A message from the Vatic Project.

This is an excellent Daily Newsletter Exposing
the N.W.O.
Just a reminder that tomorrow some of what we have covered here may be discussed on Rumormillradio.com from 11 pacific to 2 pm, and Noon to 3 pm Mountain time. If you saw the video yesterday of Zbig discussing that millions of us are waking up and what a problem that causes for them, watch out for noise of war which is what they always do or another false flag when they are feeling the heat and they are definitely feeling the heat as that video shows. He had our awaking as a major threat to global dominance. So stay on top of your congress and senators and the minute you hear one word about war, like North Korea, or about a false flag such as Clinton said today about TEABAGGERS GIVING RISE TO ANOTHER MCVEIGH (they lost primaries to non satanic controlled people and they are panicking), then tell your senators we can prove it was a false flag with government involvement and they better not try anything or we will finally be able to fully say who the real enemy of the people are.

Vatic Project - Daily Summary ... May 19, 2010

I. Blog: The Vatic Project


Vatic Note: I ask that you please click here and pass this around with this commentary, thank you! http://www.spiritone.com/~sirius/ChildAbuse.htm

This is in line with our series on Satanism and Pedophilia and in this case actual murder of children as human sacrifice. If you look at the various indicators, it will show this practice is still going on at the highest levels of our government and Business and industries that are reflected in the annual BOHEMIAN GROVE conferences in San Francisco area, then one can begin to put the puzzle pieces together to form a much larger picture. Following this will be one on the depths of this practice and sacrifice in modern day Global governance (Bohemian Grove). Please pay special attention to the ritual elements presented below, such as "fire" and Child Sacrifices, because when we put up the Bohemian grove part, you will see the same rituals being performed (althought by effigy above ground). This series is running from now until and through tomorrow in preparation for Rayelan's interview with us on Rumormillradio.com, so please join us as this is a foundational educational look at the root of the problem with our governing elite.
Link: http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/more-about-molech-god-that...

II. Post: Bohemian Club - Owl God Ritual

Vatic Note: Remember, we have done an extensive series on both Child Snatching in the US and the role of the Child Services and the investigations that were generated by Senator Schaffer who we notified you was murdered just recently in the middle of her work on this subject.

Also Remember the Franklin scandel with the George HW Bush White House with respect to Pedophilia, and also we put up here much on the British scandels surrounding pedophia as well. It was sufficient for us to really start digging as to how this could be so global and pervasive and now we find out its almost an institutionalized mechanism of control over others including leaders of industry, government, science, music, and even religion as we see with the various scandels in the Catholic and Jewish faiths.

This article below is Just to catch you up on the connection between Molech and the Bohemian grove and the high level elite involved in this annual ritual. This is Alex Jones Video of his visit into the Bohemian Grove undetected among many visitors (they have 2,000 members).

Then read the article after this. Ignore his exaggeration in music etc and early filming, but he does get to it if you wait. Actually scroll over to the time showing 112:46 otherwise you will get the entire trip and its not relevant to what we need to see here. Although if you get time, its interesting how the interviews with the locals went.

Then watch the video in full and you can see just how little the locals know what goes on there. Its long but worth it, since he does deep background information from his research before he ever tried to go inside. They were carrying a hidden camera so the audience kept getting in the way but they later fixed it so you could see it much better, it was still very interesting ceremony. Very much like that described in the previous blog I put up about Molech.
Link: http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/bohemian-club-owl-god-ritu...

III. Post: Bush & MKULTRA: Satanic killer who Bush pardoned while Governor, BOTH in same cult in ’80s

Vatic Note: Please notice in the picture, GW Bush holding hands with the Saudi Prince. Touching. Having discussed Molech now, and the Bohemian Grove that both Bush's belonged to, its time to see the progression from the brainwashing and satanic training as a child into the adult and power grid in which these mind controlled minions move and garner power and wealth, both through association and position. This is not a left or right issue and yes, Bush is right, but the next article coming up is about someone on the left in a position of power within the government, as this thing crosses both party lines. That is why it doesn't matter who you vote for IF THEY ARE PART OF THE PARTY SYSTEM AND HAVE MOVED UP THE RANKS, they are automatically suspect since they would not have gotten that far without the proper mind control aspects in place. Remember in the skull and Bones they get a mentor which is his handler as all satanically indoctrinated minions have handlers who also have handlers to keep them under control. That is why they tried to take over the teabaggers because that was one organization they did not control nor the people in it. They attempted to take control, but the grassroots, tonight in Kentucky, gave the satanists their first loss. Rand Paul was nominated by a huge margin over his primary opponent and that means trouble in paradise for the satanists.
Link: http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/bush-mkultra-satanic-kille...

IV. Post: NC Democratic Party official accused in satanic rape, kidnap

Vatic Note: Remember, there are many different satanic religions, but Molech evolved over time with some help from Alister Crowley, and the introduction of various other satanic religions into our society. However, we have been disturbed at the attitutdes of our military and the condition they are in psychologically when they come home. Many have been experimented with psychotropic drugs and who knows what else, but many of these satanist mind controlled people do not always have a memory of large gaps in time. And also remember, about 3 or 4 years ago, the military for the first time allowed Satanic worship on the bases. Now how is that possible??? Why?? So Molech may well have evolved into a combination of these practices at the highest level, especially since Alistair Crowley arrived on the scene way back in the early 1900's. Many offshoots combined and at the heart was the British Mason Royal lodge, the tie into the British monarchy where all this basically started in modern day practices.

The reason all of this is important is it explains why nothing we seem to do in a regular conduct of politics, is working. These people are committed, threatened, blackmailed or bribed by those who have this religious fervor and that is not easily overcome except through a massive purge and we simply don't do business that way. So we have to resort to other mechanisms. Do not kid yourself that Obama is not one of them or he would not be sitting where he is now, with Rahm making sure he is handled.
Link: http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/nc-democratic-party-offici...

V. Post: New Video Could Provide More Answers On Oil Spill

Vatic Note: We are interrupting our research series on mind control, satanism, and Pedophilia to bring this updating story. It appears, that the spill is worse that the official estimates, (No? Would the government lie to us? Would BP lie to us?) Well, fortunately the insistance by scientists that pictures of the actual flow could be used to determine the size of the outpouring and thus BP was forced to provide just such videos. Also we have included an audio of the NPR story on this issue. The series we were covering will continue after this.
Link: http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/new-video-could-provide-mo...

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