Alan Keyes and Randall Terry Action Plan for Notre Dame

Purpose of actions: Obama, as an extreme liberal, does not have the same values as Notre Dame; therefore, he should not be a speaker or receive an honorary degree from Notre Dame.

There is still a chance to win this and that is one step closer to winning other issues. Parents and students are getting involved.


The conference line for the call with Alan Keyes had problems so we did not have much time with him. Dr. Keyes wants this to go global. Randall Terry who is working with Alan at Notre Dame says the most important action right now is to come to Notre Dame this weekend. You can see their schedule of events at

Going with the pattern, people will go to jail. If you are willing to go to jail, then they need 90 more people to do this in order to have a huge impact. If you are not willing to go to jail but want to come stand with them, then please do that.

They do have some large places where you can stay, if you can bring a sleeping bag and rough it for a couple of days.

If you cannot come to Notre Dame, then have a prayer or a silent protest at a church, city hall, or anywhere in your area. More info on the Solidarity Rally at : If you plan to have one, go to the link and let them know so it can be posted.

You can read Mr. Terry's open letter to Prolife Leaders at

Dr. Keyes' website is at

Below are actions to support Alan Keyes and Randall Terry

• Sign the online petition

• Call Fr. Jenkins, and demand that they cancel the invitation for Obama to speak

Fr. John I. Jenkins C.S.C., president of ND:
Phone: 574-631-5000
Fax: 574-631-2770
Mailing: 317 Main Building, Notre Dame, IN 46556

• Ask Church officials for a rebuke:

Bishop John M. D'Arcy, Ft. Wayne/ South Bend: Write/call and thank him and request he uses his influence. Bishop to skip Notre Dame graduation over Obama's views

Fort Wayne Chancery
1103 S. Calhoun Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46801
(260) 422-4611

South Bend Chancery
114 W. Wayne Street
South Bend, IN 46601
(574) 234-0687

• Call your bishop, and ask him to make a PUBLIC STATEMENT against Notre Dame’s treachery;

• Complain to his order, Congregation of Holy Cross:
Indiana Province:
Rome Office:

• Write to Archbishop Burke and Cardinal Stafford in the Vatican, asking them to apply pressure against this scandal

Apostolic Signatura
Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect
Secretary: Frans Daneels, O. Praem.
Mailing Address: Palazzo della Cancelleria, 00186 Roma, Piazza della
Cancelleria, 1

Apostolic Penitentiary
Cardinal James Francis Stafford, Major Penitentiary
Mailing Address: Palazzo della Cancelleria, 00186 Roma, Piazza della
Cancelleria, 1
06 69 88 76 25 or 06 69 88 7526; 06 69 88 7523
Fax 06 69 88 75 75

• More to come. There will have an ongoing series of activities aimed at getting the University to withdraw its invitation, or Obama to “change his plans.”

Moreover, we have other plans in progress right now that we will tell you about in the near future. Please sign the petition, give us your email, and we will contact you soon with concrete actions you can take to "derail this train from hell."

• Other contact links:

ND Fellows:
ND Trustees (and others with influence):
Vatican Officials:

• Useful links (banners and more)

• Marching orders (how to hold your own press conference and more:

• Above all: Be ready to come to South Bend to lift up a voice of protest against this evil.

Check out the whole website for letters and more.

Also, I told them what Jacquerie with Wake Up America Movement suggested as a strategy. Randall liked the idea and he will let the protestors know about it.

It is get a black tie and put it over your mouth. Or, use any black cloth. You just want to make sure it is a straight edge, not one that hangs in a point over your mouth like a bandit.
Have a sign that says: The Silenced Majority

Be sure to put silenced, not silent.

Prayers to all for their safety and success in this protest.

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Comment by truth on May 16, 2009 at 12:45pm
17 arrested at Notre Dame on Friday

Several protests precede
Obama visit
17 arrested at Notre Dame on Friday

Updated: Friday, 15 May 2009, 7:10 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 15 May 2009, 6:09 PM EDT

* Jim Shella
* Edited by Andrew Bonner

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (WISH) - A demonstration at the University of Notre Dame led to 17 arrests Friday. It's part of the buildup to a visit by President Barack Obama on Sunday.

Republican Alan Keyes, arrested for the second time this week, lead the pro-life demonstrations against the president's visit. Several Notre Dame students are also objecting to a commencement speaker who supports abortion rights and embryonic stem cell research.

"We can't be sending a message to people that we value power and fame over our Catholic identity," said one student.

But the Catholic community is split over the debate. Obama carried the Catholic vote last year and former Notre Dame President Theordore Hesburgh joins other priests who support the invitation.

Father Thomas Reese said, "When we start banning speakers we look afraid. We look like we feel we can't come up with convincing arguments and I think that's a self-defeating strategy."

Barack Obama is the last in a long line of presidents to address Notre Dame graduates. They all disagreed with some positions held by the Catholic church.

The White House is downplaying the controversy.

Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, "The president intends to go to Notre Dame speak, accept the degree and come back to the White House."

Meantime, people who live near Notre Dame are preparing for crowds of protesters estimated to be as big as 20,000.

From South Bend, Barack Obama is coming to Indianapolis for two fundraisers at the downtown Westin Hotel. One will benefit the Democrat National Committee with a price tag of $15,000 per couple, the other benefits Democratic Congressmen Baron Hill, Joe Donnelly, Brad Ellsworth and André Carson.
Comment by Lyn on May 13, 2009 at 11:33pm
yet the WH comes out with the following. Would like to do know their poll source and how it is being polled. "White House: Most Catholics support Obama speaking at Notre Dame"

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