Comment by Charles Magus on August 16, 2010 at 4:15am
Hi Jeff! Maybe hate is too strong a word, We know that many in the police and military have been manipulated to act in that way! I think they would even kill their own mothers if they were told to do so! Many of them are not themselves. They were just too weak-mind and too easy to control.
I don't have the answer of how to deal with them, but violence just makes us as bad as them. If they tried herding us into FEMA camps then we would have no choice but to fight to the death!! But it is not at that stage yet (Thank God!) We have to begin changing things from within!
Comment by Charles Magus on August 16, 2010 at 4:05am
Thanks for your comment Ironside!! I did not know that about the Hell's Angels. And good on you at not letting anyone vaccinate you!! Your body is your temple, No external being has a right to demand that you take anything that you choose not to have!! Though rather than kill them, I would take that vaccine and give it to those that want me to have it.
Why are we not infiltrating their organisations!! We should be finding their weaknesses, their secrets and find a way of bringing them down!!
I still think that if you find another Bilderberg meeting in your town, you should go there in the millions and capture all the members of the meetings and do what ever you think should be done to them. I am not sure what I would do if I caught David Rockefella? I Know that they cannot be reasoned with, They fear to death something that is giving them the orders!
I would have to have a long hard think about what I would do with a genocidal psychopath Like Rockefella.
hey all. just another example of the police mindset. anyone who doesn't hate the police is just beyond hope. around here, they are out of hand too. just revenue agents. we all still put up with this stuff though. we're the fickle mob of roman lore, and as long as we have our distractions, they have nothing to fear. welcome to amerika, home of your new world order...
The fact that the SWAT team went in with loaded guns over food, when the legal-aged adults were members of the organization, and responsible for their own food is definitely no more than muscle-flexing.
It's all about forcing everybody to depend on the government, which by now alot of us fully understand that they are "THE ENEMY"!
The reason, I've learned, why it's been so hard to organize an overthrow of these scum has to do with their level of intelligence-gathering techniques, the last of which seems to be inflitration of Patriots or bike gangs.
Quebec organized a swat-team against the two world's biker-gangs, after a little boy was blown away by shrapnel in '95. The biker war in Europe forced the Hell's Angels to move their operations to Quebec, and wage a war for turf against the Outlaws' subordinate club, the Rock-Machine.
One day, a Hell's Angel popped a remote explosion of one of the Rock-Machine's vehicles, but a little boy playing across the street in a playground took the hit. It instigated a public outrage, and the formation of a police bike-gang called "the Wolverines"!
They worked Quebec and Ontario, and were effective after the Hells Angels' assassination of a prison guard on her way home one day, at infiltrating the HA's!
One time they crashed a club-house in Ontario, had a little chat with the guys, and let them know that there were not just one, but two agents being left inside the club. How can you function, if you have to live on the edge of paranoia knowing that anybody you're working with might be a snitch?
Without intending to be a betrayer, somebody on a team might have been nabbed by the scum, Israeli-style. They intimidate their captor to obey, or they'll make captor's wife or kids pay the price.
It's a dirty business!
Between shit like that to deal with, and the fact that the U.S. Constitution intended for the civillian Militia to be equally-armed and equally-budgeted to the Federal forces, it's a no-win situation.
So, I think that in the U.S. and Canada, all current and former military personnel should demand equal-funding of civillian Militia forces.--And I sure as hell don't mean subject to the Federal government control.
The good thing is, that Michael Badnaruk said recently that last year, Americans purchased 85 million guns!--We need the same fever in Canada, in the hands of Patriots--not the Shariah Law immigrants!
When it comes to the point that the government sics the dogs on people, with guns loaded over food, the mob-bosses are literally taking food out of your mouths. At this point, there is no point in submitting to the "Rule of Law"!--This is the time to fight, and kill our enemies.
Last winter, I warned everybody here where I live, that if anybody ever aims a syringe at me under a government forced vaccination in this country, I will treat that like I will facing a gun-barrel. I made it very clear to the head-nurses, that I will destroy and kill anybody in my path.--And after a worker took a swing at me in 2005, they don't fuck with this BaaaaaaaaaaaaadBoy!
Comment by Charles Magus on August 10, 2010 at 2:43pm
Hi Nikki! I think the whole food corporation didn't fight it, because maybe they knew they would be fighting a corrupt system? It is becoming more and more blatant that the system is corrupt to its very core!
It is a real shame if they have given up without much of a fight! I still can't understand why people haven't pooled their resources in finance to pay for a retaliate strike on those assholes! The assholes are always killing people who whistleblew on them, why hasn't the public and small businesses done the same and hired a professional sniper to take them out?? It is time the people started fighting back!
Comment by Charles Magus on August 10, 2010 at 2:31pm
I would like it if we were the S.W.A.T Team and went for the bastards in power like Cheney, Obama, the Rothschild's and the Rockefella's! dealing with these Twats with extreme prejudice! Now would that not be a good occurrence Marklar?
Comment by Charles Magus on August 10, 2010 at 2:25pm
Hi Ironside! Glad to see you back! I am not a farmer and don't have much of a clue about practices. I do know that human and animal waste is not all that it should be because of contaminants in waste in the form of metals from fillings from amalgums, metals in our drinking water and many other types of poisons are not safe to use as fertilisers.
Also yes there are many types of bacteria in the soil that would not help us if we consumed them! But we really know that the reason that the police went into that place with guns drawn was to terrify and intimidate the Organic farmers so that people would have no choice but to eat the contaminated crap that big Agra makes which will kill more people than anything else! Yes it is important to make sure that organically grown food is washed thoroughly in steam jets to kill off any germs that may be on the food.
Thank you for your comment Ironside! I never thought much on the germ issue, but it is there and we should be aware of it, but also to what these bastards are trying to do to us.
@Charles, since the video mentioned that the LA Times broke the story, I thought it was interesting to see their version of events. I used to go shopping down in the Venice area and I know about the co-ops and would even consider joining if it were a bit closer. These co-ops don't sell to the general public, only to their members so this was quite unnecessary but the authorities pick on the people who can least afford to fight back. Whole Food is a corporation and they can afford lawyers but rather than fighting this they just caved in and I'm disappointed in them.
@Ironsides, well this is interesting, I was a vegetarian also, and I know it had a negative impact on my health also. Today the only grain I can eat is rice and I don't eat much of it. I certainly agree that fruits and vegetables need to be disinfected even organic ones. But I don't know why I can't have raw almonds, fresh juice or raw dairy products if I want them since pasteurizing kills all the healthy enzymes. What I eat should not be the governments business.
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