“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” says Rob
Shapiro, another former Clinton official and a supporter of Mr Obama.
“He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that
he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or
an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.” --
From my post Credibility
earlier today.
The Reichstag fire (German: Der Reichstagsbrand) was an arson attack on the
Reichstag building in Berlin on 27 February 1933. The event is seen as
pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.
At 21:25hrs (UTC
+1), a Berlin fire station received an alarm call that the Reichstag
building, the assembly location of the German Parliament, was ablaze.
The fire started in the Session Chamber, and, by the time the police and
firefighters had arrived, the main Chamber of Deputies was engulfed by
Inside the building, a thorough search conducted by the
police resulted in the finding of Marinus van der Lubbe. Van der Lubbe
was a Dutch insurrectionist, council communist, and unemployed
bricklayer who had recently arrived in Germany, ostensibly to carry out
his political activities. The fire was used as evidence by the Nazis
that the Communists were beginning a plot against the German government.
Van der Lubbe and four Communist leaders were subsequently arrested.
Adolf Hitler, who had been sworn in as Chancellor of Germany four weeks
before, on 30 January, urged President Paul von Hindenburg to pass an
emergency decree to counter the "ruthless confrontation of the Communist
Party of Germany". With civil liberties suspended, the government
instituted mass arrests of Communists, including all of the Communist
parliamentary delegates. With them gone and their seats empty, the Nazis
went from being a plurality party to the majority; subsequent elections
confirmed this position and thus allowed Hitler to consolidate his
Meanwhile, investigation of the Reichstag fire continued,
with the Nazis eager to uncover Comintern complicity. In early March
1933, three men were arrested who were to play pivotal roles during the
Leipzig Trial, known also as the "Reichstag Fire Trial": Bulgarians
Georgi Dimitrov, Vasil Tanev and Blagoi Popov. The Bulgarians were known
to the Prussian police as senior Comintern operatives, but the police
had no idea how senior they were; Dimitrov was head of all Comintern
operations in Western Europe.
Historians disagree as to whether
Van der Lubbe acted alone or if the Commmunists or Nazis were involved.
The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains an ongoing topic of
debate and research. -- Wikipedia.
Please go back to the top and re-read the quote from Rob Shapiro. Shapiro, being a
veteran Clintonista, knows of the power of transformative events. His
boss, the Philanderer in Chief, was largely seen as irrelevant in the
months following the 1994 (woefully misnamed) "Republican Revolution."
Newt Gingrich was seen as the top dog on the block.
For his part,
Clinton whined to the media on 18 April 1995, "The Constitution gives
me relevance . . . The president is relevant here."
Then the
calendar page turned a day, to 19 April 1995. With the OKC bombing,
Clinton's political fortunes reversed.
As Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
told us after Clinton's 1996 re-election: "Relaxing on Air Force One
after the election, Bill Clinton told reporters it was the Oklahoma
bombing that proved the turning point in his political fortunes. It was
the moment when the militias, the Christian right and the Gingrich
onslaught against government all melded together in the public mind as
one rampant movement of extremism.
broke a spell in the country as the people began searching for our
common ground again,' Clinton explained."
I am not going
to get into how much the Clinton regime knew, or didn't know, about the
OKC bombing in advance. That they knew of the conspiracy was certain.
My friend Oklahoma journalist J.D. Cash and me used spend long hours
sifting the evidence he uncovered, trying to decide if it was a
double-cross or triple-cross. In other words, did the Feds set up a
sting that got away from them -- for there was certainly a sting
operation in the mix -- or was it from the beginning a Reichstag Fire
In the end it did not matter, for Clinton used the
bombing masterfully to resurrect his political fortunes.
brings us to today. Now it is Obama who has fallen into a "credibility
gap." It is Obama who is increasingly seen as discredited and
Will his narcissistic ego, his appetite for power,
be content with marginalization and "irrelevance"? How about his
puppet-masters, the people like George Soros who paid big bucks to get
Obama where he is today? Will they be content with the wreck of all
their plans?
And so, as Clintonista Shapiro tells us, Obama needs
another Reichstagsbrand.
Remember Evans-Pritchard's
characterization: "It was the moment when the militias, the Christian
right and the Gingrich onslaught against government all melded together
in the public mind as one rampant movement of extremism." The OKC
bombing put everyone on the defensive.
Can you think of a
better way to neutralize IN AN INSTANT the Tea Party Movement?
if you can think of it, the Obamanoids certainly can too. Shapiro has
told us so.
There are many ways of rigging an election, if you
don't mind wading through blood to accomplish it.
This is not the
Nineties. Of that we can be thankful. Clinton was viewed as many
things, but not fundamentally anti-American. Obama on the other hand
has legitimacy issues that Clinton never did. Like another Waco, or
another Katrina, another Oklahoma City would not meet with the same
whipped dog response from the populace -- especially the armed citizenry
-- now, today.
What we have to be thinking about NOW is what
will be our response when Obama's Reichstagsbrand opportunity is
presented to him.
I invite your input on ways that we can cope
with such an event and flip the consequences back on the tyrants who
solicited it.
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