Birth Of The Antichrist's Reign? Bottomless Pit Foreshadowed?

Conception. Gestation. Birth.

So, did anything "suspicious" occur yesterday on July 11th like many of us were suspecting could?

Yep. A
strong 6.2 earthquake struck Chile, or the place where the Solar Eclipse ended.

SANTIAGO — A strong 6.2 magnitude earthquake rattled northeastern Chile late Sunday in the region of Antofagasta, home to one of the driest places on Earth, US seismologists said.

The quake had a depth of 56.7 miles (91.3 kilometers) and was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) east-northeast of Calama, the US Geological Survey said. It hit at 8:11 pm (0011 GMT Sunday).

No injuries or damages were reported in Calama, located in the middle of the Atacama desert -- considered one of the driest in the world -- and in San Pedro de Atacama, one of the country's most popular tourist centers, local police sources told AFP.

A massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck Chile on February 27, sparking a huge tsunami that killed 521 people and swept away entire villages. The disaster caused an estimated 30 billion dollars in damage.

Of course! Chile (in almost the exact same region!) was the focus of our studies here back in February following another powerful earthquake -- an 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Santiago near Concepcion.

Folks, that earthquake a few months ago also coincided with a major Jewish time of the year! At the time, it was the when Israel celebrated the "Feast of Lots" or "Purim" and we attempted to tackle the prophetic symbolism seen in the juxtaposition of those two seemingly unrelated events.

Here's what was written in that February study called
"Face It: The End Is Near"...

Concepcion is Spanish for "conception", in reference to the Immaculate Conception. It is also the name of several towns and cities. The largest of these is Concepción, Chile, which is home to over one million people.

Santiago is Spanish and Portuguese for "Saint James", son of Zebedee. He is the patron saint of Spain and his name is revered throughout the Spanish and Portuguese speaking world.

The juxtaposition seems obvious to me and it has me thinking the following:

> These insanely powerful earthquakes we've seen lately represent "sudden destruction". What does the Bible tell us about "sudden destruction" as it relates to end times Bible prophecy. For the answer, see 1 Thessalonians 5:3, which reads: "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

> Earthquakes = "Labor Pains"

> Tsunamis = "Water Breaking"

> Concepcion/Conception leads to pregnancy, which leads to "labor pains", which leads to one's "water breaking", which leads to "birth", right?

> Santiago/James is a son of Zebedee, or a "Son of Thunder"

> Along with Peter and his brother John, James was part of the inner circle of Jesus, who witnessed the Transfiguration, were witnesses to certain of His miracles (like the raising of the daughter of Jairus), and accompanied Him to the Garden of Gethesemane.

> In Spain, he is called "El Senor Santiago", the patron saint of horsemen and soldiers. Yes, horsemen and soldiers. No further explanation needed for this group of students of eschatology.

> The "birth" that's coming is the beginning of the prophesied Daniel's 70th Week (Tribulation/Great Tribulation) and final 7 years of life as we know it.

> The "birth" is also the symbolic birth of the Antichrist's reign over this world for a time as prophesied

> Are today's tragic events evidence that the world is about to experience the culmination of God's plan for humanity as embodied withing Daniel's 70th Week now that we've all experienced the final "labor pain" (earthquakes), the "water breaking" (tsunamis), and the eventual and imminent rise of a perverted version of a "son of thunder" (reminded me of Jesus' description of Satan in Luke 10:18 for some reason) perhaps in response to the devastation by such disasters?

But that's not all. Let's ignore the "Antichrist-Is-Coming-And-The-Tribulation-Is-About-To-Begin" angle for a moment (as important as it is). Instead, let's hone in on the other important figures of the end times -- the Two Witnesses. I think there may be something profound in the above discoveries for what they MIGHT tell us about these two enigmatic figures who are scheduled to appear relatively soon in order to punish humanity for her sins.

How did I make that leap, or why am I thinking about that today? Well, we've already seen why yesterday's earthquake had me thinking about James who is one of the sons of Zebedee. The other was John. So, the Zebedee brothers = James and John = the "Sons of Thunder".

