This article was emailed to me, I am very well aware of HAARP, for many years, but have not studied or researched much, have a read, and any of you have any input , or aware of this or studied it.

please throw me your input

I have a hard time with these as they are like roswell.

Also attached a couple links, in the article



Are We in a HAARP "Earthquake War"?

This story has been viewed 3339 times


For those of you unfamiliar with the HAARP program, I quote the following from their website:
"HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.
The HAARP program is committed to developing a world class ionospheric research facility consisting of:
* The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency (HF) range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.
* A sophisticated suite of scientific (or diagnostic) instruments that will be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.
Observation of the processes resulting from the use of the IRI in a controlled manner will allow scientists to better understand processes that occur continuously under the natural stimulation of the sun."
This is a video that explains how HAARP can cause Major Earthquakes


"The United States Congressional record deals with the use of HAARP for penetrating the earth with signals bounced off of the ionosphere. These signals are used to look inside the planet to a depth of many kilometers in order to locate underground munitions, minerals and tunnels. The U.S. Senate set aside $15 million dollars in 1996 to develop this ability alone -- earth-penetrating-tomography. The problem is that the frequency needed for earth-penetrating radiation is within the frequency range most cited for disruption of human mental functions. It may also have profound effects on migration patterns of fish and wild animals which rely on an undisturbed energy field to find their routes.
As if electromagnetic pulses in the sky and mental disruption were not enough, T. Eastlund bragged that the super-powerful ionospheric heater could control weather.
Begich and Manning brought to light government documents indicating that the military has weather-control technology. When HAARP is eventually built to its full power level, it could create weather effects over entire hemispheres. If one government experiments with the world's weather patterns, what is done in one place will impact everyone else on the planet. Angels Don't Play This HAARP explains a principle behind some of Nikola Tesla's inventions -- resonance -- which affect planetary systems." (source)
What isn't mentioned above is the fact that the earth has its own magnetic field. The Illuminati know this, and try to locate their Capitals on the grid where the field is the strongest, believing that the location makes communication with the Spirit World more intense. In fact, almost every city in the world builds its street grid following the "ley lines", or lines on the grid which have the greatest electromagnetic energy. Usually, in the United States, this is Main Street and State Street. Just look for the street where many churches and fortune tellers are located.
So, HAARP takes huge amounts of energy directed at our ionosphere and bounces it back to earth. This disrupts the magnetic field and can cause a massive earthquake, like we just saw today in Chile. By the way, many of the recent earthquakes were preceded by colorful disruptions in the atmosphere characteristic of HAARP.
Recent Chinese Earthquake
HAARP Light Over Haiti before Earthquake:
Even More interesting than the lights that have appeared over the Japanese and Chili earthquakes (sorry no images yet) is the apparent strategic locations of these quakes. An unconfirmed report states that the Russians also know about this "earthquake weapon"
"According to an unconfirmed report by the Russian Northern Fleets, the tragic earthquake in Haiti was caused by a US navy earthquake weapon that went "horribly wrong," reports Press TV.

Russian Report: U.S. weapon against Iran caused Haiti earthquake

The weapons test was originally supposed to be used against Iran but caused the cataclysmic earthquake in the Caribbean country.
The purpose of the earthquake weapon being used against Iran, according to the Russian report, was to topple the current Islamic system in the country.
Vive TV reports that the unconfirmed Russian report also suggests that the US instigated the 6.5 magnitude earthquake in the Pacific Ocean earlier this month. That earthquake did not cause any deaths or injuries but did damage many residential and commercial buildings.
The report further states that the system carrying out these tests is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). The data also coincides with a previous report that associates the 2008 7.8 magnitude earthquake in China with HAARP.
Although Russia has accused the US of holding such a type of weapon, a Georgia Green Party leader claimed that Moscow, allegedly possessing similar weapons, caused an earthquake on Georgian territory several years ago." (source)
Now for the analysis:
1. Japan is Moving Towards Breaking Ties with the US: the earthquake took place the day after the article broke. The video above shows that Japan has been threatened before by our "earthquake machine". This one could have also been a "Russian" HAARP job that targeted the Okinawa military installation.
2. Haiti was possibly a test. Or it could have been the result of the Illuminati Psychopaths to continue their campaign of eradicating the Black race. The lack of an immediate response to the disaster makes this a very real possibility.
3. This Chili Earthquake will generate Tsunami waves that hit will Russia and China and possibly Japan very hard. It could have been a US HAARP event, or a Chinese one targeting Japan. I would tend to believe that the Chinese and Russians also want to send the Japanese a message.
If I am right, we are in for a whole slew of retaliatory HAARP induced earthquakes and Yellowstonewill be a primary target.
I am almost near 100% certain on this one Folks. You better make sure you are prepared.

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Comment by guest_blog on August 23, 2011 at 5:18pm
Comment by guest_blog on August 23, 2011 at 5:17pm
Comment by giselle alice wilding on April 27, 2011 at 6:37am
There are some excellent books on the topic. They are the best way to study HAARP and I have been doing this for the past ten years or so. Mocked of course. But I know I am right and that it cause the many disasters along with other weapons.I have even had my interest used against me in court and to get me falsely drugged. But I will never shut up and I will beat all those bastards that have harmed me.
Comment by Sor3n on April 24, 2011 at 1:09am
The strategy is to create the lack thereof . Then to sweep in and cure the ills they themselves administered.
Comment by WTRH-AM-AE on April 23, 2011 at 6:50pm
Be sure to monitor for the 2.5 Hz signal 24 hours a day using a spectrogram and special sensor.
Comment by truth on January 12, 2011 at 8:49pm
Comment by peter b dunn on December 16, 2010 at 7:27am
Comment by fireguy on July 1, 2010 at 5:09pm
Ya think? Jesus did not tell us about the earthquakes for nothing. He did not say what was going to cause them just that they would increase like labor pains.

Comment by truth on July 1, 2010 at 4:16pm
2010 Earthquakes up 133 Percent

Earthquakes between magnitude 5.0 and 6.9 are still up and occurring 133 percent more frequently than average statistics so far during 2010.

Earthquakes between magnitude 5.0 and 9.9 are occurring 125 percent more frequently than average statistics so far during 2010.

The last time I analyzed the 2010 data (during the end of May), the overall frequency of occurrence was somewhat higher than this analysis. In other words, during the month of June the overall earthquake numbers have brought the percentages down a bit, although still above average as noted. We will see if the trend continues as the rest of 2010 plays out.

The data used in this analysis has been collected from the USGS (United States Geological Survey) going back to to the year 1900. I have averaged the number of earthquakes since 1900 in each magnitude range (5.0 to 5.9, 6.0 – 6.9, 7.0 to 7.9, and 8.0 to 9.9), and have also averaged the same data over the last 10 years. I then compared this data with the current earthquake statistics so far in 2010.

Earthquakes of magnitude 4.9 or less, were not analyzed for the following reasons.

Low magnitude earthquake detection technologies of the early 1900’s were not what they were decades later, and certainly not as advanced as today
Low magnitude detection technology improvement would skew the numbers as though they’ve increased significantly in more recent times
They cause little or no damage
(Earthquakes above magnitude 4.9 were fairly easy to detect, even a century ago)
Comment by pat donovan on April 5, 2010 at 6:38pm
valcanoes put a LOT of cooling dust into the atmospere.
want everything to happen at once, for one reason or another?
put up a dust cloud and tolerate the earthquakes.


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