Attack On Trump Dropped In From Sky In Scotland, Stopped By Snipers Feet From His Head [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump had a security breach that was a little too close for comfort and required his snipers to spring into action. A man flying a paraglider was swooping in on the American president and the snipers had their scopes lined up. It was unknown what this person was doing and there was a good chance that it could have been someone flying in to drop an explosive on the president as he was near the Turnberry golf course, but that’s when the elite snipers made a huge decision.

Just as the person on the paraglider came within feet of Trump’s head, the snipers decided not to fire. The flying human gnat ended up being a protester who was dropping by with a nasty message for Trump and within seconds the elite snipers made the critical decision to spare the annoying person their life after they realized what they were flying in with. This person flew in with a banner sign to protest the president. It was an aerial threat that no one saw coming until it was too late, but it turned out that the protester only wanted to send a non-violent message, so the snipers spared them their life. The snipers probably could have taken them out if this was declared a no-fly zone. Maybe they should have called it a no-gnat zone! The pilot will still face legal trouble and it could be bad considering they were that close to the POTUS.

“The Greenpeace activist flew over Trump’s Turnberry golf course with a sign emblazoned with the phase ‘Trump well below par’.

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They were lucky not to be shot out the sky as the President’s elite snipers aimed their g**s at the aerial threat from the roof above.

The paraglider flew three miles across the Ayrshire countryside at 9.3

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on July 17, 2018 at 8:00pm

the answer is.... "gods" in, ....they aimed their "gods" at the aerial devil...

(Imaginary ammo)

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