An agnostic's point of view: Battered and assaulted from birth, equals indoctrinated Sheeple...which are you?

Brainwashed child, taught to hate, not love...

     What’s so disheartening and therefore virtually impossible for us to even conceive, is the fact, that what we were and still are being taught to believe in today, is just one gigantic lie, a deceit so extensive and huge in its size and disguise, it’s surely too unbelievable that it could be true, - yet this grand scheme and falsehood just continues to perpetuate on and on, century following century, decade after decade, year in and year out, each sunrise and preceding sunset, hour after subsequent hour, minute by minute and each and every ticking second of the day, we have been lied to and conditioned beyond belief, so subtly and subliminally has it been manufactured, produced and then enforced upon us that we hardly even realise it, or in fact know what’s been done to us in the first place, and by those very people we have put all our faith and trust in.

and junkies of war whom are out to fuck the masses of mankind, whatever your country of origin, colour, race or religion, - they’re “all” in on it, and we don’t even come into the equation. 

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Those whom occupy the minute tip of the pyramid, consisting of a mere few hundred Masonic/Illuminati Black Nobility and “new money” linked families, with the help of around 140,000 high Degree Freemasons running and controlling the billions of us, and which has only been made achievable with the help of their 7 million or so Masonic foot soldiers, whose sole purpose is occupying the remaining overall area of the pyramid, and not forgetting the even more millions of members who too belong to the many related fraternities.

the Lodge Room.


They want us blinded, bamboozled and kept in the dark, whilst their bullshitting their way through our lives, emphasising on things such as;

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CLIMATE CHANGE and how we ought to help out those citizens in oil rich countries such as Iraq and Libya, but not give a dam about the thousands of others being hacked to death in the baron wastelands of Africa;

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Yet they love reminding us how shocking ‘CRIME’ is here on our doorsteps by constantly bombarding us with images and stories of war torn and poverty stricken areas from all around the world, as if to say; ‘You’ve never had so good’, - which all acts as a continuous smokescreen and so allows them to get away with whatever it is they so want to. 

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Remember this is a massive worldwide “Masonic club”, - don’t be suckered into that school of thought: “Here we go again, another conspiracy theory”, - because again I reverberate, this is “not a theory”, though it’s certainly a “conspiracy”.

     There would be less red-tape, bureaucracy and chances of corruption, if members of governments and their related bodies, were not occupied and controlled by members of secret societies.

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Temple Bar

Bodies such as the ‘Temple Bar’, was set-up by the Freemasons - and who control most of the world’s laws, let alone that of our own domestic ones here in the UK.   Overlooking all things legal from the second we pop out from the womb, - when in the West, we are instantly assaulted by a complete and utter stranger, that this ‘first ever’ experience, has unwittingly shocked and indoctrinated our yet undeveloped brains, - as already we now know what ‘pain’ is, without the understanding as to what was the cause of that pain, other than it was by another human being.  

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It can be argued we never even remember this happening to us, yet the brain’s compartmentalised ability to store ‘all’ our memories and experiences, certainly doesn’t forget. 

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     So there you are, not only have we not had time enough for our eyesight to yet come into focus, when our bodies have already been the subject to brutality, for nine long months we have been safely protected in the warm sanctuary of our mother’s wombs, and yet we have endured and experienced the complete out of the blue and utter shock and sensation of pain, as our bodies freeze and convulse as we struggle to gasp for our first lung-full of fresh air, which isn’t exactly smelling too fresh, when within seconds or minutes after we’ve experienced this thrashing by some kind of “monster”, - we are then loved bombed, [a method used and adopted by many cults as part of their indoctrination and teaching process into the “religion”], with the warmth and affection from our beloved specially scented mothers, whom instantly shower us in hugs and kisses with the offering up of a fine meal into the bargain.

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This is "NOT" normal...

     Not five minutes have passed, and yet we have already experienced the realisation of both pain and joy, - our brains and consciousness are already working out; what is “good” and “bad”, it knows the body didn’t like that first encounter and experience of being dangled in the air with some force, - that the brain is trying to take-in and workout as you’re being spun around and then; - WHACK!

