Alex Jones 10/16/19 Second Hour 26:00
Carl's other achievements include conspiring (failingly) with discredited youtube idiot Kraut and Tea to dox all of the Alt Right. In addition, like Jones' debate with David Duke, Benjamin has made a total fool out of himself trying to debate alt right leaders. While Jones banned people like me for pointing out inconvenient facts. Both ended up censored, as they well deserved to be.
Central Scrutinizer - It is sad, so sad, because back in the day, he did some good work. One of his last videos independent of his daily show was "Why I support Israel", and 100% of the comments (I scrolled don very far) were very negative, and many times more downvotes than upvotes (thank God not everyone is fooled). Even the guy who posts his vids on youtube, General Sheperd, agreed with my comment once about Jewns shilling for Israel. What can you do? David Knight is very good, however. He's lamented about the fact that one can not find anything about his show on the Infowars website.
Forgot to run in house other day and change the channel when j00Shill Jones show airs here @ noon, after rudely taking over a 1/3 of David Knight's Show, not by grabbing the Mic, but by inserting Ad after cheezy fargin Ad, now he's mocking a chinese person with horrible impersonations, and Holy ShitShow Shill-man!, Blowhard's now leading a huge mis-direction campaign for his sheeple peeple's by blaming these Chi-Com's for everything??? I about busted a gut & a nut when I heard him saying that it was the Chi-Comm's who owned Hollyw00d!!,,,Ba-HaHaHaHa... Gawd this fatfuk makes me physically sick now any time I hear that delirious A-holes sandpaper voice, pronouncing 3$ College words then acting like he knows what he's talking (reading) about while hawking his snake oils and IW baubles & trinkets.
I listen to DK daily, but this egomaniac's manic obsession to want to be famous, fooks Dave's show up with the stoopidist damn commercials....and I mean a shload of them. I stop watched DK's 3 hour show while back, everytime Blowhards voice kicked in, either with horrible impressions, certifiable section 8 rants, 3 minute snake oil pitches, the 5 minute babblings, that turn into 7-8 minutes of, "I got the most important message for u info warriors I've ever had to say in my life", least once a week... Horseshit...
Out of the 3 hours, blowhard's total voice time took up almost 50 minutes think it was something like 48 mins, 38 secs.... I mean, Knight's getting almost a 1/3 of his airtime sucked up by J00Shill Jones, then who comes on right after DK??... Yup, the Ol Fat Blowhard Bastard himself...AND for 4 solid hours!!! 4 ego filled hours of J00Shill Jones, All Jones, The Whole Jones, and nothing but the Jones....Jones news, Jone's Deep Reflections, , Jone's lunatic fringe rants, Jone's snake-oil commercials, & Jone's personal commentery's!!!
So Keep On Funding His Operation IW-Sheeple's, he needs another couple more million added to his Israeli Bank Account dammit!!!, SO BUY HIS BRAIN-DEAD SILVER-BONER SALVE!! (NOW WITH 23% MORE SALVE!!)..... and it's 50% off this week!
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