June: A Red Letter Date in US Military History and the World Pt. I

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6th June 1944, the world holds its breath as Operation "Overlord" is finally launched after several days of bad weather on the French coast of Normandy. Although the plan has been underway for years now General Ike Eisenhower has his doubts, and little known to most, has already drafted his resignation should the invasion get thrown back into the sea. The largest amphibious attack in world history will be unleashed against shoreline defenses supervised by Field Martial Irwin Rommel personally.

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The difference of leadership

Today as leftist revisionists attempt to recreate past history through their faulty rear view mirror, little do many know that if not for the bulldog personality of one Winston Churchill who would never capitulate to the enemy and inspired the masses to do so as well, the Royal Family may well have cut a deal with the Nazis. Fools like Neville Chamberlain would be happy to take credit for failed non- aggression pacts that only allowed the Germans more time to build up their standing armies and their Lufftwaffe.As for Supreme Commander, Ike Eisenhower, the strain of keeping the Allied alliance together has been almost too much with such egomaniacs as Charles De Galle and General "Monty" Montgomery to contend with. Ike would be quoted in the 1960's as saying he doubted the will of the current generation to overcome the challenge at D-Day as, what many call, "The Greatest Generation of Americans" who endured the Great Depression and won the war against the Axis Powers liberating the world! 

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The operations

Five code designated beaches divided into Allied theaters of combat, "Juno" "Sword" "Utah" "Omaha" and "Gold" will be host to, what might be, the most pivotal battle in human history. Why? Had the Fifth Column Nazi infiltrators been able to stir up enough isolationist resentment by the American people, had those in Congress who did not want to enter another world war and allow Europe to be conquered, had Mexico, who had been a sanctuary for Nazi operations been allowed to cause enough border disturbance, America might well have delayed entering the war. This would have given the Nazi's time to complete their heavy water experiments and create the atomic bomb first. Already having created the V-1 "Buzz Bomb" and the V-2 ballistic missile, Germany could have launched atomic rockets all over Europe and won the war. Not to mention the fact that even though Robert Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project was ahead in the atomic weaponry race, several scientists on his team were ready to officially protest the development of the weapon to President Truman. The fate of humanity would have taken a dark turn for the worst.

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The typical denial of today

Recently, a caller spoke to Mark Levin in the course of his talk radio show and minimized the loss of troops on the beach in proportion to the number who had survived the first day. I wonder how this fool would have felt watching GI's being cut to pieces by German machine gunners from inside coastal bunkers or watch the bodies as they floated to shore as the blood stained waves broke over the shell shattered beaches of Normandy! That day 156,000 soldiers of American and Allied nationality stormed ashore at the cost of 14,300 casualties! As Thomas Jefferson once observed, " the cost of freedom would never be cheap." Tell that to the "Drama Queens" and "Snowflakes" of the present who lay across the streets and sidewalks of New York chanting "Don't Shoot!"

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The beginning

In those desperate hours before D-Day would be unleashed after several delays due to late winter storms, President Franklin Roosevelt led the nation in a nationwide radio prayer twice as enemy artillery and well hidden machine gun nests kept a vigil upon the Atlantic. FDR warned in those moments of anguish that our brave young warriors might be thrown back into the sea by a strong and determined enemy. Hours prior to the invasion US Army paratroopers were flown in for a massive drop behind enemy lines which caused much confusion and lines of communication being cut, but at the cost of many lives as German 88 mm flak knocked many C-130's and their towed gliders out of the air or as some soldiers were tangled in trees and roof tops and were shot to death by ground fire. General Eisenhower mingled with special forces troops not long before they would climb aboard and meet their rendezvous with destiny in the skies above captured France. Some would die. Others would successfully conduct operations against their Nazi enemy. Talking with his men as if they were friends even joking with them, it was rare for a high ranking general even in the US to make such a personal contact with those about to embark on living hell!

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This is not rhetoric for "War Hawks" this is not pep talk to encourage the glory of American victory as war is a no win situation, though it must be fought when there is no alternative. Today, the blithering idiots who call themselves the Biden Administration are busy feminizing the US military as China sets its sights on US and world domination. Congress sits complacently pandering while the Biden family's criminal dealings are covered up by our state run media doing the bidding of our enemies! If America were to get into a shooting war right now with China despite our technical edge, it might be doubtful that enough patriotic and courageous men and women would carry out their tasks under such daunting conditions of modern battle. Today's troops are even denied a last prayer with the Lord before entering into the realm of life and death thanks to a Godless Democrat socialist party that would rather see us lose such a conflict!

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In Part II we will review another great American military victory that allowed the Republic to survive!

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