2nd Amendment still in the crosshairs

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Comment by MAC on July 30, 2012 at 10:41pm

if it comes to that, make sure you get booth of them and dump them in a swamp.

Comment by MAC on July 30, 2012 at 10:33pm

Nor will I submit, I do not recognize there authority, I will not comply to bans, registration or disarmament, they can put there threats of jail, fines, where the sun don't shine, fuck em.

Comment by Nathan on July 30, 2012 at 7:37pm

Fedgov is gonna do what they want. I can't control that nor am I going to worry about it. The only question I need to answer is will I submit to tyranny or not. No, I will not. That didn't take long.

 Now I can get on with my life despite the tyranny.

Comment by MAC on July 30, 2012 at 2:09pm

we should have any weapons we want, a strong country should be armed and if our country was really united, all decommissioned military equipment should be given to every states organized militia, so they can be a strong backup if the regular military should fail.

Sadly this is not the case the government sees the citizens & the militia as the enemy and we are in a constant state of war to keep our rights.

Comment by MAC on July 30, 2012 at 2:02pm

Democrat anti-gunners could force a "Magazine Ban" vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate as early as today.

They're attempting to ban magazines used commonly for self-defense and sport shooting by burying an amendment deep inside the "Cybersecurity Act" (S. 3414).

The amendment (S.A. 2575) allows for serial number tracking and the potential for additional gun control regulations by Attorney General Eric Holder -- without Congressional approval.

And to makes matters worse for gun owners, if you get caught carrying one of these “high capacity magazines” you could be looking at the inside of a prison cell for the next ten years.

Comment by Nathan on July 30, 2012 at 12:31pm

Spot on, David. To license is to permit. How does govt 'permit' one to exercise an unalienable right? It doesn't, it cannot. Not unless a sovereign citizens concedes that authority and abdicates the use of ones unalienable rights. I call it submission. However, many see it differently and walk a different path than I. More power to them. In the final analysis, each citizen decides how to exercise their rights and it is none of my business how they choose to do so. I only hope all decisions are made after mature reflection. Liberty is not an easy path.


As far as CCP goes....Etiamsi omnes, ego non.


1828 Definition:
UNA'LIENABLE, a. Not alienable; that cannot be alienated; that may not be transferred; as unalienable rights.

Comment by Nathan on July 29, 2012 at 11:51pm

I have the answer to the insanity of Gun Free Zones and I am putting my money where my mouth is by paying the legal fees of the first victim to file a very specific lawsuit against the Cinemark Movie Theater chain that denied responsible citizens their right to carry a concealed weapon to defend themselves against the murderous rampage of a deranged killer.

I am also providing a free Two Day Defensive Handgun Course ($1,000 value) to EVERY AMERICAN who subscribes to my free Gun Training Reports and agrees to forward this e-mail to everyone they know.

If you are already a subscriber to my Gun Training Reports, but not yet a Lifetime Member, I am giving you a new Front Sight Communicator Lifetime Membership (over $10,000 lifetime value) for only $49 dollars that will allow you to attend my Two Day Defensive Handgun, Two Day Tactical Shotgun, and Two Day Practical Rifle Courses as many times as you wish for the rest of your life, simply for agreeing to forward selected e-mails I send you to everyone you know.

If you are already a Front Sight Lifetime Member I am GIVING you a Front Sight Communicator Lifetime Membership to sell or transfer to anyone you know simply for agreeing to forward my e-mails to everyone you know!

Why am I doing this? Because it needs to be done! Victims of the Aurora, CO shooting need to file a lawsuit against the Cinemark Theater chain for denying them the ability to defend themselves by prohibiting the carry of licensed and permitted, concealed weapons into the theater. I believe that a private company certainly has the choice to deny patrons the right to carry a gun into the building, but in denying the right to self defense with a gun, once the private company accepts money from the patron, they also accept the liability to protect the patron TO THE SAME LEVEL that the patron would have had available to them, had the private company allowed them to carry their licensed and permitted weapons for self defense.

