Are illegal aliens getting you down? Do you hate them?
The American mantra institutions push market deregulation that transforms foreign economies for the benefit of U.S. businesses. Post-NAFTA Mexicans are now importing U.S. grown corn for their tortillas, as millions of formally subsidized peasant farmers leave the land to seek minimum wage work in the cities of the United States and the slum cities of Mexico. Los Angeles has become the center for the new American sweatshops, as “illegals” compete for poverty jobs that citizens cannot afford to accept.
Government-assisted foreign market penetration by U.S firms often results in the buying out of successful indigenous companies and the competitive overwhelm of others. This situation leaves U.S. multinationals in dominant positions in foreign domestic markets and creates win-fall profit taking opportunities.
The free market mantra carries with it shock treatment policies of lowering public expectations, forced austerity measures, and dismantled human services. A privately run water system is deemed superior to a public system because the profit motive will create maximum efficiency. Yet there is absolutely no research that systematically compares public verses private efficiency levels, only the dogmatic assertion that this is so.
The American mantra affects the U.S. population as well. Poverty and unemployment are rising, the working poor expanding and homelessness one pay check away for many.
Our corporate masters and our own government have created the mess we have here in this country with illegal aliens.
It is time to re-examine the American mantra and speak for global humanity. We must establish business socio-economic accountability standards and reacquaint our government with its responsibility for maintaining the common good.
An end to corporate subjugation of the American government is the only way to stop illegal aliens and until that happens, if it ever does, we should embrace every illegal that makes it here because if we don't get control of this soon we'll all be illegals looking for work in foreign countries since we won't be able to find suitable work here.
We're allowing the corporations to control our futures. Hug an illegal alien today.
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