Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks during an exclusive interview with Associated Press editorial staff during his visit to the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012 in New York. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)
NEW YORK (AP) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that a new world order needs to emerge, away from years of what he called American bullying and domination.
Ahmadinejad spoke to The Associated Press in a wide-ranging interview on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly — his last as president of Iran. He was to address the Assembly Wednesday morning.
He also discussed solutions for the Syrian civil war, dismissed the question of Iran's nuclear ambition and claimed that despite Western sanctions his country is better off than it was when he took office in 2005.
"God willing, a new order will come together and we'll do away with everything that distances us," Ahmadinejad said, speaking through a translator. "I do believe the system of empires has reached the end of the road. The world can no longer see an emperor commanding it."
i live in Tehran, Iran from 8/77 - 1/79 during the revolution. I got a job running the learning center for Bell Helicopter so I had inside view of the Shah's power structure and came in contact with the SAVAK frequently. They were barbarians trained by the CIA at Fort Benning's School of the Americas. I saw them rough up two Morrison&Knudsen hard hats at the Mojestic Hotel for drinking a toast to the Shah in an off handed way and thrown out of the country. From my office window I saw a SAVAK shoot a guy standing at a bus stop across the street. The people were over joyed when the Shah left the country by helicopter. As for the women, they may wear the Chador however they are very very tough and take no nonsense from men. Their husbands are very obedient, or else wham!
The MSM is all over Ahmadinejad saying he is calling for a new world order (califate ) i guess were all supposed to be scared that those scary muslims will force us all to wear one of those body covers and never be able to go out without a man again! And Iran is gonna have that nuke any day now and blow Israel off the face of the earth and come do it to America NEXT!! If you believe that just demand you RFID chip now and ask for directions to the re~ education camp cuz you'd believe anything this godforsaken government will tell you ~ If there is a threat its right here at home in a ten mile square called D.C. ~ God only knows what horrors they have planned for the people who refuse to believe there lies any more !!! 911 was an inside job and the only terrorist is the one taking your freedom ~ The terrorist won ~ because if they hate us because were free ~ well all i have to say is NDAA ~ Patriot Act and free speech zone ~ The day we accepted any infringement of any right we lost it ~ not on 911 but many moons ago ~ 911 is just a symptom of a greater disease in this country called Apathy of the people ~ debauchery of the morals! The barbarians didn't have to storm the gates they did it from the inside, inside our schools, inside our churches and inside our wallets by infringement and bribery ~ IF OUR FREEDOM AND OUR LIFE is what the terrorist hate they have nothing to fear from America any longer we lost both ~ and seems if Jefferson and Franklin were here would say we deserve neither ~ the new world order i fear is not Ahmadinejad's it is the Zionist Rothchild bankers and there compliant Sorcerers killing us slowly~ Hitler was a boy scout compared to the ones we call the Elite and they think we are there property and nothing but dumb animals ~Ahmadinejad will not comply
You'll never get to the end of the road while you're travelling with me.
There are many countries just like us who love other people unconditionally it's ashame that all our governments are mostly bad people who do horrible things to others. Here in america We Are Trying To Make A HUGH CHANGE. Pray For Us All.
"Freedom" never should mean "free to lie, deceive, kill to steal"
carless of other's lawful wishes and rights.
will these Iranian children hate us because we are free? are we free? will we be free when they are all grown up? I am so sick of the lie that "they hate us because we are free! Are we creating enemies? How will these children see us in 10 years will our 10 year olds hate there 10yr olds in the future? Will our 10yr olds be killing there 10yr olds in the future? This endless undeclared war on terror has to end ~ thanks for that link Joe
Suzie.......i love Pinky & the Brain ! Smiles !
I am kinda diggin' this "new world order"....Iran is still one of the" jewels" (no pun intended) of the world, unTAINTED by Zio-globalist reach. Ckeck this out:
Such words can be taken many ways... The Abundance Paradigm is, in a sense, a "new world order..." But not one with a pyramid structure, not one with Some lording it over Others. The question would be what new world order Ahmadinejad had in mind.
How many times and ways does one say ~ our nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only ~ Ahmadinejad said~
"Now even elementary school kids throughout the world have understood that the United States government is following an international policy of bullying," he said. "I do believe the system of empires has reached the end of the road. The world can no longer see an emperor commanding it."
All i hear is how evil Iran an Mahmoud is ~ apparently he is the most evil man in the world i have actually heard the msm professionals call him Adolf Ahmandinejad~ fighting the main stream media's portrayal of this man ~ makes you feel like if you don't hate him too there is something seriously wrong with you~ i do not claim to know just how good or evil he is but i sense i am not being told the truth ~ I also do not understand the bitchin' about the scheduled speakers ~ who scheduled the speeches any way ~ i could not find an answer to that question ~ Was he not invited? Why don't we even listen to what he says instead of assuming what he will say and actually schedule walking out and not listening ~ How would we feel if we were invited half way around the world to speak at an assembly only to have the country say we shouldn't be there and walk out ~ it makes no sense to me~
"Destroying the New World Order"
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