Mike Adams asks, "Are we all just human lab rats in a series of grand medical experiments?" The recent admission that the USA conducted covert medical experiments on Guatemalans raises new questions about whether Big Government can really be trusted with our health (and lives).

Government collusion in human medical experiments no longer just a conspiracy theory
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) It used to be that when you talked about Big Government conspiring with Big Pharma to use human beings as guinea pigs in bizarre medical experiments, people would look at you as if you were some kind of loon. "Oh, the American government would never do that," they'd say, smug in their self assurance that they are somehow ruled by compassionate, honest government operatives and corporate do-gooders who are always looking out for the public's best interest.

Imagine their shock when the thin veil of disinformation was lifted with last Saturday's announcement that the U.S. government was apologizing for intentionally infecting innocent Guatemalans with diseases so they could study the effects of antibiotic drugs (http://www.naturalnews.com/029920_U...).

All of a sudden, all those people who somehow thought medical science was all about protecting people found themselves stunned -- and even ashamed -- to learn that their own government would conspire with the medical industry to intentionally engage in such behavior.

Welcome to the real world, folks. In the real world, governments are the great mass-murderers of our world. Throughout human history, more human beings have been maimed, tortured and murdered by governments than by any other type of organization on the planet. And virtually all of that activity has been justified under the excuse that they were working to "make the world a better place."

That's the same line Big Pharma uses today. All their medical experiments on innocent children, expectant mothers, blacks, prisoners and soldiers are all designed to "help them find new cures," they claim. See the full list here: http://www.naturalnews.com/022383_N...

Setting the record straight on government-pharma conspiracies
With this recent admission firmly in mind, let's set something straight on the issue of government-pharma collusion.

It is now an admitted fact that the U.S. government conspired with the pharmaceutical industry to conduct medical experiments on innocent victims. (This has actually been known for a long, long time, but only now has the mainstream begun to admit to it.) Thus, the U.S. government really does engage in "conspiracies" with Big Pharma. And this means reports of such conspiracy theories can no longer be blown off as mere "conspiracy theories" -- a term thrown around by skeptics who try to pretend there is no such thing as a conspiracy in our world.

A "conspiracy" simply means two or more parties working together in secret to accomplish a particular agenda. Once you understand that, it becomes clear that virtually everything Big Pharma does these days involves a conspiracy of one kind or another... a conspiracy to manipulate the data, a conspiracy to achieve FDA approval, a conspiracy to hide the negative studies, a conspiracy to bribe doctors, and so on. Most of what is called "modern science" is actually made up of multiple layers of devious conspiracies that have yet to be fully uncovered and exposed.

Now that we know the U.S. government has engaged in conspiracies with Big Pharma (because the Guatemala incident is just one of a great many such conspiracies), we can ask the question: "Is the U.S. government still conspiring with Big Pharma today to achieve some particular agenda?"

Continue: http://www.naturalnews.com/029946_government_conspiracy_medical_exp...

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Comment by Sor3n on April 28, 2011 at 6:35am
I almost forgot about this story and reading it again reinforces my distrust of our gov. . At times I think i"m paranoid... but just like kurt cobain said "just because your paranoid don't mean they're not after you".
I bet they created A.I.D.S .
This story gets me soooooooooooo mad...these are/were f'ing kids!
Comment by Tara on October 6, 2010 at 11:38am
"In spite of my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage." I love that lyrical line from Billy Corgan when in Smashing Pumpkins. I think that sums up the way most of us feel when realizing the extent to which they have been manipulating us through food, vaccines, water, the air we breathe....so on and so forth.
Comment by fireguy on October 6, 2010 at 11:13am
Comment by XhackedbyNSA on October 5, 2010 at 11:01pm

Oh, Nikki! Don't be ridiculous!
After I get my McDonald's cheesburger, and brush my teeth in that safe flouridated water, which I use to take my Prozac dose, I'll probably be ready to comment on your stuff...oh, wait, 'Family Guy' is on! I NEVER miss this show!...

Comment by Anti Oligarch on October 5, 2010 at 5:57pm
Yes we are.
My dad used to say, "Son we're being farmed" ...

"Destroying the New World Order"



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