by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews Satire) What exactly is a "junk shot?" How about "top kill"
or an "undersea plume?" The oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is
introducing the world to all sorts of fascinating words and phrases from
the world of Big Oil. Some of them can be a bit confusing, so as a
public service to NaturalNews readers, I've published a short dictionary
that provides the real meaning behind many of these new terms.
Kill" - A technique used to kill everything on the TOP of the ocean
using chemical dispersants that cause the dead animal bodies to sink to
the BOTTOM of the ocean so they can't be caught on camera.
Hat" - What BP executives will all be wearing at the huge banquet
they will soon be holding to celebrate how they pulled off the
environmental crime of the century without even a slap on the wrist
(thanks to Big Government complicity).
"Blowout Preventer"
- BP's public relations person who lies to the press to prevent a P.R.
blowout from occurring. A blowout preventer preventer is any
member of the press who asks tough questions.
"Junk Shot" -
An effort to thrust shredded tires, golf balls and other trash into the
hole to stop the oil flow. This is the oil industry's attempt to try to
make the Gulf of Mexico look like the streets of Mexico
City by filling it with trash.
"Chemical Dispersant" - A
highly toxic chemical substance being pumped into the Gulf of Mexico by
the hundreds of thousands of gallons in an effort to kill so much marine
life that the toxicity of the oil itself seems small by comparison.
Plume" - Rhymes with "doom." A term used to confuse mainstream news
viewers who would be disturbed by the more accurate term, "Undersea
VOLCANO of oil."
"Live Feed" - What BP calls a video loop
which repeats a few choice frames over and over again and morphs them to
create the illusion that it's actually a live video. The effect is
further enhanced by adding a clock that counts off the seconds in real
time in the lower right-hand corner. The public is now utterly
hypnotized by these video loops, much like house cats watching ceiling
"Mud" - A code word for crude oil. This is being
repeated on the TV news when newscasters explain that the live video
feed showing crude oil bursting out of the ocean floor is mostly just
"mud." They actually mean oil. Mud, after all, does not explode from the
ocean floor in a volcanic burst.
"According to plan" - A
British Petroleum euphemism for "all f**ked up." As in, "The top kill
procedure is going according to plan." The cleanup is going according to
plan, too, it seems. As long as BP is in charge, everything is
going according to plan. How dare you suggest they have no clue what
they're doing...
"Barrel of oil" - An imaginary unit of
oil volume that can be morphed into whatever size BP wishes it to be. At
investors' meetings, the number of barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico
magically becomes very large, but during oil spills, the number
magically shrinks to appear much smaller.
"Cleanup workers"
- Temporary workers hired by BP to comb the beaches in front of news
cameras to make it appear like something useful is happening. BP has now
promised to triple the number of active cleanup workers to nine.
will not be left behind" - A phrase uttered by President Obama,
who, immediately after saying it, left everybody behind and took all of
BPs beach cleaning crews with him, too. Obama has now returned to his
golf game, where he claims to be working on the oil spill problem by
aiming his golf balls in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico and hoping
they will land in the gaping hole at the bottom of the ocean, thereby
making them "junk shot."
Let's get serious
Okay, everything above is just satire, but in reality this Gulf spill is serious
business. Although we try to poke fun at the mistakes that were made in
causing this to happen, the truth is that this situation is no laughing
In the days ahead, I'm going to be posting stories about
the seriousness of this environmental catastrophe and what it
might mean for the future of our world. Make no mistake: This event has
changed the course of our energy future, and it may actually change it
in a very positive way in the long term (even though the short term cost
of this catastrophe may be outrageously large).
Watch for more
coverage of this unfolding event right here at And in
the mean time, try not to be hoodwinked by BP spin. The truth is, if
they had any freaking idea what they were doing, the disaster wouldn't
have happened in the first place (or they would have capped it long
before now).
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