A Brief History Of Socialism And Ending The American Way Of Life

I continually read editorial describing Obama as a Socialist committed to destroying America and bringing us pure Socialism. The problem as I see it is that most people who think in this vein really have no idea what Socialism is. In my opinion Obama isn't a Socialist. He stands in front of a group of Elitists that have nothing less in mind than Extreme Capitalism with a capital E and that form of capitalism, which we have now, destroys everything in it's path.

There are benefits within every form of government in their purest contexts. Pure Socialism, pure Communism, pure Marxism and pure Capitalism, they all have parts or portions of their tenets that are beneficial to humanity, that is, the proletariat meaning you and me as opposed to the Elite.

So this cartoon struck me as being terribly accurate in describing America and Socialism.

Matt Wuerker has been POLITICO's editorial cartoonist and illustrator since their launch. In 2009, he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in editorial cartooning.

Over the past 25 years, his work has appeared in publications ranging from The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times to Smithsonian and the Nation, among many others.

Socialism is sometimes a good thing for all of us.

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Comment by Jeff on November 29, 2009 at 11:28am
Geonwoshill, I agree.

Simply, Americans are to quick to judge and do so without the facts.

I haven't met a single anti-Socialist that can discuss Socialism with any accuracy.
Comment by Jeff on November 29, 2009 at 12:18am
You know, you're right! I gotta tell ya man, I grew up at a great time in this country. In junior high school and senior high school EVERYONE slept with everyone and right, we didn't need condoms because there just weren't any communicable diseases. We were all hippies and we just loved each other, smoked pot, did acid and other stuff and generally had fun. Love, peace and rock n' roll. Those were the days.
Comment by I811st on November 28, 2009 at 10:37pm
And how much were condoms? how would you know you didn't need them back then....lol
Comment by Jeff on November 28, 2009 at 7:04pm
You come up with the coolest comments man.

I agree though, here in the US we seem to be adept at fucking up everything, good hash as much as good government. Now, when I was 15 which was a very long time ago we were able to get a variety of great types of hash and believe me, the stuff was cheap and the real thing, like the picture below. We even had GREAT cheap pot back then too.

But, reality creeped in and we no longer are able to get good hash in this country. By the same token, we have the worst Democracy on the planet, illusitory freedoms, and GOOD pot if you want to pay $50 a gram.
Comment by I811st on November 28, 2009 at 6:46pm

If the availability of Hash is a product of Global Socialism, One must conclude that the quaility of said product, MARIJUANA HASHISH is based on the funtionality of of a country's Socialist system.Take for example the Scandinavian nations ,which seem to be the model of a socialist utopian paradise.They have available some of the highest quality Hash the World has to offer. in conclusion , if the U.S. were to ultimately and completely adopt a socilist policy, It would probably be the worst most ill-fuctioning socilist system in the world...with the worlds shittiest Hash. Not worth the trading in What's left of Liberty and Freedom just yet , Brother. But that picture above is tempting.....HAND IT OVER,OR I'LL SHOOT!!!!!!
Comment by Jeff on November 28, 2009 at 6:22pm
Yeah, I do too, but, people are, at least here in the US, apt to jump on bandwagons and the wagon with the most wheels of late seems to be the one parroting Obama as a Socialist. He isn't. In fact he isn't anything of the sort and if he's anything he's about as far from Socialism as one could be, BUT, if he were a Socialist many of us would be far better off, especially the proletariat which is probably 100% of the members here on 12.160Mhz, some of whom will tell you, Obama's a Socialist and he's going to ruin the country. They probably don't read much. And if they do they aren't comprehending the material.

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