[Another proof that there is NO DIFFERENCE in MSM and so-called "alternate media". For me this is no surprise, having known about Pacifica/Amy's funding for some time....(click on the image to see how many of the repulsive teets these two suck on) and like they say, "He who takes the king's money becomes the king's man." -- ancient saying)]
Amy Goodman of Democracy NOW! has become one of the most disingenuous news figures this country has to offer and that’s saying a lot because there are numbers of them. She is not worthy of your trust, she is not worth of your time, she is not worthy of your respect… anymore....(continued)
re goodman she may just be dumb but her pal cole is an intelligence asset seen that documented
oh women's lib can be good wapc in uk took it to the cops but in the us it piggy backed off the civil rights movement and had been recist as far back as frederic douglass and susan b antony later for them--immigrant rights--hmmm ok if Black people come first--otherwise u are just increasing the labor force and gertting a race to the bottom immigrant rights-- well the best thing say for mexicans is to stay and overthrow their rotten gov-- if our gov is for immigtant rights makes you think if our gov is for sanything makes you think
to whoever dissed the green movement--i don't know anything about except it has a video of cyntthia mcKinna yelling Shame on John Lewis for supporting funding for bombing libya--now it was a good video whoever they are--and John Lewis apologized as great men do--27 beatings near death in alabama--no i could never yell shame on john lewis though his policy on palestine is just aweful but maybe folks could convince him to change his mind-- as for rest of post gay rights is a reactionary globalist movement (I use the word fascist carefully) but how are you gonna convince people of that--again I don't much care if people marrie turtles but anyone who watch those gay men push black folk out of manhatten ain't no way I support it I hasve posted almost the same thing on my fb page somewhere--I think the hijacking started in 72
"A functioning BS detector" is the key! And your's seems to be working just fine ;-)
This is most apparent to me with the 'green' movement, which is more fascist than 'left' or socialist or any other 'ist'. Followed by gay rights (not that I'm against such a concept - but hear me out!) and immigrant rights.
My pet theory for the past few years now is that the left has been slowly hijacked over the years - away from an anti-corporate stance, and particularly away from a pro-labor stance, largely from within.
Bingo! Everything -- every "movement" that you hear about is "hijacked" is something you can take to the bank; every "anti-establishment" writer/leader you will find has sold his soul to one bidder or another (see this for an example or two). Fully agree with you on the GW and it was borne out by ClimateGate' and Cap-and-trade; and immigration is of course 100% a tool to depress labor costs just like the "Women's Lib" movement was used in the 50s (but let's not blame the immigrants -- they are just trying to survive; direct all anger at the lawmakers and the big farms and corporations pushing those "reforms").
That' s a really great chart. I admit though, I get most of my news not from 'alt-media' but from friends and message boards and a few other sources, along with a functioning BS detector.
In particular there are a lot of Lefty sites, even blogs that in many respects aren't that left-wing, at least in the Arthur Scargill cloth-cap stripe. This is most apparent to me with the 'green' movement, which is more fascist than 'left' or socialist or any other 'ist'. Followed by gay rights (not that I'm against such a concept - but hear me out!) and immigrant rights.
My pet theory for the past few years now is that the left has been slowly hijacked over the years - away from an anti-corporate stance, and particularly away from a pro-labor stance, largely from within.
Think for instance about global warming, which I've thought for a while is a complete fraud. Most of the sites and media and pundits supporting it are seen as Left-wing, while 'denialism' is viewed as Conservative or Right wing. This dichotomy is intentional.
Same goes for immigration and gay rights. Splinter the Left in to various factions, claim opponents are right wing and ignore labor altogether.
Gay rights advocates, for example, tend to be higher-income than average, and more likely to favor the status quo when it comes to the economy. Anti-immigrants are cast as racist, when the reality is that immigration is handy tool for tptb to depress labor costs.
Green measures are always in the form of taxes and fees or subsidies to companies, not in fining corporations that pollute, erecting trade barriers to companies that take advantage of laxer laws elsewhere, etc.
Welfare entitlements are also cast as a 'left wing issue' but who loves welfare the most? Those at the top! They buy off the masses at the bottom who would otherwise revolt, those in the middle pay for it all, and those at the top laugh to themselves as they deflect middle-class rage at those worse off than they.
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