In Luke's gospel, Jesus spots early warning signs from his disciples as they travel toward Jerusalem. These early warning signs indicate that violence is on the way unless someone puts a stop to it. As we know, the Bible tells us that unimaginable violence is on the way, and that the only One who can put a stop to it is Jesus Christ Himself.

James and John show us why they were nicknamed “Sons of Thunder”. Their outburst, upon entering a Samaritan village, was a thunderous early warning signal to Jesus -- one he countered so that people would not be swept away by violence.

The Samaritans hated Jesus and his followers. This animosity becomes visible when the Samaritans refuse to offer hospitality to Jesus and the disciples as they travel the hot, dusty, and dangerous road to Jerusalem. James and John, hungry, tired, and expecting Middle Eastern hospitality -- in the form of washed feet, good food, and a place to sleep -- are outraged that it is denied them. And so their thundering voices are raised toward Jesus: “Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” In today's idiom, that translates: “Do you want us to call in heavy artillery and military air strikes to blow them away?”

That got me thinking. Check out these comparisons:

Luke 9:51-54 (KJV) And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? (emphasis mine)

Which brings to mind the ministry of the Two Witnesses:

Revelation 11:4-6 (KJV) These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. (emphasis mine)

No, I'm not saying I think that James and John will be the Two Witnesses. I'm merely pointing out how the Holy Spirit used yesterday's events to prompt me to consider James -- a "son of thunder" -- and that, in turn, led me to consider the possible relationship between the verses that mention those Zebedee brothers and those that mention the Two Witnesses.

The ministry of the Two Witnesses was to start at the altar of incense in the Most Holy Place -- in God's Temple - this has been said by some to symbolize the Body of Christ -- whose members are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. In addition, some assert that the ministry of the Two Witnesses will also coincide with the rise of the Antichrist to power during the Tribulation, or those first 3.5 years of the final 7, which is also commonly known as Daniel's 70th Week. Needless to say, all of these beautiful mysteries that the Holy Spirit has led me to this weekend has me wondering whether or not we are about to experience the beginning of Daniel's 70th week, the beginning of the Tribulation, and, therefore, the beginning of the ministry of the Two Witnesses to occur synonymously with the rise of the Antichrist as world ruler.

That was originally written and published back in February (5 months ago) through no great wisdom of my own, but by merely being obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit that led me to study and write about such things. Fast forward to today.

I apologize for including such a large portion of that February article here, but I think it could be VERY IMPORTANT in our on-going studies and with what we saw yesterday. I hope the reasons why are obvious to you.

Again, the earthquake that followed the Solar Eclipse yesterday was not only an earthquake that occurred in roughly the very same region where the Solar Eclipse was last seen, but it was also an earthquake that occurred in roughly the very same region as the one back in February that also coincided with a historic time of the year for Israel! That's not a coincidence people. Like I said before, the Lord is speaking to His Bride. Are we listening?

As compelling as all of that is, there's another fascinating reason why I'm focused on this subject today. You'll never guess what can be found in the Chilean desert a few miles from this most recent earthquake.

A sculpture called "The Giant Hand of Atacama" created by Chilean Sculptor Mario Irarrázabal. The last thing you would expect to find in the middle of the driest desert on Earth is a a work of art. However, that’s exactly what you’re gong to see if you happen to be traveling through the Atacama Desert, in Chile.

The Hand of the Desert (La Mano del Desierto) is an 11-meters-tall sculpture, in the shape of a hand, rising up from the desert. 11-meters tall, huh? That figures. In fact, the 11-meter tall iron and cement sculpture was unveiled 1,100 meters above sea level (there's that number again!) in March 1992.

As if that weren't enough, "The-Hand Rising-From-The-Sand" theme is very common in Mr. Irarrázabal's work, and he has 3 other major similar sculptures in the US, Uruguay, and Spain -- the nation that (not coincidentally just won the World Cup yesterday!).

Irarrázabal’s first such sculpture was 1982’s "Monument to the Drowned" ("Monumento al Ahogado"), also partly engulfed in sand on Brava Beach in Punta del Este, Uruguay. It’s usually referred to as "the Monument of the Fingers", or simply "The Hand".

Irarrázabal created it from reinforced concrete and plastic in six days, during the first International Meeting of Modern Sculpture in the Open Air in the popular resort town, where he was the youngest of nine participating artists and opted to dodge the battle for prime spots in a public square. His hand -- the only sculpture remaining from the 1982 gathering -- is purportedly a warning to swimmers to leave the choppy waters there to the surfers.

