It began as early as in pre-World War I America according to Norman Dodd that the trusted educational charity foundations were already injecting socialism into the American public classroom. Russian, Bolshevik, professors were being brought to the US to help bring about confusing mathematics and contradictory logic to teaching while seeing to it that consensus was the priority among students, not objective fact. Supposedly the mission was that at some point in time America and Russia would unite socially with a common ideology, but instead the tool of dumbing down the mind of the general public has been used to keep a destructive political party in power (Democrats) who have adopted every tenant of the Communist doctrine as their foundational guide. John Dewey, considered to be a hero among educators advocated control of the child’s mind in the classroom by the state. It was here in the early stages of development that the state could impose its agenda upon the young pupil.
Shooting themselves in the foot
Americans have stupidly voted in men who are unqualified and unpatriotic to offices they should never have been elected to. A history of being our own worst enemies Americans will allow traitors who sleep with the enemy, get paid off by the enemy, and take their orders form the enemy to remain for decades in office. Examples given: Pelosi as Democrat Speaker of the House, Diane Feinstein, Senator of California, Barbara Boxer, Democrat office holder of California, Eric Swalwell, Congressman of California, sleeping with a Communist Chinese spy, who financed his election campaign with foreign money. Gavin Newsome, a governor who encourages illegal immigration, discourages coal and gas and tells his residents to buy EV’s then as the electric grid nears collapse and utility costs are sky high, begs his constituents not to charge their electric cars? This kind of stupidity has California in the midst of wildfires, unable to offload container barges that sit offshore waiting for months to unload, gasoline prices to be the highest in the nation, environmental fees charged by the state that make building new plants by firms such as Intel forced to seek other jurisdictions, as companies and people alike flee the troubled state. If you want to predict the future of America if the Electoral College is outlawed or enough states turn blue, just take a look at the disaster we know as California and that will be the state of America in the near future.
What to expect
If Democrats are elected in your city, county or state: expect violent criminals to be released from custody without bail. Expect taxes to increase. Expect support for filth to be interjected into independent school district classrooms in your area. Expect the police to be defunded or severely limited in ways they can stop crime. Expect local run regulations to push for outlawing personal firearms so that only criminals carry weapons. Expect a call for abortion as a woman’s reproductive right. Expect your city to become a sanctuary for illegal aliens. Believe it or not there are your own fellow countrymen who not only vote for these treasonous idiots, but will get in your face and angrily argue with you over these destructive policies as they only identify with one party regardless of how damaging their programs. Go back to that consensus emphasis interjected in the classroom. Those who have fallen for group think are easily persuaded.
Why? Because Stupidity rules
How in America, supposedly land of the free, do we have groups like ANTIFA, planning to fire bomb Tesla car dealerships? Why are these people tolerated and not arrested? BLM who marches down a street calling for the murder of the police, this is not freedom of speech! A party that uses the Communist Manifesto as its mission statement (Democrats) how are they even allowed on Capitol Hill? There’s a difference between “Freedom of speech” and yelling fire in a crowded facility. There is a difference between freedom of speech and a political party advocating Communist rule under different narratives like “Progressive” or the “Woke” agenda. When the Democrats refuse to denounce violent rioting, burning of our towns, destruction of storefronts, trashing police cars, and beating up Trump supporters while secretly financing these paid thugs, and this is what the news calls peaceful protests and the right to demonstrate and protest? The killing of the unborn is a right of women? No, let’s rephrase that, a woman’s reproductive health? Is that a better way to sell it?
Using unrest as a tool of deception
Once again, in America stupidity rules! The Democrats can keep people at each other’s throats as social unrest serves them well. It distracts us from focusing on the issues. It keeps people emotional rather than rational. It intentionally stokes hatred for those the Democrats have labeled as “White Supremacists” you know that invisible army of bigoted Caucasians always killing blacks all over the nation? Those African American killing cops who are constantly on the lookout for another victim especially after you’ve shot at them, refused to follow instructions, or tried to get their taser away from them or even their gun? How about this. Your tax dollars for transgender men in Pakistan while US war veterans are starving and homeless. How’s that for compassionate Democrat sentiment? Oh yes, there are people out there, your fellow countrymen who would defend this stupidity with their lives as long as it doesn’t interfere with their ballgame, reality TV show, or Southern Poverty Law Center rally to burn down one of those abortion alternative centers that let pregnant mothers hear their baby’s heartbeat and see it on a sonogram.
Submitting to the false narratives
Stupidity rules in America. The no good President Trump! HE GOT AMERICANS THE BIGGEST TAX BREAK IN US HISTORY! His polices made for the most prosperous US economy in history possible. He secured the US southern border because he personally went down there when neither the GOP or Democrats would, identified the problem, and passed bills to fund the border wall and support the law enforcement, who are our first line of defense, but according to the Democrats that was racist, and Trump was a “Nationalist” a new talking point of BS for the Democrats to use and the stupid, low information voter to adopt. How about class warfare? One of the poster child enemies labeled by the Communists in every country they takeover “The Rich”. Makes no difference that they create jobs, fund new companies that their own consumption fuels employment to produce the products they buy such as boats, cars, luxury homes, and seed money for business startups. No, we can’t have that. We can’t have people who are smarter, more inventive, more ambitious, and who create new products for the consumers. No, that’s capitalism, and that’s bad! This is what naivety of the typically stupid American buys into, and then wonders why we have a failing economy, higher prices, and fewer choices. Call it stupidity! It’s the true pandemic, the true epidemic that plagues us!
Welcome to the machine
What does the enemy use that is so effective in the dumbing down process? Subliminal advertisement? A classroom that indoctrinates rather then educates? Television programming targeted at the mentality of a 3rd grader? A federal government that is so corrupt that it fights the defense of its own Constitution? Political leaders who are installed through a rigged system that would rather lead the country into a currency collapse than control spending through a balanced budget amendment? All of these and more! Since 2008 and the election of Barack Obama as a Democrat president the race the edge of the cliff has been accelerated! Even when Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” proved that Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud the Democrats began calling anyone who acknowledged the irrefutable evidence as fraud would be labeled “Birthers” in marginalizing those with critical thought who refused to go along with the sheep herd of stupid low information voters who after a series of disastrous Democrat failures still voted for the party of Communism! Once again, stupidity rules in America!
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