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If you're going to find a scapegoat to throw all the blame at politically, you create a monster! The Bolsheviks did with the Czar family and transformed Russia from a Christian nation run by a Royal family into a seat of evil revolution, mass starvation, an iron fisted state of no personal ownership, and under the iron grip of Communism. With a ruler like Joseph Stalin, Russia was doomed to be cut off from the western world while flying the flag of wondrous socialism as tens of thousands died with picks and shovels digging a canal project that western free enterprise contractor could have completed in a fraction of the time without deaths or worker camps. Why those Communist revolutionaries even managed to assassinate the entire Czar Nicholas family. Monster now dead-new monster now in charge!

Nicholas II and his wife, Empress Aleksandra (far right), with their four daughters and son. The tsar was forced to abdicate in 1917 and he and his family were shot and stabbed to death by Bolshevik troops, in 1918, before their bodies were doused in acid and dumped into a mine shaft.

Civil war: Great way to make a new monster

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In China, after a bloody civil war and Mao Zedong had finished destroying the monster he had created with the Nationalists led by Chiang Kai Chek, a revolution set in. The conversion of China from being occupied by the Japanese, being liberated by the Nationalists, and then being subjected to Communist hell since it was the Nationalist Party that had become the new monster to destroy. Mao, himself had been a war lord of a province in China and while the Nationalists exhausted themselves and their resources fighting the Japanese, once Supreme US General Marshall cut off aid to Chiang Kai Chek the end came soon and an exodus of the Nationalists to Formosa was inevitable.

Chiang Kai-shek (Shanghai, 1946) - CVCE Website

Formosa where Taiwan exists today a persistent monster.

Has the monster ever been exterminated? No! Taiwan, although independent, is regularly threatened by Communist China who, under the typical Communist false narrative of "reunification" has 800 friendly missiles aimed at its supposed people, who are the monster known as Democratic Nationalists who cannot be allowed to announce to the world they are the sovereign nation of Taiwan. The monster has not yet been fully devoured. Thanks to President Jimmy Carter, the US Naval Base there was abandoned which had given our forces an important foothold in the region and a deterrent against Communist China's possible invasion of Formosa.

Hid family from Nazis

The Nazis and Obamacare?

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The Nazis in pre-World War II Germany created nationwide socialism with government run health care just like Obamacare here in the present. Pervitin, or amphetamines as we know them, became the national rage for all who wanted tireless energy, tooth grinding, and doing without sleep for three days before the inevitable crash. In order to build the perfect monster Hitler needed to make a certain race of people detestable and he succeeded with the Jews. Soon the Brown Shirts were beating up the Jewish monsters like making mashed potatoes, using the media to attack them, canceling out their businesses and voices. Jews became the convenient monsters to blame for all shortcomings of the Nazi party upon as well as practicing the art of draconian population control which they would need as the 2nd World War began. Conquering nations and the brutal crowd control that came with it was part of the monster equation.

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Look out! New Monster!

Today, the United States government is busy creating the perfect monster here at home. Rather than ANFTIFA who burns down business districts, riots nightly, throws Molotov cocktails at police, and advocates the overthrow of our society, there is a more threatening beast. BLM, parades down streets calling for the murder of police claiming police are racists. BLM would have us believe that hundreds of black Americans are needlessly murdered by local Cops all the time when in truth black on black murders have numbered over 9,000 homicides nationwide in a year. How many killings of blacks by police occurred during the same period? Nine black men with criminal records who were resisting arrest died nationwide. While 19 white men found themselves on the wrong side of a police gun barrel. But, you see in order to create the perfect monster you must lie, using propaganda, and deceive a lethargic public. Law abiding, conservative, god fearing, citizens are now the perfect monsters!

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The new US domestic monster

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During the Obama administration AG Eric Holder claimed that the thought of such domestic terror groups as US veterans, Patriots, the Tea Party, now those were the real threats! The FBI refused to acknowledge that in the crowd that broke into the Capitol Building on January 6th those disguised and embedded ANITFA and BLM members among the crowd who broke through barriers and overpowered the District of Columbia police who were conspicuously helping take down the barriers and were obviously under strength by any means of reasonable security standards.

Intelligence services love to create monsters

You see, in order to create the perfect monster the perpetrators must create "False Flag" operations to vilify a group that needs to become the new convenient scapegoat for a government overthrow! The new perfect monsters in America are conservatives, Christians, and Constitutionalists! The FBI, CIA, and NSA have turned their focus not on those who illegally surveillanced the Trump campaign in 2016 and manufactured false evidence, no Sir! The new monsters are those who expect honest elections, due process of law, fiscally responsible spending, and lower taxes. These are the perfect monsters!

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Trumpsters, Trumptards, Trump supporters, the perfect monsters will now be set upon like a literal torch carrying lynch mob who are afraid of what Doctor Frankenstein has created! They need to stamp out the perfect monsters before they start running the country like it should be run with common sense as Ronald Reagan once called for. When you have a Congress and Senate who are supposed to get bills passed without Pork Barrel insanity, grid lock, and dangerous amounts of deficit spending, why this is just too much to expect! If you too expect this responsible type of conduct that was the hallmark of a tireless President Trump who worked for the people, then you must be a monster too!

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Comment by Doc Vega on February 2, 2021 at 5:27pm

Thanks Central Scrutinizer

Comment by Doc Vega on January 29, 2021 at 8:38pm

Thank you. Chris of the Family Masters

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