The hand raised in warning seems more appropriate in the subsequent sites Irarrázabal chose to erect them -- busy Madrid, Spain in 1987 and Venice, Itly in 1995 (by the tourist-caked Arsenal and the Grand Canal) as seen below.

All I could really find on the Sculptor as far as a Bio is concerned is this...

Irarrázabal, now 68, was born in Santiago and in the early 1960s studied at the seminary of the Congregation of Holy Cross and the University of Notre Dame in the US, picking up a bachelor’s degree in philosophy as well as a master’s in art.

He moved to Rome to focus on theology at Gregorian University, then to West Germany to learn from expressionist sculptor Waldemar Otto. He was back in Chile in 1969, and subsequently spent two years teaching sculpture at Catholic University.

A specialist in modelling and bronze casting, Irarrázabal also works in brass, aluminum, stone, wood and concrete, and stays close to Christian and humanistic themes, simplicity being a watchword, certainly one that’s not uncommon in modern sculpture of any kind.

As to attaching a meaning to the hands jutting from the soil, the few clues on offer don’t appear to point to much.

Here's quick random thought. How odd is it that these types of sculptures are coming into focus at precisely the same time as the world watches the Gulf Region die a slow death, or become buried by nature regardless of the catalyst? Humanity -- drowned by nature or swallowed by its own excesses -- might be a more interesting interpretation of the works. If it's the latter (swallowed by its own excesses, its own sins), then I'd say that makes PERFECT SENSE for these times we're living in and where we believe we are on God's prophetic timeline.

Actually, on second thought, I'd say that probably the message we're supposed to derive from this kind of study. One secular, art site I found wrote the following that I think brilliantly captures my sentiments about all of this right now especially when you consider that "The Giant Hand of Atacama" sits along the
Pan-American Highway too...

Here it’s more like the spooky structure that the humans stumble across at the end of the film 'Planet of the Apes', which turns out to be the Statue of Liberty’s torch, all that remains of their civilisation.

Lacking an online explanation as to how a giant human came to be waving, saluting or pleading for a halt in the arid Atacama sand, it’s compelling to think that Irarrázabal and his sponsors chose the spot for its very isolation, knowing that travellers on that highway would first blink in disbelief, and then smile in wonder.

So in some settings it’s the hand of God signalling, 'Stop, enough!', and in others we get a wave, a reminder that God is still with us, no matter where we travel and how lonely we might feel.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

We might also want to prayerfully consider
Hand Symbolism throughout the ages and particularly in the ancient Mystery Religions and Art in general. Here's a hint: It's not a good thing.

Of course, all of this has me thinking about Patrick Heron's groundbreaking research on the Nephilim (their past and future role in the affairs of humanity), which I encourage you to seek out for yourself by listening to the various interviews he's given that you can find easily on YouTube.

Heron believes it is impossible that the Egyptians constructed the Great Pyramid. Rather, he suggested that 5,500 years ago, the Nephilim (who were the offspring of the Fallen Angels who mated with human women written about in the Book of Genesis) built the pyramids and other ancient structures. They were beautiful looking "spirit men," who appeared human, but were not bound by the same laws of physics as mankind, he explained.

Hmmm, sounds like
the "Enceladus" and the Giants from Ancient Mythology or the Arthur C. Clarke connection we found back in February too, doesn't it? There are so many puzzle pieces related to earthquakes for us to put together!

Incredibly, take a quick look at what we discovered about Enceladus back in February -- the SAME MONTH as the first major earthquake in Chile this year, but about 2-3 weeks BEFORE it actually happened -- and marvel at the similarities (a.k.a. "spiritual converence" perhaps)...

Enceladus = "Trumpeter to Arms"

> One of the "Gigantes" ("Giants"), the enormous children of Gaia (Earth) fertilized by the blood of castrated Ouranos [Nephilim?]

