Obama Plans to Dictate By Executive Order!

Obama plans to pass Bills by Executive Order, when his house full of Democrats is gone! This is exactly one of the reasons why, we must remove all incumbents and candidates that are Democrats and RINO's,Republicans that are attendees of Elitist organizations like the CFR, Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission!

It is not that being an established Republican is bad - but how many are really for the people? If they are Socialist and have voted Yea on Democrat Bills or they are associated with any of the above Global Elitist organizations, including the United Nations, their agenda will be to work foward weakening your freedoms and a NWO!

With honest Independents voted into office under a Republican banner, whether Tea Party or not, there is a better chance to dig deeper into the investigations of President Barak Obama, without people like Eric Holder and the like to block the truth from coming out! Hence, our opportunity to impeach President Obama!

Re: Know Just Who You and Your Family are Voting For and What That Candidate, Will Do To Your Lives After November 2, 2010!

TRAINED TO RULE AMERICA http://www.truth-it.net/trained_to_rule.html

'The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, One World Government.'
- Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) conspiracy has infiltrated all elements of American society.
Planning to vote for one of these people? Great. just understand that they're all members of the CFR, which is telling them to work toward weakening your freedom in the name of a New World Order. Your vote really means zippo (unless you vote for someone other than a Republican or Democrat).
Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Jim Gilmore, Newt Gingrich, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson

Another important entity that reigns over those who are trained to rule by the CFR is the Bilderberg Society.

Re: The reasons why, we must vote out, Establishment Government Representatives, whether they are Left or Right - Incumbent or Candidate on these Congressional Elections on November 02, 2010! Make sure you have your best Savoy computer Security at all Computer Polls, Best Security at Ballot Boxes!

Make sure your candidates, do not belong to these Global Elitist, Organizations: Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Skull and Bones, Canadian Council of Chief Executives,
Harvard Elite Players, Goldman Sachs, International Monetary Fund, The United Nations, World Health Organization, World Trade Organization.

Short 2 minute News Clip: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2824363/the_obama_¬deception_¬extra_part¬_2/ -


End Game Complete Video

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Comment by M. Btok on October 9, 2010 at 11:50pm
For example Ron Paul is the original Tea Party creator, he runs under a Republican banner- however he is not an establishment Republican as is the same for Rand Paul and O'Donnell, these two former mentioned, are new - the establishment both Republican and Democrat will smear them - but they are a better choice for the people to vote for, as they are sincere in an effort to get America and Freedom back, while at the same time they are not Elitist attendees or members, whose big goal is, to bring America into a,"One World Dictatoral Government", under what the establishment Globalists' called a, "New World Order"

Yes, Independent following Constitutionalists are the way to go!
Comment by Marklar on October 9, 2010 at 8:10pm
With honest Independents voted into office under a Republican banner,... bwahahahahahahahahaha. You're kidding right?

"Destroying the New World Order"



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