As 2009 fades into the history books, we can celebrate at least some things in this messed up world.

I have received many emails over the past two weeks regarding the possibility of a MAJOR meltdown of our economic system and the devaluation of our north American currencies in 2010, I don't know whether that is true, or not but based on certain things happening that I can confirm (more to come on that) it certainly wouldn't surprise me.

There has been about 13.7 Trillion dollars of your money used to bailout banks, insurance companies, and large corporations such as GM. the very organizations that CAUSED the problem in the fist place, kind of like like rewardinfg the fox for stealing chickens, and they will be back for more in 2010 they do not have an option what is happening now is reminiscent south sea bubble.

What is currently happening at an ever increasing rate, is that people are starting to wake up to the scam that is the "money creation" system. there are demands being made by congress for an "Audit" of the Federal Reserve (what! an audit of a private corporation you say, how absurd?) if this ever comes to pass then the gig is up for the elitist, the scam of the manipulation of the gold and silver markets will be uncovered, the fact that the (self proclaimed) "Federal" Reserve doesn't really have any reserves will also be uncovered as will the fact that the Federal Reserve creates imaginary money out of thin air, lends to our governments at interest that also doesn't exist, yet gets added to our national debt, which is really why they (I.R.S. and C.R.A.) can unlawfully Direct (income) Tax you on the pretense that it is for infra structure and social programs etc. in true Christmas spirit I say Humbug!.

RECESSION! As the saying goes "you ain't seen nothing yet!"

The following article (Canadian but applies to US and UK peoples also) was sent to me by David: Lindsay whom many of you know. I may have sent it out earlier in the year, but I was just reminded of it by Dave in an email I received from him this week.

David: Lindsay has been on a crusade against the unlawful Canadian tax system for more years than I know. He has been in court many times on his own behalf, as well on the behalf of many others, and he is very effective, he can leave most public prosecutors with their jaws on their shoes wondering what just happened. The days of people walking into tax court (or meat grinder as sometimes referred to) and the crown doing a "wham bam thank you ma'm " to the defendant are becoming less frequent. The courts are starting to fear him [David] as well as his message and the fact that he has been effective in showing the system up for the fraud that it is. They [legal system, C.R.A.] just plain don't like him for it, he is rattling the very foundation of the scam they have been working for the past 100 years or so.

I speak from personal knowledge of this I have been present in court (Madden case) when Dave was singled out of the audience by court sheriffs and force ably removed for nothing more than standing up for his rights when they asked him (and no one else in court) to show the contents of his briefcase, there was no "probable cause" no reason other than the fact that his name and most likely his photo is on the legal systems "not good for business" list.

I have also been to one of Davids seminars which is a nine hour trip into (Oz) the world of legal versus lawful, banking fraud, history of British Monarchy, and unlawful Direct Taxation. An excellent seminar if you ever get the chance to attend, also Dave is going to be releasing this information on DVD very soon.


Audio By G. Edward Griffin download burn and listen, the fact this audio was made in 1994 (or thereabouts) and the deadly accuracy of all of the predictions is chilling and very enlightening, I was amazed at how little we know and how effective the dumbing down of the educational system is.

Video DVD The Money Masters The ultimate! a three hour, two DVD journey into the history of money, the families behind the money creation systems, the association of wars, politics, money, gold silver, and market manipulation.

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