Blogger's vicious hit piece against the freedom movement completely fails with his audience


I read around on the internet all of the time to try and get a sense of where we actually stand in this information war. I follow a few blogs that genenerally geared towards African American political discussions and I came across a ridiculous piece of baseless propaganda by writer, editor, rapper, producer and actor
Casey Gane-McCalla of NewsOne, the news outlet of the BlackPlanet Universe. I first heard of BlackPlanet through my sister, who was a member of the BlackPlanet social network throughout her high school years.

Anyways, the gist of Gane-McCalla's article ,
Ron Paul And Glenn Beck Promote White Right Wing Terrorism was to promote fear to his black audience by attempting to link Ron Paul, Glenn Beck and Alex Jones to white supremacy and domestic terrorism. He painted the very obvious takeover of the US by the banking and military industrial complex as a ridiculos "conspiracy theory," completely ignoring all the evidence that supports that this is not just a ridiculous "conspiracy theory." He also threw in some internet quotes from media patsies like cop-killer Richard Poplawki and Holocaust shooter James Von Brunn, which attempts to paint the freedom movement as a bunch of dangerous "Jew-haters."

Probaly more dangerous than linking the legitimate freedom movement to domestic terrorism and white supremacy, was the writer's muddying the water by attaching the false prophet and Judas Goat, Glenn Beck to the freedom movement. Gane-McCalla's article was of course, heavily souced with Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League disinformation and propaganda. By now, most are familiar with the current onslaught of endless hit pieces by the Southern Poverty Law Center which contantly says the the freedom movement will carry out another OKC bombing,
which was in itself another staged terror attack. The true reason for the existence of these "civil rights" organizations, is to circle the wagons and prevent any real opposition to the true power structure of the United States.

The good news is that the majority of the commentors, the NewOne community of bloggers and commentators were not buying into Gane-McCalla's bullshit fear-mongering. His article got 74% negative votes from the community, but the real indicator that SPLC and ADL propaganda is failing miserably is reflected in the comments section. All of the comments are worth reading, but here is a sample:

_A_ 3-13-2010 12:18 pm

@Sub-Negro, just to add my thoughts. I think the recent surge in negative Ron Paul blogs is due to his increased popularity. Like most liberal shills, Casey is taking aim at the top RW opponent for democratic leadership in 2012. At the recent CPAC conference, Ron Paul won the straw poll by a landslide. Trust me, Sarah Palin is not a factor at all, Mitt Romney may tighten up the margin in a year or two, but probably nothing significant. Right now, there is no other Republican to take aim on, so Casey is doing what most other liberals are doing now. But the strange thing is, even the biggest Liberal of them all, Rachel Maddow, is starting to come to Ron Paul’s side. She can no longer deny the logic in the man’s positions. We have seen countless attack blogs from Casey, YET absolutely zero from him concerning Ron Paul’s policies. A clear sign to me, that on the issues, Casey has NOTHING! I guess I’m the crazy one expecting anything of real value from someone who is starring in the Black Bum Olympics. Damn Sub-Negro, I didn’t even hear the white girl song. Pure foolishness!

Sub-Negro 3-13-2010 11:17 am

Ron Paul isn’t even acknowledged by Faux News though. He started the Tea Party movement and now Sarah Palin is the main figurehead for it. Ron Paul doen’t have pull whatsoever. Then we all know about Alex Jones who has gone in on both parties so he doesn’t have an allegiance whatsoever. Slow at the office eh Casey?

Then, hilarioulsy, Sub-Negro goes on to note Gane-McCalla's hypocrisy by quoting the lyrics from a light-hearted, but horribly racist rap tune written by the writers entitled "White Girls."

Liberty_for_Life 3-13-2010 1:13 pm

Bro -First thing first, you look quite intelligent. Don’t put it into waste! This isn’t how you can win the hearts and minds of your readers and the American public.As a writer and editor you have very weak argument on the issue. Open up this doc**ent called: the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I’m not just Talkin’ but telling you The Truth; The doc**ent decisively expressed as “We, the People” Not “Government, the people” You do understand that this “Government is instituted by the People and for the People” A representative government that works “For the People” And it is the right of every American to preserve its integrity! I encourage you to read and understand it. You might even gain some new knowledge. Here’s Dr. Paul’s view on issues:

You should do a thorough research before you rant someone like Dr. Paul’s view on racism and it goes something like this: “In a free society, every citizen gains a sense of himself as an individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality. This leads to a sense of individual responsibility and personal pride, making skin color irrelevant. Racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty.” Bro, maybe you should stick with what you’re good at like producing rapps and Hollywood acting. You see, opinion is like an a$$hole, you have one, I have one and everybody else has one. Some promotes freedom, prosperity and peace. Others just the opposite. Maybe Talkin’ The Truth is Not Enough. You must know it, live it and love it.

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Comment by fireguy on March 15, 2010 at 11:07am
The "Left Wing" has been the bane of freedom loving people of all races, why the majority of blacks have supported the welfare statist Democrats for so long is beyond reason. The "war on poverty" has produced more poverty for everyone black, white and brown. Just as the "war on drugs" has produced more drug addicts.

The "Right Wing" ended slavery, the first black senators and congress reps were Republican after the Civil War, it was Democrats that made the "Jim Crow" laws to oppress blacks and the other races. I am a Constitution party member but I support Alan Keyes, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, and Dennis Kucinich, and anyone else who promotes truth and American conservative principles of Sovereign Citizenship and our God given rights as free people.
Comment by Maas on March 15, 2010 at 11:02am
Thanks for reading Tara. I was totally surprised by the negative reaction by this guy's audience because on another blog called "Jack and Jill" a similar article was written and the reaction was totally opposite.
Comment by Tara on March 14, 2010 at 6:08pm
Right on, this is certainly good news! It's great to know that there is a swell of people from all walks of life right now not buying into this bogus propaganda BS. Great post!

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