The slap of the adults hand is hard enough to make your body contort with pain and for it to yell out and cry as a result of it, in which the tender tissues on your little eardrums must also piercingly pick-up on, - realising the sound is coming from inside yourself.  The heart is racing ten to a dozen and we cannot like being held and manipulated about in such an unexpected way, - no matter if people argue it’s harmless on a physical level, - it’s not on a psychological one, as it’s the very first things our bodies and memories encounter, and not a medically proven necessity that’s required to make us “come around and start to breath”, as many of us are breathing fine anyway, and don’t need this ‘kick-start’ to come 'into life', we are not built that way.  Besides a gentle massage as been proved to also effectively work on those babies that do have some kind of difficultly in first breathing.  

     Like I say, when something as diverse and as has quick like this has happened, when one second we are screaming our heads off, - when then, we’re now experiencing something quite the opposite, as it’s warm and gentle, we can feel and touch our mothers bare bodies whom interiors we know better than them, - and unlike that “beast” whom just assaulted you, this person is loving, gentle and kind, making you feel safe, protected and secure, thus a bond of trust is being formed and happiness and joy in being felt as the result, as opposed to fear, abandonment and the pain you very first experienced only moments ago. 

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     And it is here at this crucial stage of coming into life and this world of ‘ours’, you’ve already and subliminally learnt the difference between, good, evil, joy, pain, love and hate.   

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     When it is from this day on, that whatever else it is that’s put in front of us, and what we are then made to go on and experience, determines what it is we will then become, and what kind of person we will likely turn out to be. 

    If you’re born into a family of atheists or perhaps agnostics, you will not really know much about religion and all its indoctrinations. 

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However, if you are brought up in a religious family, you are of course not going to know any other belief system as such, other than what’s being taught to you, so your perceptions of “wrong” and “right”, will be completely different to that of an atheist or agnostic. 

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     It could be argued the atheist or agnostic doesn’t have to conform and respond to these ‘books of law’ that the religious establishments use as their form of a ‘belief system’ that controls all those who are obligated to it.  So here we have a ‘book of law’ that condemns others outside its own ‘belief’ system, so much so, it recommends you to purge and kill them off. 

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They have a belief system that encourages its disciples to go out and do this obligation, in the guise of what your masters have termed a ‘crusade’, when the atheist knows it’s just another term for a power struggle and war. 

     Some religions encourage their fold to inform and grass on their neighbours, and this is the true existence and original nature of “Confession”, as you have to realise in ancient times and still today, many villages and towns had no police or laws as such, the “Church” was, and still is ‘the law’. 

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"Tommy's selling crack to my mom again..."

Now you could hardly risk grassing on your neighbour that you had caught them skinning up and having a spliff behind the back of the church, in fear that someone else might overhear you or see you talking to the ‘cops’, - so as to overcome this problem, they adopted a process of where you could go in ‘secret’ and whisper what the hell you like, as of course it’s meant to be 100% ‘secret, and only between yourself and the person behind the curtain, so there will be no ‘comebacks’, and the dawn raid on your neighbour's house can commence!

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    "Religions” that encourages psychopathic behaviour, as it has a “get out of jail free’ card, or AAA-VIP access to the most exclusive club in town, with as many virgins you could possibly dream of for its flock and fold. - A flock that has to go out to the rest of the world and ‘witness’ and recruit whoever it is they can convert and bring into the fold of their own ‘belief system’. 

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Those ‘crusaders’ would not so easily be able to kill and maim innocent women and children, or men in that case, - as we are ‘not’ meant to kill one another, we know it’s wrong, there is no need for laws or books to state this so, as we all know it’s wrong, there is no argument when it comes to mercilessly killing another human being. 

Brainwashed childen, taught to hate, not love...

     Yet incredibly, these so called “...doing God’s work” and religions, have hoodwinked their flocks into believing, that all you have to do is;“beg for forgiveness”. 

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And by having this kind of ‘get out clause’ in place, now permits your indoctrinated fold to wreak havoc throughout the world, where they can kill and maim whoever they so wish, or the peodophile can abuse hundreds or thousands of children and whilst in their care and custody, and whom many of these kind of people are running our children’s care homes, adoption agencies, social services and many, many other arenas such as our hospitals, health centres and schools etc., not forgetting the academic world, military, police and other services etc.  

