A Time To Diversify Welding The Power That We The People Have

"Here in America we, are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it."
- Edward R. Murrow

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" - Howard Zinn

"Dissent" as defined by The American Heritage dictionary , reads "(a) strong difference of opinion; disagreement especially about official decisions.". My question is, what are the most effective forms of dissent? For sure, there are many forms. People can "dissent" or "boycott" businesses. Employee strikes can also be a form of dissent. People can dissent from ideological point of views. People can also dissent by using their money. Which is what I am writing about here.

Consider this: During and after the a recent march on Washington D.C., the mainstream media seemed to be confused as to how many people were at that protest. Some reports said there were 2.5 million, while other reports listed the count somewhere in the hundreds of thousands. What if those same people decided to "dissent" using their dollars? In other words, what if those same people decided to pull all ( or mostly all) of their money out of their banks across America at the same time, and also for a pre-determined number of days? Do you think there would be an accurate count then of how many people participated?

What We The People know is that "MONEY TALKS..." in America. We know that our government is becoming more and more bold about administering programs to take more money from the Taxpayers. What We The People must realize is that OUR money is another source of OUR power. We must become better at showing government that WE can and do control OUR money and OUR POWER. With that thought, we can use our money as a form of "dissent".

The fact that We The People have at our disposal such a powerful tactic makes me wonder how we missed it up to now. But, nonetheless, it is here. I am of a strong belief that the Divine intervention that so many people across America (and the world) have been praying for is already here, as well - at our fingertips. That Divine intervention is THE INTERNET. Follow along with me: Using the internet, We The People (not only in America, but throughout the world) can effect REAL CHANGE by organizing and mobilizing our social-network groups to set a month, day, time and length of time to basically "pull the rug" out from under "The Robber Barons" & Corporate-controlled politicians who continue to think of ways to take our money. Coordination is the key. We The People must all be on the "same page" for this to have the desired impact and for those "Leaders" to take notice of us welding our power. Bob Shultz of We The People Foundation at www.givemelibery.org have started calling for citizens across America to target every month, on the 15th to pull their money out of banks. He reasons that We The People across America must get the attention of our elected officials, and for them to honor and to the dictates of our Constitution. This is how the he describes their purpose on their website:

"Our recent initiatives have focused largely on questioning the federal government’s abuse of its constitutional powers to incur debt, tax labor, create currency by fiat, conduct war and police the peace, among many others.

"We are interested in a return to popular sovereignty, constitutionally limited government, enumerated and separate powers, individual and unalienable Rights,
self-reliance and personal responsibility, and respect
for life and personal property.

"As is now clear to all our citizens and the world, we have reached a defining and critical moment in our history. With hearts inspired by love for God and Country, and devotion to duty, We The People must awaken and save our Constitution and Bill of Rights before it is too late. May every patriotic heart awaken to this call and join us.

"If you are not aware of this crisis, though it impacts
your welfare with each passing day, we invite you to consider the contents of this site."

Robert Schulz, Sr., Chairman,
We The People Foundation
for Constitutional Education, Inc.

I would venture to say that this effort can be a concerted effort involving many groups and organizations across America. WE The People (who agree with such strategy of dissent), can filter this information to their desired groups and act accordingly as more information is revealed. In my opinion, drastic times require drastic actions. These days in America are drastic times, for the majority of her citizens.Our government has turned a deaf ear to many of our grievances. There comes a time when we must do what is necessary to get our government`s attention. I believe this would do it.

There is an open-mic forum group where We The People are able to talk in REAL TIME about issues (& actions) like these. It is scheduled every Saturday night at 10:pm (EST). What unify those of us in this group is a sincere love of country and fellow country men. As well as a desire to see the American government return to the confines of the Constitution. An America for the people, by the people and of the people. For more information on how you can be a part of this discussion (in real time), go to Facebook and request to be a friend of Angil Corey. Let her know that you are interested in the open-mic forum. Join with us in discussion concerning our country and our future.

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Comment by youhavetoforgiveme on November 3, 2009 at 2:57pm
...isn't that "givemeliberTy.org"?

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