Breaking news that will bring down White House over Libya

By Doc Vega

If it wasn’t already enough that the recent events out of Benghazi tell us of an Obama administration that has not only botched foreign policy, but has allowed Americans to be killed by ordering several different US fighting force units to stand down not just once but twice rather than rescue embattled Americans being attacked at the US embassy in Benghazi. Now, new facts come to light from Libyan ex-patriots and insiders themselves.

A former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Walid Shoebat has produced documents that prove the Obama White house not only is to blame for the deaths of 5 Americans       ( US Ambassador 3 staffers and 1 Navy Seal) but had made a deal to deliver Libya into the hands of al-Qaida, the terrorist organization of Osama Bin Laden responsible for the 9-11 attacks on US soil.  

Walid Shoebat goes further to point out that a group of anti al-Qaida Libyans who have been exiled have obtained highly classified documents that are guaranteed to bring down the Obama White House. In his words, “ Obama gift wrapped Libya to the terrorist organization, al-Qeada. We can prove it!” As a matter of fact, the security of the US embassy at Benghazi, Libya was assigned to a member of al-Qaida prior to the deadly 7 hour attack that was watched in real time in the White House Situation Room by the President, CIA Director Leon Panetta and others. Little wonder that the attack succeeded, under security arrangements made with al-Qaeda.

Sources have proven that according to a letter dated August 30, 2011 that as a condition to Libyan rebels in the overthrowing Muammar Gadaffi, the Obama White House would literally sign over security to the US embassy in Tripoli to existing al-Qaeda forces within the country. This coming from a cache of high level files obtained by Walid Shoebat.

So, in an apparent deal cut with the al-Qaida terrorist organization and the White House if they would support the revolution against Gaddafi, in reward, not only would the job of security for the US embassy at Tripoli and later Benghazi, be awarded by the President Obama, but so would the entire country of Libya. This offer made by the President himself. The events and who was responsible are clear. There is no room for error. President Obama is directly implicated.

Walid Shoebat is a former member of the PLO ( Palestine Liberation Organization) led by former leader, the late Yasser Arafat. In a challenge to convert his wife to Islam, Shoebat read the Jewish Bible, the Tanach, in doing so he claimed that he realized everything he’d been told about Jews was a lie. In 6 months Shoebat severed his ties with the PLO and became an advocate for the Jewish State, Israel.

According to sources, it was not just mistaken interpretation of the motives of the Libyan government and its fascist regime, over faulty intelligence evaluations, but a negligent willful ignorance of al-Qaida’s grip over the Libyan government.
Walid Shoebat says that countless files and documents will be turned over to the National Center for Intelligence and Counter Terrorism that will provide evidence of  bribes to high level officials being made, emptying bank accounts, bank transaction records, and proof that the newly established Libyan government in the wake of the recent rebel coup is now controlled by al-Qaida.

According to Shoebat, the arrangements made by al-Qaida in it’s security capacity has allowed the infiltration of terrorist operatives from other nations. Included in the evidence to passed on to US intelligence will be passports of terrorists from Chad, Egypt, and Pakistan who have all been allowed to enter Libya and are now enjoying sanctuary there provided by the al-Qaida Libyan security allowing them to enter the country!

With these latest revelations we are now painfully aware that Libya is not only the scene of American deaths and a burned down embassy, but that through a deal cut by President Obama, the country has now become a sanctuary for not only al-Qaida terrorist organization, but the criminal operatives of other nations as well. The greater question here is with incriminating evidence against President Obama and others in the White House responsible for what happened, will justice be served?

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