It was late in the evening. I'd had a rough day. At the print shop where I was making copies, I overheard 2 people talking about the vax shot and it only reminded me more of how simple and easily manipulated most people can be. What looked like a veteran who appeared to be physically fit was telling an aging, over weight , print shop spouse and owner how relieved he was to have gotten the shot. She, looking very sickly, and exhausted, replied she got Moderna! To me, it was like two fools comparing what way they had chosen to commit suicide, only these two were too oblivious to realize.
Late night browsing
It's 1:30 AM can't sleep, flip on the tube, here's "The Walking Dead" with a black homosexual guy in bed nude with a white homosexual guy, nude, and intimately kissing and making their scripted pillow talk. Sickening! I changed channels. The next show was a vivid animated advertisement for "American Horror Story" depicting a surreal explosion into a mansion of fire where an ebony form like a Satanic mannequin drifts through the reddened fury as all kinds of madness revolves around it. It then confronts another such black, skin suited, figure, each grabbing a long sword or knife, and with one swift thrust of the sword, the other darkened entity is vanquished into molecules that vaporize in the fiery, hellish, hallway of this grotesque place. Immediately, I thought this might as well have been a port hole to hell!
Overt propaganda
I flipped through the remote again and what appeared to be a candy bar commercial with a number of people buying the same damn candy bar over and over again and then walking out onto the darkened, big city street, repeats itself. Suddenly, a black man wearing a jacket and cap is illuminated by a red flashing light from behind, and the megaphone voice of the police tell him to stop, and turn around as he gingerly hangs onto his candy bar in apparent terror! This was not a commercial it was propaganda by one of these so called "Foundations for the Good of Mankind", when in truth it is a leftist front group displaying their politically correct brainwashing! Demonizing the police, and making a black man appear to be the victim, which I find almost tragically funny as reports of young blackmen shooting police all over Democrat run cities gets either reported or censored all over this embattled country we call America! We are all being played against each other, but only one side, despite how many atrocities they commit, are going to be allowed to win by the left.
More subtle indoctrination
If you watch TV in the aftermath of a divorce, isolated, alone, and trying to find a reason to exist in this insane world in which we live, you will find this kind of trash they call entertainment which you see sparingly between commercials of those taking life threatening prescription drugs for everything from diabetes to eczema, and it's usually portrayed as some social justice issue like making everybody feel bad because you have Crohn's Disease and you have to go to the bathroom! So, let's take that deadly side effect prescription so that we don't make others feel uncomfortable, and then we can go dancing down the street to go and get some artificially flavored, artificially colored, frozen treat because that's what happy people of color do! Remember, being brown skinned and only 15% of the population, and no matter how many shootings your category of victimhood is responsible for, you are still a hero compared to those dreaded white folk.
Wake up!
This is the total insanity of TV Land, and what I just described to you is not a biased interpretation, but it is an objective review of the kind of truth twisting, unashamed solicitation of dangerous corporate profiteering, social unrest promoting, and mental programming that goes on everyday on just about every TV channel unless it's Christian or conservative programming, and few in the viewing audience ever stop to question if this crap is reality or simply an agenda based illusion designed to manipulate people like so many cattle in a herd! All these "Foundations for a Better Human Being" type commercials are pure lies and financed by Soros or some other Commie corporate fat cats like Zuckerberg. These infomercials are 5 minute romps into products of questionable need and self centered amusement sold to fake audiences who "ooh and awe" as the greasy pork is being rendered by a new rotating, high heat infrared, low smoke, indoor, cooking gadget!
Summation of insanity
Once again the unseen writing on the wall merely rephrased so that the obvious messages of sleep, consume, don't think, we'll do it for you, can't you just be stupid like everyone else, hides subliminally beneath. Coming at you like a serenade from paradise for the easily led donkeys who simply need a carrot suspended in front of their noses. Do I hate mankind? No. Do I trust those who make no effort at analyzing what's very wrong with the changing world they're being subjected to by evil forces both spiritual and institutional? No! If you cannot cross the T's or dot the I's and refuse to connect the dots, you are not my comrade, but you are a willing slave. We are being lied to, bullied, threatened, and even worse ruled by an unconstitutional Democrat fraudulent regime, but many of you still refuse to see what is right before your eyes as BLM and ANTIFA burn down our cities and our Washington DC crystal palace plans for more of our destruction! This as TV Land smoothes over the covers and convinces you to go back to sleep!
cheeki kea pfffttt the old Twilight Zones of the 80's and 90's clearly suck! I like some of Ray Bradbury's Theater because it was based upon his original works, but some of it was admittedly cheesey just as was the 90's version of the Outer Limits, once again cheesey. I love the video you sent! Great!
Huh???...lolz... pretty much what I just said???
Comment by Central Scrutinizer 23 hours ago
"Night Gallery.... nicccce
fuck any 80's-90's Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episodes...yuck"
"Monsters on Maple Street" is my #1 Fav
Best to step away from the zone now Doc....You been in there a little too long ... LOLZ
"Stay Krispy Kreme Supreme!"
Central Scrutinizer Hey the original Outer Limits with actors like David McCallum, Robert Culp, and Martin Landau while it was directed by young Steven Spielberg and George Lucas among other new talented directors, was worth watching just like the original Twilight Zone with Rod Serling. The new versions in the 80's and 90's had poor scripts and chessey special effects but weren't worth a rat's butt.
Night Gallery.... nicccce
fuck any 80's-90's Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episodes...yuck
Chris of the Family Masters Well Good for you Buddy! I'll take Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, the original Outer Limits any day over the bullshit they call reality today!
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