by John Galt

November 6, 2009

Malik….meaning “Master” or “King”‘

Nadal….rough translation to “Noble” from “Nadil”

Hasan….meaning “good” or “handsome”

Major Malik Nadal Hasan is a martyr.

A man and a name which will now live in infamy in the history of the United States, our beloved military and now a hero of the Islamofacist movement. While the American people will be spoon fed excuses about the mental condition of the killer, how this was not terrorism, and of course how the religion of peace had nothing to do with this, the reality that should slap anyone with two ounces of common sense should begin to understand that America has been at war for almost two decades now. Yet so few, except for the families of the dead, wounded or those engaged in the battle, wish to acknowledge this fact.

America’s war was not one that we sought out for profit, for glory, or for spoils. The war was brought to our shores not because of geopolitical conflict, nor an enemy wishing to conquer our nation’s vast resources. This war was started, engaged in, and amplified on September 11, 2001 because we are the infidels, the evil children of Satan that prevent the world from falling under the veil of a religion based on a child molester’s drunken visions. Sadly, as long as our fellow citizens are pacified by ignorance or bribed with baubles, the citizenry will never understand the enemy that kills our friends, neighbors, and protectors, nor will they act to acknowledge that this war even exists.

We make excuses for our enemies and excuses for ourselves as they kill, without mercy, without apology and without regard. And this time, as it was in 2003, the new politically correct military suffers another self-inflicted wound. You see, the killing is not without a historical basis, nor is the idiocy of a politicized military new. It has happened before. Within our military. And with dire results.

On March 23, 2003 (ET) Sergeant Asan Akbar rolled two fragmentation grenades and two incendiary grenades into three tents where officers were sleeping at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait. Not long after this attack, Sadam’s Iraqi military launched a Scud missile at our troops in Kuwait which was destroyed by a Patriot missile. As the bloodied troops stumbled out of their tents, Akbar opened fire with a M4 shooting two of the soldiers. Captain Christopher Scot Seifert, age 27, died from his wounds and fifteen other soldiers were wounded also before he was subdued.

Quoting the article from the London Times on March 25, 2003:

As Akbar was being led away after the incident, fellow soldiers heard him shout: “You guys are coming into our countries and you’re going to rape our women and kill our children.”

Fast forward six years to tonight, and numerous incidents around the world and inside the U.S., within the military and in civilian society. The United States military was the target of a planned attack by some Islamic illegal aliens who walked across the Mexican-American border and planned to evolve from their day jobs as pizza delivery men into terrorists to attack our soldiers at Fort Dix, NJ. More rings of suspected terrorists arrested from Colorado, New York, etc.

Yet our politically correct Obama administration, just as Bush acted, continue to assure the public that this is not a war with Islam but against the problem children of the “Religion of Peace” and the advocates of violence against all civilized society. Sadly, our political leadership and their cohorts within the mainstream media and educational elitists continue to deny the words of our enemies and dismiss their actions as irrelevant to the world stage. Within this deliberate act of ignorance and malfeasance, the assumption that “all Muslims” who serve within our military are always loyal to the nation first, their religion and its adherents second. Even though this may be true in some cases, the words of the Quran and the leaders within their sect demand the loyalty of the followers to the word of their prophet first, and nations or political leaders secondarily.

The long bloody river of denial continues to flow through our society as the bodies of our soldiers are returned from Iraq, Afghanistan and other nations embroiled in the war against Islam and its radical adherents. But the denial has created a situation within our military that I find disgusting and untenable; we challenge the Muslims in the services not as to their loyalty to our nation but accept without question their commitments. The failure to understand the over twelve hundred years a of systemic murderous activity in the name of Allah is our Achilles Heel and the enemies of freedom know this. Thus begging the question as to why any member of the Islamic faith is allowed to serve on bases where or near units to be deployed are located, much less within our services as a whole. Why we would deploy “Muslim” Americans to theaters of war where they might be asked to kill one of the zealots defending their same faith, a violation of the word of Allah when done so at the behest of the “infidels” and its leaders?

The answers are simple, sad and tragically for the victims of politics, not war, a statement to the decline and fall of an empire.

America must allow the “diversity” of its forces to insure that it is reflective of society as a whole. That is the twisted Hegelian logic of Marx and Sociologists in the pacified world of academia and influencing the civilian bureaucrats within the Pentagon. The advisers who proclaim this nonsense never will serve within the military and view our soldiers with disdain and demand this policy as a necessity to prevent a racist elite service from evolving. When you take the perverted views of our elitists into account as part of this policy then one must review the economic and geopolitical concerns which influence our weak-kneed cowardly politically correct rulers, then you begin to understand why our military is ordered to adhere to policies inherently dangerous to the survival of our troops within and out of the conflict zones. America’s unwillingness to confront and deny the wishes of our Saudi masters by protecting our troops and securing all avenues of attack invites disasters such as what happened at Fort Hood today. The refusal to engage the Wahhabi sect and other various terrorist organizations funded by the same families that demand American loyalty and protection for their regime illustrates the fallacy of our proverbial “War on Terror” which will never end during my life time or yours.

By that same token, God forbid an American citizen elect to support a third party, vote for a pro-gun law or candidate, or speak freely about the Founding Fathers though, as that is a terrorist act in the eyes of the current regime in Washington and the prior administration. Thus why we shall continue to suffer attacks such as those on November 5, 2009 and March 23, 2003; infiltration is easy when Sociologists and cowards set policy and attempt to force the greatest military in history to act as a social experiment instead of just letting them do their job as Constitutionally mandated.

