A List Of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed The US Military Intelligence Complex – Part 1

JULY 17, 2017

By Makia Freeman

"1. Robert Steele: Former Marine, CIA case officer and US co-founder of the US Marine Corps intelligence activity, Steele’s mission has been to spread the use of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). He has written handbooks on OSINT for NATO, the DIA and US Special Operations Forces. He has stated that the preconditions for revolution exist in the US, UK and other Western countries. He enumerates such conditions as: “elite isolation to concentrated wealth to inadequate socialisation and education, to concentrated land holdings to loss of authority to repression of new technologies especially in relation to energy, to the atrophy of the public sector and spread of corruption, to media dishonesty, to mass unemployment of young men and on and on and on.”

Ex-CIA engineer Robert Duncan has done much to expose the horrific nature of the mind control technology of the Military Intelligence Complex.

2. Robert Duncan: Former CIA engineer Dr. Robert Duncan, who was involved in the research and development of “Manchurian Candidates” (i.e. mind control victims), has been trying to explain to the public over the years that the true state of current mind control technology defies imagination. It is very hard (and scary) for the average person to grasp how sophisticated the technology now is. Duncan reveals how a weapons system capable of totalitarian control has been constructed. He also reveals that many people are now in wireless mental contact with AI (Artificial Intelligence) run by supercomputers – people from all walks of life, not just poor people as was done in the past.

Duncan worked with brain-to-computer interface technologies, things like remote mind reading, CIA hive mind experimentation (multiple people sharing the same mental space), remote targeting and tracking of people via their energy signature or “brain print”, remotely cloning or copying thoughts, emotions and other states (e.g. intense pain) onto a target, the “Voice of God” (piping information into people’s minds and making them hear voices), forced or induced dreams and OIW (Offensive Information Warfare).

Like many other ex-Intelligence agents, Duncan was tricked into thinking he was doing something good for humanity while he was actually constructing a weapon of torture and control. Now he is trying to alert people to the horrific nature of this technology – before it’s too late.

ex-CIA Ray McGovern
3. Ray McGovern: McGovern is an outspoken ex-CIA analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs). He has accused the CIA of being a rogue agency many times, stating that the CIA routinely cooks up “intelligence” to justify pre-planned wars (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya). It’s not bad intelligence; it’s fixed intelligence. Furthermore, he has stated that US presidents are scared of CIA directors, and that Congress hasn’t done anything to rein in the CIA before at least 9/11, if not before the time of JFK. In this video, McGovern famously challenged the lies of Donald Rumsfeld to his face. Rumsfeld was a former executive at Searle Pharmaceuticals (that developed the horrible chemical aspartame) and former Secretary of Defense during 9/11 (who coincidentally “lost” $2.3 trillion the day before 9/11, then oversaw the US invade Iraq and other nations post-9/11).

In this quote, ex-CIA Michael Schemer exposes how the Israeli-Saudi alliance is far more dangerous than Iran.

4. Michael Scheuer: Ex-CIA intelligence Michael Scheuer has been an outspoken critic of US foreign policy for decades. He has been one of the few to have the guts to criticize Israel and cast doubts on why the US would want to ally itself so closely with the Zionist regime (hint: it’s because the Rothschilds control Israel and also the US, thus can dictate how the US spends its money and chooses its allies). Scheuer has also had the intelligence to highlight the dangerous alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and expose how that alliance is far, far more dangerous to the US and some surrounding nations than Iran.

Wikipedia states that, “Scheuer became a public figure after being outed as the anonymous author of the 2004 book Imperial Hubris, in which he criticized many of the United States’ assumptions about Islamist insurgencies and particularly Osama bin Laden … In his book Scheuer depicted bin Laden as a rational actor who was fighting to weaken the United States by weakening its economy, rather than merely combating and killing Americans.” Now that doesn’t fit too well with the official narrative on terrorism and Islam, does it?

ex-CIA Susan Lindauer

5. Susan Lindauer: Ex-CIA agent Susan Lindauer endured 5 years of unjust imprisonment with no trial under the Patriot Act for the crime of speaking the truth. After 10 years, she broke her silence on 9/11, revealing how George W. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld had decided to go to war with Iraq before 9/11 occurred. She also exposed how her CIA handler Richard Fuse made her deliver threatening messages to the Iraqis – even though they possessed no WMDs and had no knowledge of the hijackings. She confirms that the leader of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, was a CIA asset. She was imprisoned for 2 years for her trouble.

Ex-CIA agent John Kiriakou. Image credit: AlJazeera.com / John Kiriakou

6. John Kiriakou: Kiriakou was one of the most punished whistleblowers in recent times. After being at the CIA for years, he resigned in 2004, then 3 years later in December 2007 he decided to go on television and publicly call out the CIA for its “immoral, unethical and illegal torture programs” (which you can read more about here). He rightly accused the CIA of lying when the agency falsely claimed that it gained “actionable intelligence” through the torture, which violated many laws and the 8th Amendment in the Bill of Rights (which forbids cruel and unusual punishments). Like Lindauer, Kiriakou was imprisoned for almost 2 years for his trouble.


Ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp exposes how the Military Intelligence Complex destroys whistleblowers.

7. Kevin Shipp: Ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp worked as a counter-terrorism agent. He has exposed the corruption of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Susan Rice, John Brennan, Huma Abedin and many more. He has talked on various issues of truth, such as the the 9/11 false flag event, the vaccine-autism connection, how mass migration is being deliberately used to destabilize the West, and how the Military Intelligence Complex has perfected the art of intimidating and destroying whistleblowers." Quote from Activist Post:


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Comment by Burbia on July 18, 2017 at 5:51pm

Part 2 will continue the list...

"Destroying the New World Order"



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