'Al Qaeda: Coming soon again in New York': Mock movie poster warning of new terror plot sparks FBI investigation after it's discovered online (Joke, hoax or inside warning?)

'Al Qaeda: Coming soon again in New York': Mock movie poster warning of new terror plot sparks FBI investigation after it's discovered online

By Daily Mail Reporter



Authorities are trying to identify the source of what appears to be a mock movie poster warning that Al Qaeda wants to come back to New York City.

The New York Police Department and the FBI discovered the graphic on the internet on Monday.

It features a photo of the city at sunset with 'Al Qaeda' in bold type followed by 'Coming Soon Again in New York'.


Both the FBI and the NYPD said investigators have found no evidence so far that the posting represents a credible threat against New Yorkers.

The graphic was seen on several Arabic-language websites, including gulfup.com, according to NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.


Mock ad: The graphic was discovered on several Arabic-language websites by the NYPD and FBI, both of which are investigating

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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 4, 2012 at 2:36pm

@ honeygirl Considering that "Al Qaeda" is a CIA fiction, I would have to say You're spot on.

Comment by honeygirl on April 4, 2012 at 1:41pm

this has to be from the Dark government no way is it muslim

Comment by Bruce Hopkins on April 3, 2012 at 4:08pm

Hey, Apeman,

That copyright notice is not styled correctly, so, I doubt the police department had anything to do with it.  It should be styled, Copyright (c) by NYPD 2012.  (Sorry, I don't know how to generate the copyright symbol...).


If you don't have this info on the Koran (hate-filled killing book), check out




Comment by Cryptocurrency on April 3, 2012 at 3:41pm

lmao @ apeman... encore, encore!

Comment by apeman2502 on April 3, 2012 at 2:36pm

  I just noticed the copyright NYPD in the lower left hand corner. Looks like somebody else sees the entire state of New York as the perps and accessory after the fact for the NYC 9-11 attacks. Gee, there really are millions of us! Including pro graphic artists. Oh, the humanity. But remember, they could NOT have done it without the Bush White House. Al 'D' Gore was needed to lead the 'Global Warming' scam once the queen was caught STEALING from the Paupers' Emergency Heating fund to heat the hallowed halls of Buckingham palace.  So who is now doing the 9-11 follow up for the foreign based entity that is the 9-11 beneficiaries? We now know it was not Muslims. Who IS performing attacks against America? Who do freemasons, Rhodes Scholars, SAS, CIA, Skull and Bones Society,( teutonic Knights, Knights of Malta and jesuits answer to the Black pope of the Vatican), and that Jonestown of the middle east Israel, all answer to. It isn't God and it isn't your friend. Most people in these herds are not aware of their own group's focus, they just like the buffet table(been there).

  Can you say, "The City of London and the queen lizard"? I knew you could.

Comment by apeman2502 on April 3, 2012 at 2:10pm

  These traitors will spend 50 million tax dollars investigating a mocking fake movie poster and allow 9-11,the oil well blowout at the Maconda Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico, Wall Street looting, embezzlement of trilliuons of dollars to be guaranteed by tax payers after the Europeans offer up useless scrip as repayment, HAARP warfare against the U.S. from the Alaska HAARP facility and the other facility in the central states, the entities loyal to the Britannia alliance, the swine who intentionally blew up the Fukushima facility, and a few other domestic financial terror groups run amok. I may just be a little bunny rabbit, but I sure have much more comprehension of the world around me than that molesting fool leading the FBI. And there are millions of us with college degrees, ASE certificates, and farming experience. You would have to TEACH us how to betray our country and our people like the FBI does on a daily basis.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 3, 2012 at 2:06pm

Yeah...  Sounds like a fear campaign.  Planet Patriot...I agree.  I am an Ethical Planetarian.  Check out My blog for details on what an Ethical Plantarian is.  [smile]

Also, check out My petition:


The information there needs to reach the tipping point of awareness, so I hope You choose to spread the link far and widely.  

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