Is it true that BP CEO Tony Hayward is a member of the Bildeberg Group and also the Council on Foreign Relations.

We know that BP insured themselves to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars for a rare "accident" such as this "spill" so when they willingly "took the fall" to benefit their Bildeberg/CFR brethren, they wouldn't actually lose money. The insurance payout would also make up for loses on the company stock values. (Goldman also "cleaned up" on the stock price for BP going down. This is because they were tipped off in advance that the spill was going to happen and so they sold 40% of their BP stock a week before the spill and shorted BP one day before the spill).

But, why did the "manufactured crisis of 2010" have to be something catastrophic in the Oil & Gas Industry?


1-The cost of the clean up will allow Obama to push for nationalizing America's Oil & Gas Industry, yet another sector of the American economy (there aren't many left)

2-Obama's 6-month moratorium on the granting of new off-shore drilling permits and his 6-month moratorium on the fulfillment of ongoing drilling contracts will both severely cripple the ability of the U.S. Oil & Gas Industry to yield profits. This, in turn, will rob Oil & Gas Industry executives of their financial ability to mount a counterattack (civil legal battles).

3-It also allows Obama to severely strain the economies of five Gulf states, all of which have Republican Governors, two of whom (prior to the spill and its stresses which make them appear as weak leaders) would have been likely opposition candidates for the Presidency in the 2012 election. It is also a form of "pay back" as it is also likely that many or all of these same Republican Governors were among the earliest to support The Restore America Plan's demands (Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is known to be the first of the 50 state Governors to support The Restore America Plan).

4-However, the primary reason Obama and BP pulled off this oil spill is because the cost of the clean up is designed to convince the American people and lawmakers that there are large risks involved in Oil & Gas exploration and drilling and the ONLY way to protect the nation from these risks is to Pass the Cap & Trade ("Energy") Bill. This is because once that bill passes, Obama can levy taxes on Big Oil interests who operate in the U.S. or off shore of the U.S. to be able to pay for the carbon-based pollution that this industry obviously can cause.

The following is what I found in a thread last night titled, "Obama’s Oil Spill Motive: Garner Votes for Carbon Based Pollution Taxes: Translation - Passage of Cap & Trade Bill Taxes":

The “Rahm Doctrine”:

TWO WEEKS AFTER THE ELECTION, Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s chief of staff, appeared before an audience of business executives and laid out an idea that Lawrence H. Summers, Obama’s top economic adviser, later described to me as Rahm’s Doctrine. “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” Emanuel said. “What I mean by that is that it’s an opportunity to do things you could not do before.”

[link to]

Don’t let a good crisis go to waste, especially when YOU cause the crisis yourself!


Obama Tees Off on Republicans, Vows to Find Votes for Carbon-Based Pollution Taxes

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Obama [also] leverages the massive oil spill in the Gulf as a means of winning Senate approval for a clean energy bill that, in his words, finally puts "a price on carbon pollution."

Obama’s own words in Pittsburgh TODAY:

The catastrophe unfolding in the Gulf right now may prove to be a result of human error – or corporations taking dangerous short-cuts that compromised safety. But we have to acknowledge that there are inherent risks to drilling four miles beneath the surface of the Earth – risks that are bound to increase the harder oil extraction becomes. Just like we have to acknowledge that an America run solely on fossil fuels should not be the vision we have for our children and grandchildren.

The time has come, once and for all, for this nation to fully embrace a clean energy future. That means continuing our unprecedented effort to make everything from our homes and businesses to our cars and trucks more energy efficient. It means tapping into our natural gas reserves, and moving ahead with our plan to expand our nation’s fleet of nuclear power plants. And it means rolling back billions of dollars in tax breaks to oil companies so we can prioritize investments in clean energy research and development.

But the only way the transition to clean energy will succeed is if the private sector is fully invested in this future – if capital comes off the sidelines and the ingenuity of our entrepreneurs is unleashed. And the only way to do that is by finally putting a price on carbon pollution.

The House of Representatives has already passed a comprehensive energy and climate bill, and there is currently a plan in the Senate – a plan that was developed with ideas from Democrats and Republicans – that would achieve the same goals. The votes may not be there right now, but I intend to find them in the coming months. I will make the case for a clean energy future wherever I can, and I will work with anyone from either party to get this done. But we will get this done. The next generation will not be held hostage to energy sources from the last century. We will not move back. America will move forward."

Federal cleanup cost for Gulf spill tops $123M million and rising; now nation's most costly

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The National Pollution Funds Center says the money has been doled out to state and federal agencies directly involved in the cleanup.

The center administers a federal trust fund that collects a tax from the oil companies for use in cleanups.

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