SOURCE: Natural News / DC Dirty Laundry
The moment that Israeli scientists announced they had discovered a universal cancer cure that worked with a single injection and required no toxic chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery, I said to myself, “The cancer industry is going to destroy this team of scientists.”
In exactly the same way that the scientists who announced the discovery of cold fusion in 1989 were vilified and slandered out of existence, the cancer establishment will destroy, discredit and defame any scientist who dares go public with the truth about reversing or curing cancer. (Read for daily news updates on cancer therapies that work.)
In fact, the attacks on the Israeli scientists have already begun. (See my video, below, for a full report.)
“Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” lead researcher Dan Aridor told the Jerusalem Post. “We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer.”
Almost immediately, the cancer establishment — run by wealthy, treacherous liars and villains who profit by denying humanity access to cancer prevention and cancer reversal treatments — began a massive negative P.R. campaign to smear the Israeli scientists. This campaign will continue to escalate until these scientists are declared fraudsters and quacks, denied all funding and completely vilified on Wikipedia, Scientific American and everywhere else. This is how the cancer establishment operates.
Have no doubts that these medical researchers will be vilified, de-funded, publicly smeared, defamed and ultimately labeled a fraud. This is how the cancer industry — and the vaccine industry — always operates: Keep the disease going, and smear anyone who attempts to help humanity.
Why do you think Natural News is smeared by the cancer establishment? For all the same reasons: We help people reverse cancer, avoid cancer and stay healthy without resorting to toxic chemotherapy interventions that actually cause cancer.
Make no mistake: The last thing the cancer industry would ever want is a CURE for cancer. It would cost them billions in annual profits and put millions of people out of work worldwide.
In fact, the cancer industry does everything in its power to make sure cancer continues to get worse. Nearly every cancer “treatment” offered by the medical establishment, for example, is widely known to cause more cancer. (Chemotherapy and radiation.)
The cancer industry is a parasite on humanity, and it actively works against anyone who tries to educate the public about cancer prevention or help save lives with cancer reversal strategies that don’t make patients sick.
Each week, I post a new Counterthink video that dares to tell the truth about a crucial issue that’s impacting our lives right now. This week’s episode covers the Israeli cancer cure and why the for-profit cancer industry is working double time to try to discredit and destroy the work of the Israeli scientists who made their announcement.
Watch it now, exclusively at, the online destination for free speech videos:
Cannabis can halt progression of ALS, Parkinson's, I've spoken to folks that say it cured their cancer.
Watch Dr Sonjay Gupta's two documentaries, it's unbelievable!
I have RA & MS, my doctors are letting me experiment with it, especially for the MS. I'm having good results (Lol, I feel like Groucho Marx with his cigar when I say that!).
Great post, thanks! Sharing.
Two words that scare the heck out of me: Israel and Scientist. What do the words Bill Gates and Vaccines bring to mind for you. Population reduction, genocide?
How can we know that like Salk, the crap they inject does not give us cancer, requiring shots constantly so that like my wife’s uncle Joe, when the insurance runs out the chemo, in his case was stopped, in this case, the shots are stopped, and the patient like Uncle Joe, dies.
So that a person who could have gotten over cancer, fasting and diet, ends up unable to beat it except he/she relies on a shot from them, like it is today, Chemo destroys the body’s ability to fight cancer, so the cancer as soon as the Chemo is stopped, kills the patient.
The Nuremberg, let's murder some more Germans, show trials, highlighted, to drag us in, the doctors in Germany helping the Jews by giving them shots, to help them fight off disease, typhus mostly. So, the doctors were accused of killing Jews with medical care, which precipitated a LAW, by TREATY, that no person must ever submit to a shot of anything, ever again.
Hmmm, so what is it with the vaccines today?!
So what if this shot of Israeli medicine is required someday, in order to get required insurance, in order to be employed, and yes, it will come to that, just like it is coming to 5G, something we cannot refuse, something proven to wear our bodies out and in time kill us. Something also claimed to have been invented in Israel, when in fact 5g was weaponized nearly a century ago. Nevertheless, in order to say dear father God Rothschild, we did it too them, the Jew Scientist claim everything, that is harmful, murderous, to us Goys.
Because of the innocent Germans murdered at Nuremberg and for the Jews wanting to impress their lies into our skulls, we can refuse the penetration of anything into our skin, by LAW, by TREATY, so do it and don't fear the consequences, because, what could they be, worse than death?
The re-set is overdue, they are snatching at anything that might help the killing along. Be wary, be very wary, be wise, be very wise, we know how to stop cancer right now, all one needs to do is avoid sugar, fast and then eat the right foods. Cancer was cured a hundred years ago, most truthful people, doctors, will tell you, in most cases doing nothing is the best thing to do, as, our bodies are fighting cancer since birth, every day, all night long. The best way to die from cancer is to put your life in the hands of a business that is profit orientated and that has no desire to cure anyone of anything ie the medical business.
Of course people do die from cancer, some always have, some always will, but, it was when people started going to the doctor that cancer and just about every other bad thing, health wise, started to really take off. So many doctors, so many, so many hospitals, most owned by the doctors, the expensive equipment for the myriad of tests ordered and costing us our arms and legs, as in diabetes; so many insurance companies, so few people, really sick, gottas make it happen to get the ball arolling the money to moving. Wise up...fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, most never get a third try.
They will do Anything to keep the money wheel turning. All part of the endless evil empire.
For all those who have suffered terrible deaths by being nuked with radiation and chemo poison as the AMA FDA and Cancer society allowed the Big Pharma to stop all the cures that would have saved million there has got to be a special place in hell for these fuckers! My other died not from the cancer but from their so-called treatments that left her a vegetable the bastards! And not only her but thousands of others!
The cancer industry IS the cancer
"Destroying the New World Order"
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