![Image result for a tainted dawn](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.4auy85iE37cI8Vx173wGawHaEL?w=303&h=180&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7)
There was a time when fresh fruit on the vine
Was as sweet as a kiss front my Valentine
But tine moved on
And suddenly there emerged a tainted dawn,
Everything somehow changed
My universe became re-arranged
Love became estranged
It seemed like a bloody exchange,
Oh my Dear what have you done?
You've stolen the warmth from the sun
Now everything is undone
My feelings and trust are on the run,
The diamonds of morning dew
Are now muffled and subdued
It seems tranquility had succumbed to a feud
All my impressions are now skewed,
Everything has spiraled down
In this untrustworthy town
And I'm the fool who wears the frown
Just another poet whose really a clown,
Lord, it wasn't supposed to be this way
But it seems I was too easily swayed
Emotions can become deceptively played
The price becoming harder and harder to pay,
I'm in a dreamscape it seems
Experiencing what makes a man come apart at the seams
Whatever the invisible masters of fate deem
I'm playing an unwitting part in some scheme,
Lie back lie back and just dream
Don't all ow the insanity to make you scream
Somewhere there's a kindred spirit
But will you know when you're near it?
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