Wow. At least watch the first three minutes. The new Omnibus rime Bill in Victoria, Australia is a test before instituting like measures in other countries peopled by those of European descent.
Added by James Roberts on September 23, 2020 at 6:13am — No Comments
We are all in need of a humorous take on this week's news.
Added by James Roberts on September 21, 2020 at 5:42pm — No Comments
Angel Moms are mothers who have lost a child's life to illegal (most often) spic immigrants, by the way. "Hey, who the f*** do you think you are, trying to expose the multi-trillionaire Rothschild family, and the Zionists in general? You and your dead goyim son are little people. The Jews are gods on earth, and I worship them, and their mountains of gold. F*** you!" - DJT (slightly paraphrased).
T Rump supporters can all suck my great big cock at this point. Or, not, as you're…
ContinueAdded by James Roberts on August 26, 2020 at 2:09pm — No Comments
I like the segment on Bolsonaro picking up a child, who turned out to be a little person (the mask obscured this). Some much needed comic relief.
Added by James Roberts on August 26, 2020 at 7:53am — 1 Comment
Jacob what's his name? Record of sexual assault, domestic abuse, assault, etc. Like the author says, "Waah waah waah". 200 Antifa / BLM "activists should meet a reddish and abrupt end. That would calm things right down.
Added by James Roberts on August 25, 2020 at 7:32pm — 10 Comments
Some years ago, British scientists discovered a means of taking EKG and EEG readings from across a room. I can't find the reference again, yet, but I will, if it still exists on the web.
I believe that these signals constitute an as yet uncharacterized form of communication (subliminal, but very impactful) between human beings, and that this communication is responsible for a large percentage of human social behavior.
I believe that 5G and social distancing interfere with this…
ContinueAdded by James Roberts on August 21, 2020 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment
Booyah! Huzzah!
Added by James Roberts on August 19, 2020 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments
Never, until we burn everything down and start over. Sometimes you have to amputate the arms and legs to save the patient. In this case, they will grow back, eventually.
Kudos to Vee for having dual degrees in law and medicine. By the way. Mark of a White man.
Added by James Roberts on August 17, 2020 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments
(Most of) the world's indeed a stage. 33K shekels in 14 hours, not bad! According to Jones, the Rothschild family (as Opposed to the Rockefellers) is trying to give money back to the people. Yes, really. Bwahaha! It's so pathetic, what people can believe in.
Added by James Roberts on August 15, 2020 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments
Amen, brother!
Added by James Roberts on August 14, 2020 at 10:08pm — No Comments
Added by James Roberts on August 14, 2020 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments
The horror. The horror. So, what is the PPE for this? Depends soaked in Lysol? Will we have to take activated charcoal along with Remdesivir? What about politicians and celebrities who flatulate orally? Enquiring minds want to know the answers!
ContinueAdded by James Roberts on August 13, 2020 at 8:23pm — 4 Comments
Take the fluoride, GMOs, Cell phone radiation and Covid vaccines!!! It's all good, we would never hurt you. Honest! Fauci says!
Added by James Roberts on August 5, 2020 at 10:30pm — No Comments
I've been waiting for a good summary of this debate. Kudos to Hi Impact Flix for accomplishing it.
Full length debate, Robert Kennedy Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz (the latter a Jewish pedophile who visited Epstein's island, and who worked hard to get Epstein, and himself, the sweetheart deal, and who used the courts, along with his part-Jewish friend Mike Cernovitch,…
ContinueAdded by James Roberts on August 3, 2020 at 10:00pm — 4 Comments
Bravo! Huzzah! Zounds and Odds Bodkins! Booyah! One for the good guys (and girls)! God is truly great!
Mr. Obvious Bitchute channel video
From Bitchute comments -…
ContinueAdded by James Roberts on August 1, 2020 at 3:30pm — No Comments
From the reliable, sincere voice of Dahboo 77. More truth in seven minutes than in 7,000 minutes of the more popular talking heads on the right. STOP falling into line. God damn, what do people need, a singing telegram?! Halle-fucking-lujah, finally, some unvarnished truth.
Added by James Roberts on July 31, 2020 at 9:30pm — No Comments
Before John Roberts vetoes it, of course, along with his Jewish cohorts on the Supreme Court. The Jews are masters of using language deceptively, especially as to law. They're like the villain, Benjamin Linus, on the TV series Lost. He would end up tied to a chair and beaten, very justifiably, and talk his way out of it, often talking his captors into fighting each other while he escaped. The Jews likely invented fine print in contracts. They'll turn this on it's head, big tech will…
ContinueAdded by James Roberts on July 30, 2020 at 5:00pm — No Comments
I do hate to use all caps in the title, but, it's Soph, the most articulate spokesperson for truth in all of the internet. All hail Soph! Send her $10.
ContinueAdded by James Roberts on July 19, 2020 at 9:42pm — 1 Comment
Coronachan Channel Bitchute Video
"Public health" officials' life spans need to match exactly that of gung-ho anti-cartel police chiefs in Mexico. Or else we will suffer the worst case.
Added by James Roberts on July 19, 2020 at 9:00pm — No Comments
"Destroying the New World Order"
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