A New Approach To What Is Going On! David Wilcock - Love Yourself End the New World Order

David Wilcock - Love Yourself End the New World Order

Here him out. You have to ask yourselves why people like Gandi, Lennon and Martin Luther were seen as the highest threat to the NWO!

David Wilcox has something here!

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Comment by Charles Magus on August 17, 2010 at 2:37am
You are so right Nikki! This is a war of the mind, heart and Spirit! They know how powerful we are in mind! that is why they have gone to such lengths to dumb everyone down.

I know that ancient secrets have been kept from mankind by the same type of evil-minded groups, that have passed on the secrets to the same psychopaths that are here today.

These secrets are in regard to who we truly are! Our divine power, our soul energy, our ability to create our own reality! This is why they keep so many trapped in tribal patterns of Sport, Gossip, materialism and pure trivia! It keeps us from real community, from us coming together, from us knowing and interactng with our neighbours! these are the things we should be doing even more!!! We must localise! Communicate with each other in person! In this way we can be tribal and be a positive force against those that seek to oppress us!!

Lets start becoming a real community to our fellow man. ( and woman.)

Comment by Nikki on August 16, 2010 at 10:10pm
I'll agree that we must keep a positive attitude and not let the NWO get us down. If we love ourselves we are eating right, exercising and taking action. People who don't love themselves don't really care one way or the other.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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