I believe a jury of Aurora, CO citizens will recognize the responsibility and liability the Cinemark Theater accepted and set new legal precedence with a favorable jury verdict for the victims of the shooting. This in turn will cause every "Gun Free Zone" in America to rethink their position or face a similar verdict.

I believe so strongly in this, I will pay the legal fees of the first victim to file a lawsuit using this specific claim against the Cinemark Theater chain.

How can I do this? Because I can! My students call me the Millionaire Patriot because I have given away millions of dollars in free and discounted training to provide every responsible American the opportunity to enjoy the comfort of skill at arms.

I am more than willing to train EVERY responsible American who wishes to have a level of skill with firearms that surpasses law enforcement and military standards. With each person Front Sight trains, we create another walking, talking and VOTING representative of safe and responsible gun ownership, thus positively changing the image of gun ownership forever with the people we train and those they come in contact with.

We have already trained hundreds of thousands on our world class, 550 acre facility and we are ready, willing, and able to train millions more!

What do I expect to accomplish? With your help, by simply agreeing to forward selected e-mails I send you (where I specifically ask you to forward them to others) to everyone you know, I truly believe we can create a viral education of tens of millions of safe, responsible, expertly trained gun owners across America. Together we can positively change the image and understanding of gun ownership and that will reflect positively in the polls and voting booths for generations to come!

I so strongly believe this and believe in you, that I am giving away a $1,000 Two Day Defensive Handgun Course to everyone who subscribes to my free Gun Training Reports and agrees to forward those selected e-mails that I request they forward, to everyone they know.

To thank my Current Subscribers, who are not yet Lifetime Members, I am giving away a Front Sight Communicator Lifetime Membership valued at over $10,000 for a single cost of only $49 to thank you in advance for agreeing to forward selected e-mails I send you (where I specifically ask you to forward them to others) to everyone you know so my message can be fully communicated across America.

And to thank my current Lifetime Members, I am simply giving you, free of charge, a Front Sight Communicator Lifetime Membership that you can sell or transfer for agreeing to forward selected e-mails I send you (where I specifically ask you to forward them to others) to everyone you know so my message can be fully communicated across America.

WHY NOW? Because ALL EYES are on Aurora, CO. Freedom stealing elected officials are using the shooting to forward their support for anti-gun legislation. The Gun Grabbers are once again using their lies and twisted propaganda to fool unenlightened Americans into giving up their ability to protect themselves.

NOW is the time to honor those who had no chance to defend themselves because of the insanity of "Gun Free Zones." NOW is the time to launch the greatest Internet Assault on those who would steal our right of self defense by simply educating and training our responsible citizens to levels that far exceed military and law enforcement standards, and provide the training in a safe, friendly, professional and supportive environment Front Sight is famous for.

Together we CAN make a positive difference and we can do it RIGHT NOW.

I am putting my money where my mouth is by paying legal fees, giving away free training to new subscribers, giving away a lifetime of training to my current subscribers for only $49, and giving my current lifetime members a lifetime membership to sell or transfer to anyone they wish.

All I am asking you to do is agree to forward selected e-mails I send you (where I specifically ask you to forward them to others) to everyone you know, so my message can be fully communicated across America and I am rewarding you for doing so like nobody has ever rewarded you in the history of gun ownership!

Enroll NOW in one of the 3 easy, secure online options below and forward this e-mail to everyone you know asking and encouraging them to do the same.


Get signed up NOW and forward this e-mail to everyone you know encouraging them to do the same.

I WILL KEEP THIS OFFER OPEN FOR 12 (twelve) DAYS ONLY. So enroll today and forward this e-mail to everyone you know today! IF YOU ALL ACT ON THIS, in 12 Days ALL of America will know what you know!

My Millionaire Patriot's answer to the Aurora, CO shooting will be withdrawn at midnight, Tuesday, August 7.

Don't delay! Make this go VIRAL NOW!

