Image result for ANTIFA rioters

When I think of the lies that have become truth and the truth that has been made into lies by the left, the Democrats, the Never Trumpers, and the influence of our foreign enemies I find it hard to cope. A President who tirelessly worked for the people who loved him, yet had the election stolen out from underneath him. Everyone knows it! Yet, those responsible don't bat an eye, they simply go on telling more lies and seeking more ways in which to restrict our behavior. Government appointees and bureaucrats who will impose their perverted need to control the masses are never questioned and when someone Like President Trump did, they found a way to accuse him of imaginary crimes and flood the media for all the low information voters with propaganda for them to believe.

Image result for ANTIFA rioters

Stopping the liberator

The most loyal and productive US President in history under constant attack and still he overcame so much only to be stabbed in the back one last time by our enemies while his so-called party members capitulated and went along for the hanging party in Congress. the truth means nothing anymore and lies are accepted like rain drops on parched soil. Even in the Bible it states that in the last days when right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right God shall even feed the delusions of the wicked and evil. Surely we are seeing this today as people seem to be willing to accept logic that allows murder and corruption while they attack the good and hard working public servants so few and far between such as Donald J. Trump and what few dedicated senators and congressman still support him.

Blatant crimes

James Clapper announces on national TV that Barrack Obama ordered the illegal surveillance on the Trump election campaign. What has happened? Nothing! Joe Biden brags about withholding 1 billion dollars in US taxpayers money to the Ukraine unless their prosecutor who is investigating his crack head son, Hunter, who has been laundering millions in foreign dollars illegally, what is done about it even when the FBI has had his lap top for a year in their possession and have refused to probe the contents. Nothing is done about it while the US media hides the news that could have changed the minds of 4.6% of Democrat voters who would have switched their vote to Donald Trump had they known! This single shred of suppressed evidence would have changed the course of an already corrupt election!


Now we stand upon the precipice of inaugurating a new President who in 47 years as a so-called public servant achieved nothing of consequence for the American masses. This senile old fool stands to be indicted for felony charges for overseas embezzlement, racketeering, and money laundering, an offense that cost Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager, a long stint in isolation after being roughed up by a Democrat ordered early morning raid at his home, treating this 65 year old man like an armed drug dealer! Justice in America is nothing but a sad politically biased hoax!

Sanctioned brutality

For six months of the year 2020 ANTIFA and BLM rioted in the streets of cities like Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, and Minneapolis while Democrat mayors and governors refused to back their police, or call in for National Guard assistance then attempted to get billions from the federal government for repairs! In the nation's capital this summer as demonstrations raged over the appointment of a very capable female justice for the Supreme Court fires raged, conservative people and politicians were attacked by crowds of ANTIFA and BLM while carts of bricks and other weapons were dropped off at curbside. Not once did the Democrat party speak out against the violence, destruction of public property, injuries, or deaths! Yet, while President Trump made a speech at the White House a 45 minute walk away at the Capitol Building anarchists who had nothing to do with Trump supporters broke into the entrances, parked a truck full of Molotov cocktails out from and a false flag was set up to incriminate the Trump crowd once they ambled in from where their beloved President had just given a speech that had nothing to do with inciting violence!


Despite film of the police allowing people into to the Capitol Building, despite the time line not corresponding to the arrival of Trump supporters from the President's speech, not only did the Democrats accuse the President of invoking hatred and destruction but now the FBI says that ANTIFA had nothing to do with the violence and attacks on the Capitol Police when it was reported that the Sergeant of Arms called and begged for backup from Pelosi and the Democrats! Obviously, a false flag was implemented despite facts that pointed to paid agitators willing to use pipe bombs and incendiary devices! What has happened to America when we know that our most sacred institutions have been infiltrated and corrupted? What are we supposed to do?

No way out but one

So, while the Democrats who by a mountain of evidence that state and district courts refused to hear stole the election with Dominion machines programmed to steal Trump votes or delete them all together were used again to keep Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue from getting a fair election a criminal President elect, Joe Biden, is going to be inaugurated and America set to be flooded with Communist oriented laws and tax increases playing right into the hands of our enemies, we who supported President Trump, our Constitutional Republic, and the American way of life will become strangers in our own land and most likely suffer at the hands of the elites who have suggested reorientation camps, throwing Trump supporter children into FEMA camps, shaming those publicly for being a Trump supporter, and even harassment and beatings uninterrupted by local police as we have already seen! When you take morality out of society and allow political leaders to take the place of God in your country this is what happens!

Image result for National Guardsmen

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Comment by Doc Vega on January 14, 2021 at 2:54pm

Twilight Zone, Yeah Dude good analogy. Too bad most feed the evil wolf.

Comment by Parrhesia on January 14, 2021 at 2:45pm

Humanity has been deceived into believing that which is an illusion is real and what is real has no importance.  Each person has free will to choose which path he follows.  

An old man told his grandson, “My son, there is an endless battle that goes on inside all of us. It is between two wolves. One wolf is bad – he is anger, envy, regret, greed, arrogance, resentment, lies, superiority and ego. The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old man answered, “The one you feed.”

Comment by Doc Vega on January 14, 2021 at 2:20pm

Twilight Zone, Graham is a very decent man who doesn't is definitely not a Bible thumping hypocrite. He's right on as you said. I'll tell you where that hatred comes from-Lucifer, Satan, the Destroyer, and I'll tell you why. Human nature sucks bad enough, but ask yourself if not a separate entity who has existed alongside  of us here on Earth since the beginning hasn't been initiating jealousy, greed, envy, hate, and arrogance as all the basic human drives that have not changed since our inception and have stubbornly continued to drag us down. Not evolution or even instantaneous adaptation could scientifically explain such self destruction. Only a malevolent being dedicated to our deception and failure.

Comment by Parrhesia on January 14, 2021 at 11:03am

I'm not a "Christian" per se, but Rev. Franklin Graham hit the nail on the head.  The hatred is holding humanity in a lower frequency and evil feeds on it and becomes stronger.

"I don’t think I have ever seen the level of hatred we are seeing around us today," said Rev. Graham in a Jan. 12 post on Facebook. "It’s chilling. Where does this hate come from? It comes from the human heart."

"America has a spiritual crisis," said Graham.  "We have turned our back on our Creator, the Author of our freedom, and the One who has bestowed on us the bounty of this land that we enjoy."

Comment by Doc Vega on January 14, 2021 at 10:24am

Twilight Zone I never thought I would see the day when they would lay us so low and so obviously and tell us that we were wrong and we were the ones who deserved the anal rape!

Comment by Parrhesia on January 13, 2021 at 6:33pm

Our government is rotten to the core with corruption.  There may be about ten people in government that should be moved from DC and then a Sodom and Gomorrah event should happen with the remainder there.  A clean slate with term limits for the replacements.  This country has definitely lost sight of the principles on which it was founded.  

"Destroying the New World Order"



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