> Like the other Gigantes, Enceladus had serpent-like lower limbs, "with the scales of dragons for feet" as Bibliotheke states

Additional research turned up some very intriguing facts that I think are worth mentioning. Take, for instance, what I found when I took a closer look at "Enceladus". Apparently, there's a famous FOUNTAIN (including a BRONZE STATUE as the centerpiece) located in a GARDEN in France that's surrounded by CEDARS all around it! How's that sit with your spirit?

Bosquet de l'Encelade, Versailles, France [Source]

The Bosquet de l'Encelade ("The Enceladus Grove") is one of the gardens hidden from view off of the main green of the garden of Versailles, linking the Chateau with the Grand Canal and Park. To get there you wander amongst a grove of tall cedars and are suddenly presented with this view. The Fountain of Enceladus was created by Gaspard Marsy in 1677 and was based on a sketch from the famous painter, Charles Le Brun. The fountain features a 25 meter spray of water that erupts from Enceladus' mouth. Enceladus ( Ἐγκέλαδος) was one of the Gigantes from Greek mythology, enormous children of Gaia (Earth) fertilized by the blood of the castrated Ouranos. The Gigantes attempted to overthrow the Olympian gods to claim heaven for themselves, and during that battle Athena disabled the giant with her spear. As punishment, Zeus incarcerated him under a pile of rock which became Mount Etna on Sicily. Etna's volcanic eruptions were said to be the breath of Enceladus, and the earthquakes and tremors were said to be caused by him rolling on to his side. With this fountain, Marsy shows him under a pile of rock and trying to escape his tortuous sentence.

Yesterday, I made mention of how certain photos were a sort of collection of "images of a beast" in a sense to me. Now, take a look at an image of this beast called Enceladus (NOTE: just a figure of speech I'm using here; I'm not inferring that this somehow fulfills the prophecies about the actual, literal "image of the beast" written of in the Holy Bible:

That's some pretty powerful imagery if you ask me! Gosh, looking at that it's hard not to think of the Nephilim, the Bottomless Pit, Apollo, and the Locusts.

Now, just scroll back up the page and go back and take another look at those eerily similar images of the artwork by that Chilean Sculptor. How insane is that? Personally, I believe this is a visual representation of the coming "birth" of the Antichrist's prophesied reign upon the Earth.

Who could view all of those images and not think of another famous (or is it "infamous") sculpture called "The Awakening" that
Sue Bradley has referenced in her exceptional work?

J. Seward Johnson Jr’s sculpture near Washington, "The Awakening", is a 5-piece assemblage representing a giant embedded in the soil. The tallest part, the right arm, is nearly 6 meters in length.

Johnson erected it during the International Sculpture Conference Exhibition in 1980. It was on Hains Point, in view of what became Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport across the Potomac River, and sat there, occasionally half-submerged in floodwaters as well, for 27 years.

Then, in 2008, the National Park Service figured it had better tell "The Awakening" to move along, since it only had a temporary permit. They hauled it to National Harbor in nearby Prince George’s County, Maryland. How appropriate given the name of the place and the geographic location, isn't it? In the meantime, someone bought it for $750,000 and let it remain in public view.

Back to Heron and his work on the Nephilim. Heron goes on to explain how they mated with Earth women during two periods, before the Great Flood and afterwards. Heron said the Nephilim never died, but were entombed in an "abyss" or "netherworld". Yep, that's exactly what the Ancient Mythological accounts say about the Giants too -- that the Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus, and the Giants entombed beneath mountains and volcanos!

According to prophecy in the Book of Revelation, a spirit man or "star" (just like Esther's Persian name translates to!) comes down to Earth with the "keys" to the Bottomless Pit. He identified this being/creature as the future Antichrist, whom people will be deceived into thinking is the Messiah, but he'll actually lead the world into the prophesied Apocalypse.

I almost forgot! Yesterday's earthquake in Chile took place Antofagasta. Would you be surprised to learn of a possible connection to the whole so-called "Alien/UFO-Full Disclosure-First Contact" agenda?

Because of its high altitude, nearly non-existent cloud cover, dry air, and lack of light pollution and radio interference from the very widely spaced cities, the desert is one of the best places in the world to conduct astronomical observations. The European Southern Observatory operates two major observatories in the Atacama.

Antofagasta, at least the soil there, has been compared to that of Mars! Due to its otherworldly appearance, the Atacama (where the Giant Hand sculpture is located) has been used as a location for filming Mars scenes, most notably in the television series Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets. There's more!