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     And it is because of this reasons, it no joy living in world full of trance like, head up their arse,

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asleep indoctrinated religious folk that make up billions of you out there, and whom many seem to love dwelling here on the internet and Facebookin general, - and try to tell us how swell life really is and whatever kinds of bollocks it is you love to talk about, which is anything and everything, but the fucking truth!

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"Truther" - Shill Charlie Veitch the governments bitch!

Even many of these ‘so called ‘truthers’ are so full of shit and indoctrinated, that that’s the whole objective of the “Illuminati”, - “distraction” on the grandest scale and level, as long as we don’t really turn over the rock and see what’s truly under there, then their objective of keeping in control and order in place is achieved. -

     However, when a big mouthed agnostic borderline atheist like me comes along, saying; “Hey guys, I don’t believe in what you lot do, I’m non-religious, so hate having to put up with all your incessant fighting, which is fucking up my life and other like me, as we have no problems in what other people wish to believe in, we just don’t like others telling us, - we have to believe in what it is they do, - when we quite clearly don’'t"

     Being non-religious, then God or the Devil don’t exist, so we don’t blame anyone else, other than themselves, though more importanly, due to the way they were raised, the way in how they behave among us.  As we all instinctively know the difference between good and bad, god or devil, - it’s simple, - we are taught and learn to become evil fuckers, not born that way.

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     However to the ‘believer’, then everything is real, you can enter the realms of the 4th and 5th dimensions, though only in your own mind that will be, - and even if it’s for real then cool, but that still doesn’t permit anyone to then be able to enforce their belief system onto others, - and for us to not address the real everyday threats we have to contend with, i.e. our politicians stealing trillions of pounds, Euro's or dollars from our public purses and a forever list of wars.

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Old school!

     I know my posts go down like a wet fart at a Sunday Church congregation, and that I’m flogging a dead horse, and that my constant calls to ban members of secret societies from also being able to serve as members of our governments and their related bodies, are falling on deaf ears, despite over 1,400 have joined the cause.

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I understand the majority of you are against people like me, which sadly confirms most people are living a kind of; Stepford Wives existence...and why life on this planet is getting more and more like a series from The Prisoner, as I am not a number, nor someone elses religious puppet or slave, who has to believe in a "god" because everyone else says I have to.   

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Not a Penny Farthing...secret meaning of the all seeing eye...

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I’ve had my own spiritual experiences, and communicate deep within myself, though don’t go around telling everyone else this is how they should lead their lives.   

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     What's wrong in wanting to live in a world free from people of secret societies running all aspects of our lives? 

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Wat's wrong in wanting to have a government that is open and fully transparent, as opposed the majority of what goes on in the world which is presently discussed in secret? 

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What's wrong in wanting to not have our lives determined by certain sectors of our overall populations, whom only have a minority of interest at heart, yet get the majority of the say?

     Bottom line is this, put all religions and beliefs to one side, - let them exist in their own ways and let them get on with what it, if they so wish. - Though don’t expect me to have to accept and adopt these same sort of like-mind people, whom have these religious beliefs and therefore a different agenda to me, - to also be the very same people whom are to govern me, make my laws and all my regulations, and for them to design a world in 'their image' and expect me to have to put up with this as well. 

     If you not one of the 'mind-fucked', then please join our cause, as we need genuine individuals, who can see religions and secret societies are no way to run a world in the 21st century, - that if there are any aliens out there, they’d look down and laugh, as they’d say" How they fuck can we communicate with these ignorant and indoctrinated bunch of burger eating - Coke burping - trance like people, when they still believe in the likes of Father Christmas and the fucking tooth fairy!"

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     Please read the sign; "No Lemmings or Sheeple - and no one who can only think for a few, as opposed to the many."

