Biden Has Already Issued 40 Executive Orders: Whose the Dictator Now?

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When it was announced that President Trump won the 2016 Presidential election Chris Matthews of NBC called the new president "Hitlerian". Are you kidding me? In his first few weeks in office President Trump issued 4 Executive Orders. Obama in his first weeks in office issued 5 such orders. President George Bush issued none in that space of time while Bill Clinton signed 11 Executive Orders. Joe Biden, who obviously was incapable of thinking up any of these orders is merely the proxy for the shadow government, the Deep State, who have engineered a massive coup since stealing the 2020 election from President Trump!

Image result for dictator Biden
Fascist roll out

America has been brazenly taken over through blatant election fraud, the media forbids the use of the term by TV commentators, and now the Biden Administration is not only going after those who rightfully allege election fraud, but now we have people like former CIA head, John Brennan calling for deprogramming and public shaming of those who told it like it is and correctly identified a stolen election! News that Dominion whose machines were proven to have been inaccurate and vulnerable to fraud, but were not allowed to be forensically examined are now lawyering up for lawsuits against those who were investigating for voter tampering.

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Truth is meaningless today

If you think the world has turned upside down, you are correct! Not only has an election been stolen through massively orchestrated fraud in at least 5 states using multiple methods, but now the Deep State is pursuing retaliatory tactics in order to cement their stranglehold on subsequent election doubt! If anything is Hitlerian it is the actions of the Democrats using Gestapo tactics to convict those who had a right to protest while the all summer long violence raged in cities like Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, and Minneapolis for months with Democrat governors and mayors doing nothing to end it! President Trump's January 6th speech contained no words that could be defined as inciting a crowd to attack federal property yet the Congress wants to impeach him though he is now a citizen and beyond the legal reach of the House of Representatives! The great deception has subdued America through the lying teeth of the Democrats! Let their purge begin!

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Comment by Doc Vega on February 2, 2021 at 5:35pm

Twilight Zone remember this, Biden is nothing but a puppet who is doing the bidding of those i the deep state convinced now they can get away with anything right out in the open! 

Comment by Doc Vega on January 30, 2021 at 4:27am

Twilight Zone, what a fitting passage from the Bible.

Comment by Parrhesia on January 29, 2021 at 5:16pm

In all fairness, he is losing his cognitive abilities at a rapid rate, so he must hurry.  Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time

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