How Much Impact With Obamas Promises & Watch out for Establisment Globalist Republicans!

If you want your freedom and Constitution back vote for the candidates that follow Ron Paul's example as Conservative Libertarian Government, check out the Independents track record and background thoroughly and vote for freedom!

If freedom and Constitutional Government is what you and your family want, your best bet is to vote for the Independent Progressive Libertarian, Conservative Libertarian candidate, that follows the Ron Paul style of Government! Check into the biography and track record of your Independent Progressive Libertarian or Conservative Libertarian candidates and when you have targeted the Constitutionalist vote for that candidate!
Paul Revere1

Re: How much of an impact will Obama’s new plans have?

These proposals from Obama, are simply a tap dance to fool some Americans, into voting for His “Democrat Congress”, in the Congressional elections come November!

A lie, on the basis of re-starting industry in America! As the numbers point out, these are very small measures businesswise, it is a small water drop in the ocean, in relationship to the size of the country and the massive, amount of money that would have to be poured into these plans, to implement any percentage of positive economic growth or recovery!

This is just Obama tossing peanuts at potential voters, in order to find some suckers, who would give him enough votes to save his Congressional House, so that he can pass some more draconian bills that will in the end bankrupt the American people and make them dependant on “Global style”, policies and government!

Democrats and Republicans are on the run and pulling out all the stops at endeavoring to manipulate the American voters!

It was announced on Lame Stream Media, National News networks that, "Michelle Obama", is being requested by Nancy Pelosi to campaign for the Democrats – as Michelle’s popularity Polls, are not as low as President Barry Soetoro, aka; Barak Hussein Obama!

Democrats that are hard-line Globalist and Federal Reserve Bankster sympathizers and Marxist style Socialists, as well as, those that are Fascist RINO's and Parasite Global Elitist sympathizing Republicans like, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin ( from the John MCain camp)and Huckabee are going to do their best to manipulate setting up yet another regime toward building "One World Government"!

Bribed and Blackmailed, Politicians’ scramble, to keep the people blind and fighting about Left and Right Parties, when in reality - Left and Right are the same party!

The reason we must vote out Establishment Government Representatives, whether they are Left or Right, Incumbent or Candidate, is explained on this 2 minute News Clip below:
TWO Party Paradyne System News clip:

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Comment by Nikki on September 8, 2010 at 10:52pm
Agreed...but I'm worried about who's counting the votes.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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