Admin Tasks guide.


Accepting & checking application of 12160 members.



1. look at pic, is it some sexy super model- or otherwise suggestive?

a - if the pic is site related like chem-trails pic or don't tread on me flag etc, this is a good sign of their intent

2. look at email address (on pending member page)

a - long seemly random letters or numbers is usually a spammer

b - name on email may be male yet a woman's name /pic is shown

c - Google nickname and email address in quotes - zero results or many many results is suspicious


A repeat spammer uses a pic of flowers and or the name happiness. Be leery of those from India, they will say this sometimes, and or the Philippines


Default declines

a- If answer to current question is simply Google or the net

b - just a one character response like "k" how did u find us answer would be "h" or whatever. More to be added (edited in) as I remember, this could be a guide for ning or new site.


Welcoming new members.

Please be encouraging and show them as much help they need to make use of all the features provided.

Be patient as some people are not computer literate.

There will be a help section on the feature and "How to do" guide in the blogs on here at some point. Please suggest some groups for them and look at our groups on offer.


Quick Group Finder.


also this may help with some newbies to post on there comment wall.



Please inform me of what FAQ needs answering and i will type up a solution guide.


Handling Comments On Posts.


Use encouraging comments and try to focus the attention to pointing out the NWO corruption.

Avoid religious debate if possible but steer the comment on to fighting the NWO.



Try to stay neutral and lead the discussions by example.

If we as admins become hot headed we might stir up the pot, leading to others wanting a turn at the stirring and all of a sudden, the pot is boiling over.

Stay level headed but in the right fight, Destroying the NWO. Keeping the discussion NWO related will definetely steer the discussions in the right direction and keep us grounded in fighting the NWO and not with each other.


Featuring Posts.


There are blogs, forum discussions, videos and pictures that stand out from the rest and deserve to be featured. You either can use your own judgement on what you would like to see featured or/and use the tools, Sitemeter or Who's Among Us applications to do so.


Tips for accessing which posts to feature.

The Sitemeter is located at the very bottom of the left hand side of the main page.

The Who's Among Us is towards the bottom right hand side of the page below the Fair Use Notice and appears as a little walking dude with a number.

By clicking either one of these features you can access how many members/visitors are navigating around the site, what they are viewing or reading, ect.

Also, there is a New->Most Active feature on ning that allows you to see the most active postings of members by how active the post is from fellow members comments and the like.

These are all great tools to use when figuring out what to feature.


WhatReallyHappened Feature team.

Please message these guys suggested links to post on the WRH, daily with items you think should be featured. label the messages "WRH articles to post"

Ken Troxel



Watching videos.


See Featuring Posts: ^




Picture viewing.


See Featuring Posts: ^




Watching, Commenting On Videos.


See Handling Comments On Posts: ^




Helping deal with problems.


Check to see if FAQ has a solution. If not there contact other to type out a solution




Approving Groups.


Groups that are added or deleted please add the groups name to the Admin incident & action page so that the quick group finder can be amended accordingly and we have a record as to why a deletion as the case may be.




Round table & topic nights.


Each Admin member picks one night of the month (Wednesday or Saturday) which suits them to host in terms of putting out the messaging/advertising for RT/Topic night. (does not need to participate but be on mic to moderate it for the first 2 hours). Please use the comment box on the Round Table & topic nights page to state which dates you want to do and so you can be added in... First comes in get preference but obviously please feel free to trade nights but give 24 hour notice or contact a fellow admin to get a replacement to cover the night.


Please help to fill out each task as guide for future recruits

Views: 43

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Comment by Nikki on February 19, 2011 at 4:03pm
If we did it on Sunday, we might have to forgo recording it if the recorders have been up all night working on the Saturday night RT.  Or possibly once a month just do an RT on Sunday morning in place of Saturday night.  Just ideas to consider....
Comment by Nikki on February 19, 2011 at 3:28pm
Tara, I was going to bring up daytime chats in the next meeting.  At this point, maybe it could be once a month on a Saturday/Sunday or in place of a night time RT.  Sky, what would be a good time to do this for our European members?
Comment by Tara on January 11, 2011 at 9:28am
I think this is looking great so far and can't think of anything more to add right now. Oh, maybe we can amend the Roundtable/Topic Nights to include an RT day and time that suits our European, across the pond friends and moreover, daytime dwellers in the US.
Comment by truth on November 9, 2010 at 10:47am
Great idea here, lets add to this as ideas come up!!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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