There are currently over 550,000 Front Sight subscribers. Do the math. If each of you ACT by forwarding this e-mail to everyone you know and encouraging them to do the same we will reach tens of millions overnight and our impact will be felt throughout America.

There are lots of good organizations asking you to send them money, sign petitions, contact your representatives and these are all great things to do...

Front Sight is the ONLY organization that is GIVING YOU FREE GUN TRAINING and LIFETIME GUN TRAINING MMBERSHIPS for simply forwarding our message to educate and create a groundswell of opposition against "Gun Free Zones" and anit-gun legislation so we can positively change the image of gun ownership by training responsible citizens to levels that exceed law enforcement and military standards.

Become one of us...


I look forward to your participation!

And here are some news videos didn't get national coverage because a responsible, armed, trained citizen was present and took care of the threat immediately. As a result it was a "non story" for the national media. No blood, no tears, no wailing families who lost loved ones, no reason for reporters to look sad and reflective as they describe the carnage as many ways as they possible can for days and days, while playing the scene of the mass murder over and over and over again.

Nope, there was no tragedy here. Just one responsible citizen with a gun taking care of a social problem and saving everyone around him BECAUSE HE WAS ARMED!

Make sure EVERYONE sees this...

Click to Play Video Click To Play Video

and this...

Click to Play Video Click To Play Video

and this...

Click to Play Video Click To Play Video

and this...

Click to Play Video Click To Play Video

and this...

Armed Response Click To Play Video

There are currently over 550,000 of you subscribing to my blog. If each of you send my e-mails to everyone you know, asking each person you know to do the same, very quickly, everyone in America will know what you know, causing the harsh light of truth to expose the insanity of those who support gun control and enforce murderous "Gun Free Zones."

I am personally dedicating myself to make a permanent, positive change in the understanding ALL Americans have regarding guns in the hands of responsible citizens, thus exposing the insanity of our gun grabbing politicians, and businesses that support "Gun Free Zones."

Politicians, city officials and businesses who support "Gun Free Zones" are killing us with their lunacy and have blood on their hands with each murderous rampage that occurs in their fallacious "Gun Free Zones."

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Well let's ask our elected officials, opinion leaders, the news media, and those businesses who support the insanity of gun control and "Gun Free Zones" how many more Americans are they willing to kill by continuing to disarm responsible, trained citizens WHO CAN STOP a deranged gunman BEFORE he can massacre disarmed and helpless citizens?

How many MORE times are our elected officials going to pass gun control laws, enforce "Gun Free Zones" or consider any legislation to circumvent our cherished Second Amendment and expect a different result than what we received at the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises?

It is INSANITY to believe that more gun control will make us safer.

Criminals, terrorists, and the deranged DO NOT follow gun control laws. Never have and never will.

Any politician, opinion leader, news pundit, or business owner who thinks otherwise is the poster child for Albert Einstein's definition of insanity.

And while you are at it, ask the 50 or more who were wounded and the hundreds who feared for their lives in that "Gun Free Zone" theatre if they would have liked to have had a gun of their own to protect themselves and those around them when a madman walked right in and started shooting?

NOBODY could stop him, because there wasn't another gun, a LIFE SAVING GUN, in that theatre!

Ask your elected officials, opinion leaders, the news media, and those businesses who support the insanity of gun control and "Gun Free Zones" when they are going to wake up, get smart, look at the data, look at the statistics, look in the mirror and realize they are WRONG... DEAD WRONG about guns?

When are they going to admit to themselves that they are KILLING Americans with ignorance and gun control schemes?

We still have a choice in America. We can either remain free and safe by throwing out our insane, elected officials who continue to support gun control in spite of all evidence that it is a dismal failure or we can sit on our hands, doing nothing and watch another criminal or nut case who could care less about gun control laws and "Gun Free Zones" kill another group of helpless, disarmed victims.

