Best That We Can Do To Save Our Money & Get Rid of The Globalists

In spite of the Mid Term Congressional elections we have just concluded, with issues of fraud to be investigated - especially in the state of Nevada and Democrat Harry Reid's questionable election and an investigation of fraud on the voting computers in Colorado - the best thing that we can do right now between November 2010 and January 2011 is to protest and call heavily and strongly, for an Audit and Closure of the Private Federal Reserve, as well as, an Audit of Fort Knox!

The tuth is this where the real powerhouse is coming from - from the Globalists' and until we can shut this foreign operated Federal Reserve that plays the game for the benefit of the British Central Bank absolutely run by the Rothschild ( Top Global Elitists ) family, and the Global Elite, America will never be free of these termites who are sucking up our Resources and Wealth on Main Street America, 24/7 - 365 days a year!

This Federal Reserve, really is the spot to centralize our effort, to shut down this tyrant money manipulator, that is pushing America over the edge to bankruptcy! We are very, very close at this point in time!

Right here at the Federal Reserve and on Wall Street, is where the biggest portion of our problems are!

Please help Ron Paul and his cohorts, gain control over this runaway corrupt organization bent on destroying America, and hell bent on creating, "One World Government", through a, "New World Order"!

Push and push hard for Patriot American control of our finances and resources!

Campaign for Liberty
Date sent 11/06/2010 08:11:04 pm
Subject: Audit the Fed. End the Fed.

November 6, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Last Wednesday, the Federal Reserve announced it was going to buy another $600 billion of government bonds.

Dubbed “Quantitative Easing 2” (QE2), Fed leaders hope this move to pump money into the economy will lower interest rates (which are already near zero). Instead, it’s more of the same type of interference that led to the housing bubble and this current crisis.

Printing more money out of thin air is not the solution, and this move has been criticized throughout the world. Even Paul Volcker, who was Fed chairman under Presidents Carter and Reagan, has said QE2 “probably won’t do much” to help our economy recover.

The criticisms come as only part of a backlash that has been building since the Ron Paul presidential campaign and C4L’s founding. With our Audit the Fed movement leading the way, more Americans are becoming skeptical of the nation’s central bank and aren’t as willing to accept the usual story from Washington.

During our fight to Audit the Fed this Congress, many of the legislators who cosponsored H.R. 1207 when it was “safe” to do so turned their backs on transparency when a thorough audit was on the line. We created a Hall of Shame to list these representatives – many of whom won’t be returning in the new Congress. On Tuesday, 24 of them were denied reelection.

As if there couldn’t be any more attention put on the Fed, Congressman Ron Paul is next in line to become the chairman of the House Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, the committee that provides regular oversight of the Fed. Stay tuned to as we report the latest developments on this front.

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