Robert Kennedy Demolishes Dershowitz With Big Pharma / Vaccine Facts In Debate

I've been waiting for a good summary of this debate. Kudos to Hi Impact Flix for accomplishing it.

Hi Impact Flix Bitchute video

Full length debate, Robert Kennedy Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz (the latter a Jewish pedophile who visited Epstein's island, and who worked hard to get Epstein, and himself, the sweetheart deal, and who used the courts, along with his part-Jewish friend Mike Cernovitch, to try to destroy the credibility of witnesses against Epstein). Dershowitz being the man who said the govt has an absolute right to drag you off to a hospital and forcibly inject you with unknown substances, as being somehow Constitutional. The debate host has defended the censorship and banning of Judy Mikovits' Plandemic video because it may "scare a lot of people" ("I understand that." "There are plenty of other videos of Judy Mikovits that you can still watch."). By the way.

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Comment by James Roberts on August 5, 2020 at 12:51am

LP - I couldn't agree more. Like Lindsay Graham, or Bernard Kerik, Fox keeps inviting him on. What gives?

Comment by Less Prone on August 4, 2020 at 3:10pm

It tells a lot about our society when pedo creeps like Dershowitz are given any media attention, let alone credibility.

Comment by James Roberts on August 4, 2020 at 2:31pm

I very much believe I can cure RFK Jr's speech impediment, by th way. Simple, easy, cheap, very non-toxic, made to DIY. That must've been a horrible thing to go through life with. He's on my mailing list, so, soon. Imagine the feeling of relief.

Comment by James Roberts on August 4, 2020 at 1:20pm

Thank you, Less Prone!

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