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     Free copy of Trapped in a Masonic World in PDF format. This book contains numerous expletives, derogatory terms and insults, aimed at many groups, organisations and people in which you could quite likely find yourself being among one or more of those categories. Don‘t try and judge the book by its cover, or should I say title, - as some already have and therefore have assumed there is some kind of... undercurrent racist agenda here within its contents, when in fact you‘ll see it‘s quite the opposite. Though if you are devout in your religious beliefs, whether you‘re Christian, Muslim, Jewish or from any other faith, it might not be your cup of tea, as I'm an agnostic, borderline atheist. - If you're a member of a secret society, a corrupt world leader, MP, policeman, civil servant, - a paedophile or child abuser in general, - then I‘m afraid it‘s highly likely you will find this book extremely abhorrent, very insulting and bad for your blood pressure. So with this in mind I therefore recommend you DO NOT read on any further than this page. - 'Warning Over 18yrs Only' - do share;


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Comment by Exposure on February 11, 2012 at 7:33am

***This should in fact end the bottom two comments, so this is to be read last, out of the other two, thank you...

Believe in what you so wish, though don’t expect me or the Native Indian, the Chinese man or the poor Aborigine to have to also do the same, and especially not after so many of their ancestors had been totally obliterated and wiped-out in the ‘religious conversion’, - that, and if a God, as you described exists, he/she or it would off one zillionth percent made sure he/she or it had intervened and stopped such a human cull, and would of said something along the lines; “Hey bro’s, - I forgot to mention these other dudes, - so calm down boys, they are the ‘same’ as you bro, put your sword’s back down, because they is no ‘get out’ clause from where ‘I come from’, - what do you really think you could burn some poor innocent child’s skin clean off their bones, hack the head, arm and leg off a pregnant women, after all 12 of you had gang raped her, or that the hundreds of thousands of children you have sexual abused and tortured and whilst in your trust and care - do you now think I will permit you such mercy, that I shall forgive you with such grace, by you simply repenting to me? Do you think there are several hundred virgins waiting for here for their hymens to be busted, simply because you decide to strap a bomb to your waist or underpants, and blow the fuck out of who so happens to be in you way? No, no, no, no, that’s certainly not how ‘we’ do it up here, - here let me really show you, what really takes place!”

Comment by Exposure on February 11, 2012 at 7:18am

I've had to delete last message as it come out in wrong reading order;this start here then follows on from the below comment by me.

Yeah but guys and gurls, there’s no seeing eye to eye on this one, no not an eye for an eye, how dreadful, - now then, now then, there is still one little fundamental question that seems to conveniently get overlooked time and time again.  And I thank Suzie for trying her best to explain, though it got to be said, the answer is not satisfactory, though nevertheless valid so has to be addressed, - so let’s try again. 


You all tend to agree, and in Suzie’s words; “God has not excluded anyone as I see it, but men have, as my simple scripture says he knew us before we were formed in the womb”, which sounds cool, and how I would of thought that’s how it was. 


Now it cannot be argued that the scribes left no stone unturned, in this massive painstaking and meticulously devised undertaking of work of the finest words every produced, - even though it does often read as if it were wrote by lawyers, as opposed to men of ‘God”, so there’s the odd get out clause thrown into the mix.


The names of places are described in minute fine detail about all the very same tribes “their” descendants, and everything else there is to know about this creational story, what countries, places and cities etc. are named, as are many individuals. - At the time of writing, they included the ‘whole’ of the world, they were referring to the ‘whole’ of the world and unto all the people, and named these ‘main’ people, their tribes and their descendants, and in which many are alive today and who fight a ferocious battle when it comes to their claim on their inherited family fortunes, every family has an heir to leave it’s inheritance, or in the very least, it’s bequeathed elsewhere.   



Suzie quote: "The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples." this verse in in Psalm 33:10.  Though this kind of quote, is as opened ended as you could make it or take it as its meaning, as by using the word ‘nations’, helps gray an area in law. 


     This question I put to you, hasn’t just been plucked out from the air, as I’ve had this kind of debate many a time before, going back years in fact, and you know what, not one bishop, priest, nun, vicar, monk or Pope, as I have approached and written to many of them asking this same taxing question, - so as we can prove who rightfully has the so called legal ‘claim’ on the certain lands within ‘their’ countries, remember ‘not ours’.


We only much later invaded these lands, and where we obviously still are in these lands, whether it be China, America or Australia, this convenient ‘accidental’ or ‘deliberate’ act of not including such lands or its people, is evidential “man” didn’t know about ‘them’ at the time of writing the scribes, as they were not yet undiscovered by us Europeans and other ‘nations’ throughout Middle-east and Africa.  The view of the world, and what “God” was referring to, say to Moses, was viewed upon in those days by scholars, as being almost flat, but more interesting the actual layout of Gods domain was regarded as almost an oblong in shape, though however this has nothing to do with the actual question I pose.