America has suffered another self-inflicted gunshot wound thanks to political correctness and submission to internationalism.

Must we bleed to death before we stop reloading the weapon of our own destruction?


CHECK out this COMMENT posted at Rawstory: HOW THE TRUTH IS USED AGAINST Americans…

By @…..-shooting/
Wake up

In Washington, a senior U.S. official said authorities at Fort Hood initially thought one of the victims who had been shot and killed was the shooter. The mistake resulted in a delay of several hours in identifying Hasan as the alleged assailant.”

The truth is probably something VERY different. For example:
‘Two US privates John Smith and John Henry had been seeing a military psychiatrist major Hasan at Fort hood for a few weeks. Both privates said they were completely against the war of oppression in the middle east and would refuse to report for active duty if ordered to do so.
So the army put them both in therapy with Dr. Hasan. After more than five weeks of therapy both Christian privates were called to go to Afghanistan. Both privates warned they would not go and they would defend themselves with force if the army tried to force them to fight in a war they believed was morally wrong.
Yesterday fellow soldiers tried to surprize the two consciencious objectors but the privates were prepared and killed 12 soldiers who tried to force their way into the privates’ barracks at Fort Hood.
During the mele their psychiatrist major Hasan, tried to talk the two privates into surrendering but he was shot twice.
Finally both privates were overcome and killed. Their psychiatrist major Hasan is in hospital recovering.’

Officials of the military have spun the story to make it seem the privates’ doctor (who has a muslim sounding name) was the perpetraitor so that the public does not understand just how much resistance there is to the middle east war in the military rank and file.

The whole official Fort Hood cover story is 98% a lie – just like 9/11. Do you trust the main stream media for the truth in a story like this? Heck, for any story?

Bill De Spain

The so called all the truth all the time news media is still asking “Do you know why this Muslim Major committed these murderers while chanting praise to Allah.”

Dah…………………………..doesn’t this question answers itself and show the pure unadulterated idiocy by the news moderator for even asking it?

Most of us forget that in 2003 a 27-year-old captain, Christopher Scott Seifert, was killed and 15 servicemen wounded early in the attack on a tented command area at Camp Pennsylvania, the rear base for the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division? Who did it? A US soldier converted to Islam.

Or, in May when five American service members were killed at a counseling center on an American military base in Baghdad and were gunned down by a fellow soldier who was later taken into custody. Another converted soldier turned Muslim.

And now so far another 13 US Army soldiers are murdered by a US Muslim soldier at Fort Hood.

And why? Well it’s really quite simple is it not? “He’s a Muslim, and it seems he was just against the war.”

My oh my. So, when one is “against the war’ all he has to do to be accepted is to commit murder? How nice.

And where is the news media on all of this? As usual, they are silent.

Remember, if you are not a Muslim then the Quran says you are an infidel, and must be put to death. Many say no way? I say, see for yourself.

Oh and by the way, are you aware that Islam is OK to be preached and taught on all US bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. But US Pastors are commanded to burn any Bibles that are written in Arabic as we do not want to disturb them by committing the sin of proselytizing. And this Infidel Christian religion that calls for peace and says that we are to love our enemies must not be used and, or preached anywhere as Allah must be praised.
And Katie bar the door should anyone bring a Torah on a base.

KORAN commands to kill infidels:

Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. – Sura 2:98

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. – Sura 2:161

Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. – 2:191

Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme. (different translation: ) Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God’s entirely. – Sura 2:193 and 8:39

Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it. – 2:216 Prescribed for you is fighting, though it is hateful to you.

….. martyrs…. Enter heaven – Surah 3:140-43

If you should die or be killed in the cause of Allah, His mercy and forgiveness would surely be better than all they riches they amass. If you should die or be killed, before Him you shall all be gathered. – 3:157-8

You must not think that those who were slain in the cause of Allah are dead. They are alive, and well-provided for by their Lord. – Surah 3:169-71

If we are going to have those serving in our military who hate us, then what can we expect and when the hell are we going to wake up?

Dr. Tub E. Gooberman

Well stated. But the enduring question is why? Is it really just because the PCP feign “understanding and acceptance” to not rile them further? I do not believe for one second the PTB are really that stupid. No, the reason is greed and greed for power. Months before the election as I was lobbied endlessly to “Vote McCain” I kept saying, Why? What difference does it make? Don’t you get it? This two party farce is simply entertainment – a distraction – IT DOES NOT MATTER! The results are the SAME! While we debate and elevate our talk radio “spokesmen” to hubris heights of statesmanship, the same simply join in the frenzy of LOOTING the national treasury and ENABLING the Federal Reserve to continue to ROB US BLIND of any hope of future security.

The Islamofacist are simply an annoyance. A fly in the ointment. Like whack-a-moles. They are too business committing the largest heist in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD to really do what it takes to stop the islamafication of Europe and the Americas.

Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.



“America’s war was not one that we sought out for profit, for glory, or for spoils.”

If you’ve convinced yourself of this that’s fine, but its an itsult to the intelligence of your readers if you expect them to believe it. Apparently you’ve never heard of Halliburton, KBR, Blackwater to name a few?


JimD, your ignorance of reality is only blinded by your inability to accept the fact that the Islamofacists started it. If you believe otherwise, I suggest next time the purple unicorn flies overhead and poops those Skittles you shut your yap so you don’t choke on the mind altering effects of what you’ve been swallowing.

Radical Islam has been on the march against the West for over 200 years. It has been on the attack against the United States since World War II. When you grow up, get back to me.

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