This is a warning to everyone!!! Do not take the next Vaccinations from Baxters!

This woman is due to go to court on the 12 on trumped up charges, the truth is because she has warned about the viruses within the Vaccines!

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Comment by Charles Magus on August 11, 2010 at 4:19am
Hi Ironside! Could not the guy have been gotten to by the Zionists! They have been know to threaten, blackmail and far worse to destroy connections with people! They want to silence her really badly! so what better way than to get at the man that helps her the most! Zionists are the true enemies of mankind!

Comment by Ironsides on August 10, 2010 at 7:26pm
I agree, Nikki! I decided to not post to either of them, after I read her own accusations against him. It takes alot of time to get around to so many different sites, read, and then post.

Everyone knows who our real enemies are.--And it sure is not among ourselves!

Take care!
Comment by Nikki on August 10, 2010 at 7:18pm
I'm always sorry to hear about infighting, such a waste of time when there is so much important work to do.
Comment by Ironsides on August 10, 2010 at 7:14pm
A few days ago I learned that Jane was disconnecting from the guy who gave her the most help, with webspace. She accuses him of all kinds of things. I didn't understand the situation, and posted on the site which now is an archive.--Or deleted by now?

Then I located her personal blog, and read her accusations. I think what happened, is that she either interpreted a hack to block her from logging-on to the site as being rejected by the guy who owns it, or she maybe just had technical problems with her computer or the network setup.

I'm only theorising what the real problem might be, but she felt that he is working against her. I understand the stress she is under, but it's a real bitch-slap to the guy who helped her the most.
Comment by Nikki on August 10, 2010 at 6:32pm
Jane is awesome! I hope her legal problems will be resolved quickly.
Comment by Charles Magus on August 10, 2010 at 10:09am
Hi Luggnutz! Even from a very young age, I never trusted the doctors and Scientists! I thought they were just plain stupid, but I have known now for the last 5 years that they have been working to an agenda to wipe us all out!

I have never agreed to interference of nature! That old adage is still true, nature knows best!

Comment by luggnutz on August 10, 2010 at 9:48am
Book Of Jasher:> Chapter 4:18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.

Since I'm a child, they showed us old films of people with small pox. We were also made to be deadly fearful of chicken pox as well. Bodies littered with little bubbles and blisters, a very visually sickening disease. What were we ALL TOLD was science's solution-proposition-order out of the chaos ??? Well they told us that it was their wonderful theory-solution to take COW POX FROM COWS, ISOLATE THE COW POX, MASS PRODUCE, AND INJECT IN A WORLDWIDE VACCINATION CAMPAIGN PROGRAM !!!
That's right, schools-teachers-and scientific publications informed us all that they took a sickness known only to cows ( they told us because the cow pox were milder and would help us build an immune response strong enough to counter the chicken pox and small pox as well !) and inject it into humans......they suggested and implimented a program of taking cow dna and mixing with human dna with a promise that all sickness would disappear . So when we should happen to read in old text like The Book of Jasher or The Book Of Enoch that we had aplied our hands to creatures and the creation, or mentions the mixing of animals...wereas in the past we had no hard science to back up such claims...only vague proffessorial hopes, now we are doing ourselves...ALL OVER AGAIN...UPSETTING ALL OF CREATIONS....NOT ENOUGH JUST TO DESTROY OURSELVES!!! Theres your fake ass lying killing 'New/Modern Science'. Theres your 'Pinnacle' of theoretic evolution ! NOTHING NEW UNDER THIS SUN!

DOUBTERS??? ANYONE ??? Welll, let's take last year's supposed 'Swine Flu' fiasco. 1st we learn that Baxter has sent 75kg of LIVE AVIAN FLU VIRUS to 18 labs in March 09. One month later in April 09 Novavax publishes an article selling it's new 'H1N1' virus vaccination telling us all it was grown in insect cells. Finally they release the flu on us as per NISBC Report 2006, and some scientists isolate the pathogens and tell us all in contains Human-2Pig-Bird-Insect parts. Since then we have researched all vaccins and viruses and found out that they brought back the H1N1 from an inuit woman back in 97, weaponized it, and rereleased with a new name called Avian. Then we learn that all vaccins going back to 99 had H1N1 parts IN THE VACCINATIONS. Then we learn they use metals and poisons and virus parts and dead baby cells in the vaccinations.
(Go read my blog 'Vaccins, The W.H.O., Dr Robertson, and The World's Collective Death Sentence' to understand the full procedure and what steps they took to set it all up. Follow the money to make sense of it.
So sorry, but I say take your doubt and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. The 'Freak Flu' as I call it, and that Jane and Dr Horowitz and I and many others warned you about is a prime example of mixing animals and species to destroy the true creation and mightily upset our collective creator Jehovah!

Now you can realize what is truly transpiring and take and make decisions to better your current standing in all of this ( get good with yourself, those you love, and God himself, and make the changes NOW!)....or keep doubting and laughing or do like one of the Jay-Z's here and post more scientific dribble and insanity and irrelivant materials and disrespect others on the site. The choice is yours. At this point, the more you doubt, and provoke, and insult, and belittle, and degrade...the more science you post, or procedures and excuses, the more man solutions you bring.....just looks really bad on you, and exposes your own deep seeded personnal problem . You prefer to follow Luci and take the position of grown up monkey, fooling yourselves and shoving bananas up your backsides . It HAS worked so well for you all in the past. I truly wish you the best with that denial insanity path.

I thank Jehovah and Jesus for providing us this once hidden information so that we donèt really have to scoure 200 books of science and hours of research to realize the truth. You can just sit back, look at the stories and the RESULTS...lots of lies-pain-death, and then go to the bible or one of these books and just read it in 1 or 2 sentences or phrases.

Namely:taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord

"Destroying the New World Order"



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