America could be ‘taken over,’ warns Ross Perot

Former presidential contender and billionaire Ross Perot is worried that America is a sitting duck for an unnamed foreign invader. In an interview for his new autobiography, Perot said the nation's weak economy has left us open for a hostile takeover—and neither presidential candidate is the man to save the country.

Citing an impending fiscal cliff,  Perot warned of disaster. "If we are that weak, just think of who wants to come here first and take us over," the former CEO of info-tech company Perot Systems told USA Today on Monday.

"The last thing I ever want to see is our country taken over because we're so financially weak, we can't do anything," Perot says.

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Comment by Maria De Wind on October 6, 2012 at 10:50am
Comment by Jim Braun on October 3, 2012 at 7:39am

You are right maria,been that way for a long time. Now we are looked at as collateral damage to their system and time to dump all the fat,us. This is how the elite think,"He who die's with the most toy's,win's" I will explain later what is being done so they can live a very long time. A hint,ever see ROBO-COP?

Comment by Maria De Wind on October 3, 2012 at 5:01am

everyone with a Social Security Number  you are a possesion owned by the government. The US is in so much debt, that in 1933 when America declared bankrupcy, it started using its citizens as collateral. You are nothing but a number to them.

Read more:


There are probably many other references to it here at 12160

when you get a social security number and card you sign away your rights as a sovereign citizen and your personage falls under maritime law,giving the government the right to exact taxes and enforce health and safety codes in regards to your person.

Comment by Elaine Morris on October 2, 2012 at 11:43pm

Explain please "YOU are owned."???  Just me? Or everyone?

Comment by Maria De Wind on October 2, 2012 at 11:29pm

Elaine I see no contradiction since you are OWNED  and have been so for many years now. The newest proprietors of US CORP are just disposing of the assets and will be getting rid of liabilities in an as profitable manner as they can, just as they've done with other countries in the past using America as their Imperial Tool

Comment by Jim Braun on October 2, 2012 at 6:42pm

External strife is a facade,internal strife is reality. We the people,uh,what is left,are now facing a regime. No more a gov of the people. Still more than half of America don't see it,think all this is a lie,or just BS. The upper middle is getting rich off the lower still and just don't want to hear rehtoric. Soon they as with all others will find they no longer have a dime,then what?

Comment by Elaine Morris on October 2, 2012 at 1:44pm

Sweet.., I am very aware of the land given to China...And, due to who we have as president, I do NOT doubt the possibility that you are 100% right about the use of the land.  What I would like to have is the URL of the article that states THE REASON they were given the land....

Comment by Sweettina2 on October 2, 2012 at 5:17am

Putin has warned that if one move is made towards Syria or Iran will spell certain disaster. He said their missiles are trained on us and Israel because they know we are acting on their behalf.  China was given land a year or more ago to build plants (and room for housing workers, slave camps) in many cities all over the U.S.  Communists/Zionists have taken over, they are the shadow government. We are likely to get the same punishment they are given.

Comment by Elaine Morris on October 2, 2012 at 12:51am

Peter, I do NOT like agreeing with you; BUT!  you are 100% right!

Comment by Patriot Pete on October 2, 2012 at 12:47am

"Destroying the New World Order"



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