Response to Chris Hedges' amalgam of half-truths 'A Decade After 9/11: We Are What We Loathe'

Response to Chris Hedges' amalgam of half-truths 'A Decade After 9/11: We Are What We Loathe'

Zahir Ebrahim | Project

September 13, 2011

Our brutality and triumphalism, the byproducts of nationalism and our infantile pride, revived the jihadist movement. We became the radical Islamist movement’s most effective recruiting tool. We descended to its barbarity. We became terrorists too. The sad legacy of 9/11 is that the assholes, on each side, won.” --- Chris Hedges,, September 11, 2011, A Decade After 9/11: We Are What We Loathe

What rubbish. I have been convinced for a long time that prominent dissent-artists like Chris Hedges are part of the problem. Why? Because people like him continually lend credence to something called “Islamist movement” and its “most effective recruiting tool.”

With Chris Hedges award-winning brand-name, all websites publish him, including which incidentally has never published any submission of my original writing that I have ever submitted to them. With his brand-name, Chris Hedges has continually manufactured dissent ( ) since 9/11 while retaining the core-lies and core-axioms of empire.

Thus, while decrying “Our brutality and triumphalism”, he manages to lend credence to its counter-insurgency operations ( ) against “the jihadist movement” as something existential rather than diabolically manufactured, lamenting: “The sad legacy of 9/11 is that the assholes, on each side, won.”

One side Chris Hedges discloses as: “Our brutality and triumphalism”. That is the truth. Which is the other side? According to Chris Hedges, it is “the radical Islamist movement”! That is a full lie. Together it constitutes a half-truth for perception management. As per a Jewish proverb, a half-truth is a full lie!

The journalist par excellence, Mr. Chris Hedges, in his full lie, did not state the empirical fact that the Western oligarchy is using “Our brutality and triumphalism” to usher in one-world Government by inventing both sides of the Hegelian Dialectic. This fabrication is subsequently openly used to justify global governance – even the Financial Times ( ) is calling for it using the Hegelian Dialectic as the most natural justification, and both empiricism and the EU president coldly confirming it.

Perhaps Chris Hedges is only blind? After all, only morons, the deaf, the dumb, and the mute win prizes and accolades from empire... right?


Empire also fabricates dissent-chiefs to lead the dissentstream just as much as they fabricate pontiffs to lead psyops dissemination to the mainstream. The are both merely the contrasting tunes of the Mighty Wurlitzer ( ). It is the Mighty Wurlitzer that spins the yarn that 9/11 was an invasion from abroad reinforcing the core-axioms of the Pentagon, the White House, and the Western State Allies in the 'War on Terror', that there is some natural reality to “militant Islam” which attacked America. While echoing that core-lie, the dissent is the blowback mantra, and the bold admission of reactionary excesses that because of “Our brutality and triumphalism, the byproducts of nationalism and our infantile pride”, “We [have] became terrorists too”.

That show of conscience collects many conscionable people in the society around them who also object to “Our brutality and triumphalism”. It is empire which lends these collection-agents respectability and credibility.

Indeed, the reactionary excesses of the sole superpower leading to domestic police-state and international barbarism, is the foundational mantra of virtually all respectable Western dissent. I.e., dissent which is officially anointed and not dismissed outright as 'conspiracy theory' ( ). In the tightly controlled Left–Right discourse space, it is deemed high-minded scholarship to challenge these reactionary excesses of the sole superpower and to lay them at the doorstep of short-sighted escalation of chauvinistic foreign policies fueled by the war-profiteering motives of its military-industrial complex.

Virtually one hundred percent of what is deemed respectable Western dissent espouses this foundational axiom. It works well because it draws upon selective empiricism couched in omissions to demonstrate its veracity. But a half-truth is still only a full lie.

This is exactly the same controlled-dissent genre of lauded pontiffs of dissentstream spanning the gamut from Messrs. Ron Paul ( ) to Noam Chomsky ( ) et. al. on the Left-Liberal-Libertarian nexus, to Foxnews-Right-wing-Religion-Intelligence-State-worship-Patriotism nexus.

I invite Truthdig to publish the examination referenced below written by a Muslim, yours truly, belonging to the 'untermensch' civilization bearing the full brunt of Chris Hedges' admission that “We became terrorists too,” and “We Are What We Loathe".

Such banal statements can perhaps win Mr. Hedges multiple Pulitzer prizes for their profundity --- precisely because these neither inform nor educate to the degree necessary for unraveling the entire Hegelian Dialectic, lest it spawn a real resistance movement with teeth singularly focussed on the puppetmasters orchestrating the “clash of civilizations”. This style of dissent-lite only enables introducing and sustaining beneficial cognitive diversity for the purpose of defocussing the energies of conscionable peoples – its primary objective – until fait accompli.

This same learned journalist, and his other confreres in the news media, academe and think-tanks, will be writing all about it in the one-world government and laughing their way to more accolades for their ex post facto brilliance. This is the quid pro quo offered by history's actors to the scribes for playing along with platitudes and inconsequential punditry:

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’ — Senior Bush Advisor, The New York Times, October 17, 2004

The real sad legacy of 9/11 is the matrix which intelligent people like Chris Hedges et. al., have woven to keep the American public perpetual prisoners of the cave.

While it is true that the martial military-industrial culture created in the United States can superficially be characterized by “War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning”, that meaning is neither accorded by its peoples, nor by the unnatural puppetshows they are forced to endure from body-bags to bankruptcies, but enforced upon America by its ruling oligarchy which profits from the mayhem enroute to accomplishing their global governance. The dissent which echoes the axioms of empire is working for the same interests.

Here is a link to my article which takes a forensic look into the Dynamics of Mantra Creation: Islamofascism, to demonstrate the villainous half-truth and outright deception embedded in Chris Hedges' manipulative narrative:

Hijacking the word 'Islam' for Mantra Creation

Or more in-depth deconstruction:

Anatomy and Architecture of Modern Propaganda Techniques for Psychological Warfare

I specifically hope Truthdig will publish my forensic counterpoint analysis in response to this emotional fluff piece they have put out on the tenth anniversary of 9/11 so that vaunted pontiffs like Chris Hedges, if genuinely misled themselves, will become more informed and stop unwittingly mis-informing other people.

I hope Chris Hedges will offer a riposte other than silence to my analysis if I am mistaken.

Thank you.

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The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley ( ), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by numerous publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at Verbatim reproduction license at

Last updated 09/13/2011 23:00:05 1378

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Comment by Nota Khan on September 14, 2011 at 6:29am
And I hope you didn't miss the "dissent chief" of sorts, Robert Fisk's piece:

Robert Fisk sells out: drinks the "Muslims did 9-11" Kool-Aid

P.S. A PERFECT example of Kool-Aid is provided us by The Guardian (on another subject, Libya):

Gaddafi is gone. Long live unity, democracy and the rule of law | H...

"Destroying the New World Order"



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