically should be...

The stock markets have been little more than criminal activity for decades. The banking system just a method of enslavement.

If these idiots do not start discipining themselves... the universe is going to do it for them... and take all the innocents with them.
If the planet survives at all.

The end does not justify the means.

Fair exchange is the key. Exchange in abundance is even better... if we must tax.... (and we do not really need to.. Income tax does not need to be..) people should get more than they expect... not be betrayed.

Our government is treasonous: The banking system, legalized plunder.

We should quit beating around the bush. If a fraction of the $ we are paying to the private banks just in interest were allowed to filter into the economy..... (Never stolen from the public in the first place) .... do the math.

I doubt very much that any of the income tax in Canada goes to other than paying interest on the stupid debt.

In the U.S. that is definitly the case. (The principal has been payed many times over.)

A well informed, educated, ethical populace needs very little governace...and would be adverse to giving $ to NATO or U.N. or those Globalist front groups if they really understood the issues.

$ is not the problem... there is plenty to go around.. if I recall correctly... every man woman and child on earth could have about ten million dollars if the wealth was distributed a little more fairly.

And the actual U.N. statistic on what it would take to supply basic needs, food,shelter, clean water, health care...etc. to the whole god damn planet... is less than 80 billion dollars. (Confession's of an Economoc Hitman)

Exchange not $. $ is an exchange for something real.
Beads are an exchange for something real... doesn't make it right to trade a couple for something priceless.

The government has it's fingers into "everything" ... and "everything" is a mess.... changing the regulation's is the wrong approach... just get the Government out of those areas... they were never traditionally the realm of legistlators historically... and are not really any of thier business.

A lazy, ignorant public demands something like "childcare" from thier government.

Families, or in desperate situations.... charity groups... like churches or the bleeding lion's club should handle childcare... or for that matter ... crime and drug abuse.. Key word here being "HANDLE" not turn into big growth industy with no hope of solution.

Demanding action from the government... attracts vested interests, con men and failed, entrenched status quo set-ups.. that have been feeding at the tax trough for a hundred years....disgused as professionals, experts and "HELP"

"The People" can and should be "forced" to handle these problems themselves.. NO great leader or great political party is going to handle this mess through legistlation of any kind...for very long.

What people are using to base thier decisions on currently is mostly lies... "Everything you know is a lie" is not just rhetoric.

The circumstances that our Vets warned us not to allow to occur ever again! were understood by few... and are being contentedly ignored and unconfronted in present time.

("PLEASE forget our sacrifice." Just don't let it happen again.") was all the poor bugger's ever really said.

What do you think they would say about the BOC.?

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