Comment by Exposure on February 11, 2012 at 7:17am

I've had to delete last message as it come out in wrong reading order;this follows on from the above comment by me.

I have also spoken to various descendants of Native American’s when that in itself; I should perhaps be saying; Native Indian American. - I’ve also chatted, as I courted a Chinese girl for over 3 years, so know quite a few of them, so know many of their points of view and perspectives.  I’ve also made sure I spoke to some aboriginal fellows as well, and have done when I used to own a busy retail shop in London, so spoke to many a young student customer, and often raised this poser, and asked them how do they feel by not being described as a ‘peoples’ in the Bible, and you know what, many say, and in the same kind of vein; “Pissed off, as it’s a typical ‘Whiteman’s version of events, and no different than being called a Abbo”.  These are not my words or sentiments, but are of those I’ve spoken to on this matter.   

So here’s where we stand, unless anyone here can prove else wise, - we are at a stalemate, we seem to take the view, that if we are all talking about the same one God, the very same dude you all are referring to, and all venomously defend by saying it is so, that the words of the Bible are Gods, and that the Bible has left virtually no stone unturned, then it must be asked; “How on earth did he forget to mention not just a couple of ‘nations’, but two gigantic continents!”   And like I’ve said, only relatively recently discovered by “us”.  

So like that of the indigenous Indian Native American, Aborigine or Chinese man, and why they too have their own gods and belief system in place, like that of the other just referred to people, whom many have been forced into accepting there invaders “God”, and hung, stung and quartered when not seemed willing enough to accept this ‘loving-Gods’ existence into their own culture, and no wonder a huge sector of these people are suffering from drink and drugs problems, as they have be disenfranchised from where they really come from, which clearly is not from a book or ‘nation’, that has no mention of them.


So please, and even an agnostic borderline atheist, can still send you all my love, and wishes of peace and respect to you all and all the other people of the world, - not just a few, who so happen to believe in one thing, whilst so many others believe in something completely else.


Let’s sensibly address the question I pose, and if it cannot be answered, then perhaps it should be left there, as the chasing of one’s tail, seems to be a major activity among many a so called “truther’s”, - and true answers seem to be thin and short on the ground, I’m only interested in the nitty-gritty of facts and data....everything else is like Starwars to me, - I currently dwell here on earth, and would like this experience to be as peaceful as one could expect of such a wonderful planet as this, why if only many among you were to open your eyes, hearts and minds to understand and realise you’ve been hoodwinked, as what “God”, was perhaps trying to explain, but ‘they’ chose to ignore him/she or it, - that heaven is really down here, right down here on earth all the time...mother nature has worked her butt off and vibrantly screamed at you to see this is so, yet no, you have chosen to ignore these wonderful facts, - you seem more comfortable living in a world on sin and corrupt morals, as your belief system permits you to forgive all the sin you’ve done, and this cannot not be right on any level or equation.  And by yet dividing us again into the red pill or blue pill camps, you have decided there is a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ place to go, and which in itself is contradictory, if you take into consideration that you can be forgiven for all your sins, if you are prepared to the Harlem shuffle...


Believe in what you so wish, though don’t expect me or the Native Indian, the Chinese man or the poor Aborig

Comment by Spydaman13 on February 11, 2012 at 2:35am

much prettier!  and this time we win because it's the time, right now no more fighting.  Our world in hiding. why would such a a desurtructive force rule over us for so long and spin us in different directions like f'n tops on a dumb little box  dropped in crotchety ol men's pants wearing some dumb portable chains that hang on top of columns dark and hard, but in the end it's all vein.  What a world....insane.


Comment by Spydaman13 on February 11, 2012 at 1:53am
Comment by Maria De Wind on February 11, 2012 at 1:29am

Comment by suzie on February 11, 2012 at 1:29am

  a little history  of the original love power children

Comment by TommyD on February 11, 2012 at 1:27am

Comment by suzie on February 11, 2012 at 1:24am

  Some of the original hippies..

Comment by cowgirl on February 11, 2012 at 1:17am

"Destroying the New World Order"



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