On September 11, 2001, the willful negligence of federal, state, and local politicians aided in the murder of 3000 people. These murders were the foreseeable, inevitable result of decisions made by Presidents and Congresses beginning in the 1960s. They dismantled procedures that screened out dangerous aliens attempting to get visas while masquerading as students, tourists, and business travelers; and concurrently, to open US borders to millions of illegal aliens.
ALL nineteen of the 9/11 terrorists were given entry visas by the State Department despite laws that barred all of them.
In disregarding the law, bureaucrats merely obeyed the wishes of politicians who in turn bowed to lobbying and campaign contributions by the travel and education industries. They wanted ever increasing numbers of aliens to fill more airplane seats, amusement parks, hotels, and college and university classrooms.
There were profits to make and political careers to build by making it easy for any alien to get a visa, and neither the profiteers nor the politicians cared if some visitors were terrorists and criminals.
Meanwhile, employers such as beef and poultry processors, contractors, etc., discovered that the worker protections of the New Deal could be evaded and profits increased if American labor was replaced by cheap foreign workers, both legal and illegal.
Presidents and Congresses responded to their campaign donations by stripping America’s borders of personnel needed to keep out illegals and ending prosecutions of employers of illegals. State and city politicians joined in by giving drivers licenses, subsidized housing, and free medical care to illegals, and refusing to report them to the INS.
By 2001, the result of these political decisions was a population of over 10 million illegals and a culture of absolute lawlessness.
Thus, Al Qaeda’s planners knew the U.S. would grant visas to their agents, and that once in the U.S. the terrorists could blend in with the millions of illegals, free from fear of discovery; free to get drivers licenses, open bank accounts; free to finance, plan, and rehearse their mass murder; free, with U.S.-issued drivers’ licenses as valid ID, to board planes they would use to murder our loved ones.
All this freedom was granted them, wrongfully but knowingly, by American politicians in order to get support from those who profit from open borders. This must stop.
- Peter Gadiel, J.D., father of James Gadiel who was lost in the World Trade Center Disaster.
Peter is now a Board Member of 9/11 Families for a Secure America www.911fsa.org
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