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Locutus's Discussions


Started Aug 12, 2011 0 Replies

Wow!  First MSM article about Comet Elenin I have seen!!!  I find it interesting that the article doesn't provide a link to jpl so that people can monitor its trajectory, nor does the article state,…Continue

Tags: image, satellite, stereo, theory, october

CIA Director Panetta to be Sec of Defense??? WTF!

Started this discussion. Last reply by truth Apr 28, 2011. 2 Replies

I don't know what to make of this, but figure it can't be good!  The top spook in the country is going to be taking over Secretary of Defense Robert Gates job when he steps down JUNE 30th (hmm...same…Continue

Tags: northern, command, northcom, flag, false

Mexican Govt Drone Crashes in Texas!!!

Started Dec 17, 2010 0 Replies

 Here's an excerpt of the article:Mexican government drone crashes in El PasoEL PASO, Texas – Federal authorities are investigating why a Mexican drone was in Texas airspace and what caused the…Continue

Tags: unmanned, aircraft, surveillance, crashes, paso

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Locutus's Blog

1957 vs 2007

Posted on July 18, 2011 at 9:54am 3 Comments

I found this on a comment page today and liked it enough to share with all 12160ers. It hits home with me, I work in the public school system and can only shake my head in disgust at how far it has fallen even since I graduated back in 1996.




Subject: 1957 versus 2007


Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls…


City of Houston requires permit to feed the homeless

Posted on January 16, 2011 at 1:42pm 6 Comments

The police state continues!  In Houston, TX you have to have a permit now in order to try and help your fellow man!  That's right, you have to have a piece of paper approved by the city of Houston before you feed others!  I guess the government wants people to come to them for help, dependence right?! 


If you step out of line and rock the boat then, "NO SOUP FOR YOU!"




V For Vendetta-2011

Posted on January 9, 2011 at 11:46pm 0 Comments

I enjoy The Burning Platform and the dialogue on the comment section is usually very heated and educational.

Jim Quinn is the author who connects the recent shootings in Tucson, Arizona with his recent first viewing of the movie "V for Vendetta."  Very good stuff. (to read the rest check out his site The Burning Platform at…


Betting on Hurley's 'Lost' numbers (4 out of 6 hit!)

Posted on January 9, 2011 at 10:42pm 0 Comments

Any statiticians out there that can tell us the probability of this occuring?  Either way this is a bit odd!







On the show, fan favorite Hurley won the lottery by using the…


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At 2:50pm on January 15, 2011, Swtnlovabl said…
No I didnt feel anything up here, Must not have been to big... but my dog was going nuts, barking and couldnt figure out why !! maybe thats why?
At 2:31pm on November 25, 2010, Swtnlovabl said…

At 9:53pm on November 24, 2010, Nikki said…

At 9:38pm on October 19, 2010, XhackedbyNSA said…
I thank you for 'friending' me, but I am also a little worried...
Something about that 'resistance is FUTILE' comment by your avatar...

You seem to be interested in the Stratospheric Geoengineering actions (I learned that it is a wiser thing to call them by the 'scientific' name than by the colloquial term, 'chemtrailing', in my various journeys to the alternet).
The CARNICOM Institute seems to be one of the better sources of info on this 'phenomenon', but there is a LOT of 'disinfo', it seems, throughout the 'blogospere', seemingly designed to attach the usual credibility issues to the 'theories' about WHY these things are happening. I haven't made my mind up, YET, due to a lack of clear vision as to the ultimate goal, but I am convinced that it AIN'T about 'Anthroprogenic Global Warming' (A.G.W.)...
The elements of HAARP (High Altitude Auroral Research Project) are not convincing enough, either, although they DO play a SMALL factor in the decision to use aerosolized Aluminum particles as a way to increase the reflectivity of certain wavelengths of the currently-used multi-gigahertz bandwidths ('3G', '4G', etcetera), currently used by almost ALL 'WIFI' broadcasters. The Cadmium particles might give more clues, as well as the other aerosolized ingredients, as to the TRUE nature of this worldwide atmospheric pollution that plagues us.
The MILITARIES around the world, for example, rely on the ULF bandwidths for undersea transmissions, as well as utilizing the TERAHERTZ bandwidths for 'above-ground' operations...

MORE on this subject later, if you are willing to read...

At 1:25am on September 11, 2010, Anti Oligarch said…
Thank you very much.
Doing our best to get the word out.
At 6:39pm on July 2, 2010, Swtnlovabl said…

At 12:45am on February 20, 2010, Localtarian said…
Thank you Plato, I'm glad you like the videos. Max is definitely a good source for what's going on in the world of debt, Collateralized debt obligations, financial terrorism, wall street radical fundamentalist, the corruption of the new pseudo corpocracy and neo feudalism. He's also a great source of entertainment and comedy. Well, have a good one and thanks again for the comment/feed back, Plato.
At 11:17pm on January 27, 2010, Swtnlovabl said…

At 3:11pm on January 20, 2010, truth said…
At 4:37pm on January 18, 2010, Tara said…
Greetings and welcome to 12.160! Glad you're here!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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