In 2003, a team of researchers published a report in Science magazine titled "Mars-like Soils in the Atacama Desert, Chile, and the Dry Limit of Microbial Life" in which they duplicated the tests used by the Viking 1 and Viking 2 Mars landers to detect life, and were unable to detect any signs in Atacama Desert soil.

The region may be unique on Earth in this regard and is being used by NASA to test instruments for future Mars missions. The team duplicated the Viking tests in Mars-like Earth environments and found that they missed present signs of life in soil samples from Antarctic dry valleys, the Atacama Desert of Chile and Peru, and other locales. The Atacama is also a testing site for the NASA funded Earth-Mars Cave Detection Program.

In 2008, the Phoenix Mars Lander detected Perchlorates on the surface of Mars at the same site where water was first discovered. Perchlorates are also found in the Atacama and associated nitrate deposits have contained organics, leading to speculation that signs of life on Mars are not incompatible with Perchlorates.

Lastly, I should probably also mention how there was a pretty remarkable connection to the Book of Revelation. I don't know why I did this (because I don't normally go to this type of "extreme" with the numbers involved in a particular story), but I thought it was odd how the news reports I saw about yesterday's earthquake all said that it happened at 8:11pm.

For whatever reason, I decided to see what we find in the Book of Revelation in that chapter and verse. The results left me speechless in light of everything presented here today...

Revelation 8:11 (KJV) And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Revelation 8 deals with the Seventh Seal and the following Trumpet Judgments. Those of us who like to glance at any possible "Synchro-Pop" connections might want to spend a few minutes analyzing the classic film The Seventh Seal.

It is a 1957 Swedish drama directed by Ingmar Bergman, about the journey of a medieval knight across a plague-ridden landscape, and a monumental game of chess between himself and the personification of Death, who has come to take his life.

Bergman developed the film from his own play Wood Painting. The title refers to what we find in the Book of Revelation, used both at the very start of the film, and again towards the end, beginning with the words "And when the Lamb had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour" (Revelation 8:1). Here the motif of silence refers to the "silence of God" which is a major theme of the film. Appropriate too.

The film is considered a major classic of world cinema. It helped Bergman to establish himself as a world-renowned Director and contains scenes which have become iconic through parodies and homages.

So much to digest these days. Get ready folks. Just "as in the days of Noah" like Jesus Himself warned us (Matthew 24:37). Now do you see why I make such a fuss out of these sorts of things all the time? The evidence is all there and staring us all in the face. It's time for the fence-sitters and outright unbelievers to wake-up and look up. For some, it could be now or never.

At this point, I feel I want to end by reminding us all that as Christians we are not supposed to be ruled by a spirit of fear. If you're unsure what I mean by that then please read
"Fight Fear With Faith". Also, just because I focus on the sinister side of life and write about my belief that the Tribulation is close, it is not done to create fear and panic, which some say will continue to feed the fear more and more and more, but I do it to CONFIRM for others that what God's Word says about these end times is true, and that it can be trusted because we're starting to see it unfold all around us with a greater frequency and intensity.

Jesus said to beware so that you are not deceived. Unless we see these things in their proper context for what they really are, then we won't take them as seriously as we should, or we won't prepare ourselves spiritually for the reality that's coming sooner than later.

Of course God is control despite all the chaos and uncertainty, but that should go without saying. Lastly, just because I'm identifying what I believe to be the "the end is near" connections doesn't mean I'm "afraid" or "scared" in the least bit. Quite the contrary! MARANATHA!!!

All of these studies lately -- the perceived "connections" and "symbolism" mainly -- are hard to believe UNLESS you think about the spiritual force (the hand of God?) behind all of this. Again, to reiterate, I don't know how accurate any of these interpretations are. Lord, elevate Your words over my own! I'm just putting the thoughts out there for prayerful consideration. I'm just watchin' and prayin' like we're instructed to.

Even so, it's funny how it all seamlessly connects with a lot of the themes we've been exploring here the past several months. What does that mean (if anything)? Is there any spiritual significance to all of this whatsoever?

In the final analysis, I think the "birth" metaphor is on point. The earthquakes represent the "labor pains", the tsunamis represent the "water breaking", the hands reach up out of the ground represent the "child being born and entering the real world" -- MAYBE.

