Anyone not in Japan thats fearful about fallout hitting them is a complete idiot, heres why.


Nuclear program start date

21 October 1939
First nuclear weapon test 16 July 1945
First fusion weapon test 1 November 1952
Last nuclear test 23 September 1992
Largest yield test 15 Mt (1 March 1954)
Total tests 1,054 detonations


A few notable U.S. nuclear tests include:

Shot "Baker" of Operation Crossroads (1946) was the first underwater nuclear explosion.
  • The "Trinity" test on 16 July 1945, was the first-ever test of a nuclear weapon (yield of around 20 kt).
  • The Operation Crossroads series in July 1946, was the first postwar test series and one of the largest military operations in U.S. history.
  • The Operation Greenhouse shots of May 1951 included the first boosted fission weapon test ("Item") and a scientific test which proved the feasibility of thermonuclear weapons ("George").
  • The "Ivy Mike" shot of 1 November 1952, was the first full test of a Teller-Ulam design "staged" hydrogen bomb, with a yield of 10 megatons. It was not a deployable weapon, however — with its full cryogenic equipment it weighed some 82 tons.
  • The "Castle Bravo" shot of 1 March 1954, was the first test of a deployable (solid fuel) thermonuclear weapon, and also (accidentally) the largest weapon ever tested by the United States (15 megatons). It was also the single largest U.S. radiological accident in connection with nuclear testing. The unanticipated yield, and a change in the weather, resulted in nuclear fallout spreading eastward onto the inhabited Rongelap and Rongerik atolls, which were soon evacuated. Many of the Marshall Islands natives have since suffered from birth defects and have received some compensation from the federal government. A Japanese fishing boat, the Fifth Lucky Dragon, also came into contact with the fallout, which caused many of the crew to grow ill; one eventually died.
  • Shot "Argus I" of Operation Argus, on 27 August 1958, was the first detonation of a nuclear weapon in outer space when a 1.7-kiloton warhead was detonated at 200 kilometers' altitude during a series of high altitude nuclear explosions.
  • Shot "Frigate Bird" of Operation Dominic I on 6 May 1962, was the only U.S. test of an operational ballistic missile with a live nuclear warhead (yield of 600 kilotons), at Christmas Island. In general, missile systems were tested without live warheads and warheads were tested separately for safety concerns. In the early 1960s, however, there mounted technical questions about how the systems would behave under combat conditions (when they were "mated", in military parlance), and this test was meant to dispel these concerns. However, the warhead had to be somewhat modified before its use, and the missile was only a SLBM (and not an ICBM), so by itself it did not satisfy all concerns.[13]
  • Shot "Sedan" of Operation Storax on 6 July 1962 (yield of 104 kilotons), was an attempt at showing the feasibility of using nuclear weapons for "civilian" and "peaceful" purposes as part of Operation Plowshare. In this instance, a 1280-feet-in-diameter and 320-feet-deep crater was created at the Nevada Test Site.


Hundreds of nuclear bombs have gone off right here in the USA (Soviet Union: 715 tests) and the effect was minimal I'm sure people down wind got sick but we're talking MEGATON yield bombs LOL.


All i have to say to someone running around fear mongering about a nuclear power plant literally on the other side of the planet melting down.... SHUT UP!! and pray for the people of japan.

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Comment by guest_blog on March 13, 2011 at 1:50pm
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 13, 2011 at 11:17am
Comment by Marklar on March 13, 2011 at 11:03am

Yes, the fear mongering is rampant and pervasive. I still can't get over having had to explain that NASA wasn't going to actually "bomb" the moon and maybe crack it open or send it spinning off into space 72 times over the course of a week.


Makes me wonder how soon on of those singing fish wall plaques is going to get elected as mayor of a small town in middle America somewhere.

Comment by truth on March 12, 2011 at 11:12pm

Victims top 2,000 in Japan quake-tsunami, nuclear crisis continues

SENDAI, March 13, Kyodo

Japan continued to grapple Sunday with widespread damage from its biggest recorded earthquake and massive tsunami that hit northeastern and eastern regions two days ago, with the number of reported victims topping 2,000 and a crisis escalating at two nuclear plants.

Comment by Locutus on March 12, 2011 at 9:00pm

"the effect was minimal I'm sure people down wind got sick but we're talking MEGATON yield bombs LOL."????


increase in cancer patients and weakening magnetic field are minimal effects?

Comment by Maas on March 12, 2011 at 8:07pm

Some great info there LasersShadow.


When it's not the infighting it's constant knee-jerk fear mongering.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 12, 2011 at 7:28pm
I'm sorry, its just i see a sickness in this movement of allowing misinformation fly and its like a thorn in my side and gets to me over time. That Graphic set me off big time and I just attacked it.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 12, 2011 at 7:08pm

Look at the rad count (rad still used at the time of this charts creation) note that this is from MULTIPLE nuclear weapons. They produce more radioactive airborne particles that a melt down does. Now look at that graphic saying 750 rads for the entire west coast ITS WRONG!! Blatantly so, I can't believe I have to defend myself on this.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 12, 2011 at 7:02pm

"Chernobyl radioactivity was undetectable in our airfilters but was still being detected in the St. Lawrence river in March 1987." yes but at what level? detected yes absolutely and as i said "Hundreds of nuclear bombs have gone off right here in the USA (Soviet Union: 715 tests) and the effect was minimal I'm sure people down wind got sick but we're talking MEGATON yield bombs"


Maybe i should have been more clear as i was tired as well, I was addressing those that are fear mongering about fallout specifically that BS graphic of the western USA getting 750 rads which if true would kill about 50% of the west coast. Its blatantly wrong and I'm not going to just go along with it i can't, it bothers the hell outta me because i know people don't know its wrong and will act accordingly. I'd like to give you the real deal info not fear and disinfo.


YES you will be able to detect a nuclear bomb or a meltdown almost anywhere in the world: FACT. What I'm trying to convey is that in THIS case you will not be getting sick you will not have adverse health effects. YES any radiation is bad for you and hurts you but the human body can deal with it and repair itself. The amounts of radioactive dust (the actual break down product of the nuclear fuel) in the USA will be at best extremely negligible yet detectable with modern instruments.


My comments where correct and remain so, I'm sorry if i offend I have little tact and am in a particularly bad mood right now.

Comment by Swtnlovabl on March 12, 2011 at 11:15am
Thanks for all the info ((( Lauren )))

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