We still have a choice in America. We can refuse to support businesses that enforce the insanity of "Gun Free Zones" and throw our support to the those businesses that recognize everyone is safer if responsible, trained employees and customers alike are allowed to carry a concealed weapon to protect themselves from those who attempt to terrorize and murder.

You still have a choice in America. Exercise your choice and make sure everyone you know sees this e-mail blog and encourage each person you know to send it to everyone they know.

I'm doing my part, please do your part.


Together we truly make a positive difference.


Dr. Ignatius Piazza Founder and Director Front Sight Firearms Training Institute 7975 Cameron Drive, #900 Windsor, CA 95492 http://www.frontsight.com info@frontsight.com 1.800.987.7719

Comment by MAC on July 29, 2012 at 10:51pm

Dear ......
The wounds are still open from the Colorado shooting and already gun-grabbing politicians are trying to pass anti-Second Amendment legislation.

Like vultures, they’ve been waiting for the right moment to strike, and predictably, the excuse is the Colorado tragedy.

Gun-grabbing Senators Frank Lautenberg, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and others are scheming to bury an anti-gun amendment into the so-called “Cybersecurity Act.”

This amendment would outlaw “high capacity magazines” often used for self-defense and sport shooting.

I’m not sure how banning magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds is going to make the internet safer . . .

. . . but you and I both know these are the kind of games the radical anti-gunners will stoop to in order to strip us of our rights.

This amendment even comes complete with serial number tracking and allows Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, to add additional regulations without Congressional Oversight.

To makes matters worse for gun owners, if you get caught carrying one of these “high capacity magazines” you could be looking at the inside of a prison cell for the next ten years.

This gun control scheme disguised as a “magazine ban” could be voted on by the Democrat-controlled Senate as soon as Monday.

That is why it’s vital you take action today.

Send an email to each of your U.S. Senators by CLICKING HERE.

•   Give them an Earful! Demand they oppose S.A. 2575, the Schumer “magazine ban” amendment, and,

•   Tell them to vocally oppose and vote "no" on S. 3414, the so-called “Cybersecurity Act.

Please also make a note right now to make a call to your U.S. Senators tomorrow morning (Monday) urging opposition to this anti-gun amendment.

The telephone number to call is 202-225-3121.

Just as we warned, Barack Obama, New York City Mayor Bloomberg, and their gun-grabbing pals in Congress will work every angle of this shooting to restrict our gun rights.

Our right to defend ourselves and our families from violent thugs -- and anti-gun politicians -- hangs in the balance more than ever before.

This is only their first attempt in what will no doubt be a long battle to keep our rights safe.

With the UN “Small Arms Treaty” looming, politicians in Washington are scrambling to hand over your Second Amendment rights.

And they have no shame about politicizing a tragedy to advance their anti-gun causes.

Please call YOUR U.S. Senators at 202-225-3121.

Demand that they OPPOSE S. 3414, the so-called “Cybersecurity Act,” and S.A. 2575, the Schumer “Magazine Ban.”

Your continued engagement and activism could be the only thing that stands between our gun rights and the gun control onslaught that is headed our way.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

P.S. Gun-grabbers like Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein and Frank Lautenberg seize upon every tragedy they can and use whatever backhanded tactics possible to strip our gun rights.

We must always be prepared.

Please click here to chip in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to fight against the gun control schemes of liberals like Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama.
Comment by Consciousness Shift Resources on July 29, 2012 at 8:25pm

As I stated on another post here;  "Just Goggle; "The Greenbaum Speech", James fits the profile to have been Greenbaumed then used at this time to make the case for Hilary's visit to the UN to pass registration to prevent civilians from possessing small arms. They may use even more "James syndrome" so they can make it look like Obama had a say in passing gun laws here in the U.S., or they may wait until their boy Romney is in office."

2012 Consciousness Shift Resources

Comment by Nathan on July 29, 2012 at 7:10pm

"It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world." Aristotle

The fight between liberty and tyranny will never end.....well, not as long as humans are around anyhow ;)

"Destroying the New World Order"



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