Yes, I could be wrong about all of this, but the Biblical connections to real-world events are too neat and too compact. I believe that the prophesied Daniel's 70th Week, the start of the Tribulation, the ministry of the Two Witnesses, and the rise of the Antichrist is at hand!

Keep looking up! Lord come quickly!

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Comment by Marklar on July 19, 2010 at 10:52pm
How to Install a Toilet

How to Install a Toilet
Plumbing for Your Toilet

Here we offer general instructions and precautions for roughing in, as well as installation procedures for tying into your present drain waste vent and supply systems. When all the roughing in has been completed and you are ready to assemble your toilet, your rough plumbing should resemble that shown here.

Most Common Mistakes

1. Violating or ignoring local code restrictions.
2. Using pipes that are too small.
3. Attaching copper to galvanized without using a brass or dielectric fitting between the two.
4. Not using PTFE tape or pipe compound at threaded joints.
5. Not leveling your fixtures when installing them.
6. Not installing an air gap filling for fixtures.
7. Cutting supply stub outs too short to install the shutoff valves onto after the finished wall is in place, or
8. Not properly aligning tubing into fittings or stop valves. (Forcing the nut onto the compression ring at an angle when the tubing is at an angle will cause a leak.)
9. When turning the water back on in your home, always run the outside hose valve or flush your toilets to bleed dirt and air from the lines. This debris can cause problems in your sink faucets and other plumbing trim.

Installing Your Toilet

Pipes required include a cold water supply stub out with a shutoff valve, flexible tubing for above the valve, and possibly one air chamber.

This is possibly the single, most troublesome fixture to install as it requires its own 2" minimum vent and a drain of at least 3" in diameter. If the toilet is situated on a branch drain, it cannot be upstream from the sink or shower. The minimum side distance allowed from the center of the toilet bowl to a wall is 15 inches, and 12 inches from the center of the bowl to a bathtub; clearance from the front of a bowl to a wall or fixture should be 21 inches.

1. The closet bend and toilet floor flange must be roughed in first. When replacing a toilet, you will need to scrape up the old wax gasket. A putty knife works well for this. Remove the old bolts from the floor flange and scrape the flange clean to prevent leaks at the base of the new bowl. If the old flange is cracked or broken, replace it with a new floor flange.

2. Position the floor flange so that the underside of the flange is at the level of the finished floor. (It is always best to install the finished floor so that it runs underneath the toilet.) You may need to use a piece of finished flooring material if the floor has not yet been installed. Now you can finish tightening the screws that hold the floor flange to the floor. Put a small level on the flange while tightening to be sure it is level.

3. Set the new floor bolts in plumber's putty and insert them through the flange, adjusting the bolts so they line up with the center of the drainpipe.

4. With the new toilet bowl turned upside down, position the new wax gasket over the toilet horn on the bottom of the bowl.

5. Apply plumber's putty around the entire bottom edge of the bowl.

6. Using the bolts as guides, lower the bowl into place over the flange. Press down firmly while giving a slight twist. It is important that you feel the toilet being pushed into the wax ring. If you do not feel this, the flange is set too low and you will not get a good wax seal between the flange and the horn (waste outlet). Also, if the wax ring is cold, it will not properly seat. You may need to warm it in the sun for awhile until it is pliable.

7. Use a level to level the bowl, adding shims where necessary. Also be sure the toilet is square and aligned with the wall. Then tighten the nuts and washers onto the bolts by hand.

8. Place the rubber tank cushion (if one is needed) into position on the rear of the bowl and fit the rubber gasket onto the flush valve opening on the bottom of the tank.

9. Position the tank over the bowl; then tighten the nuts and washers onto the mounting bolts.

10. Tighten the hold-down bolts at the base of the bowl with an adjustable wrench. Use your level to assure the bowl is still level.

11. Fill the decorative caps with plumber's putty and place them over the bolt ends. Seal the base of the toilet bowl with plumber's putty or silicone caulk.

12. Cut the end of your supply line stub out and attach a shut off valve. Then, connect the shutoff valve to the flexible tubing and connect the tubing to the bottom of the tank, where you will find a supply stub out.

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