Irish "Potato Famine" Was Deliberate Genocide

June 16, 2015

ireland massgraves.gif

(left, location of mass graves in Ireland)


THE IRISH HOLOCAUST- (Irish: an Gorta Mór) or the Great Hunger was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1852
According to historian Chris Fogarty,
the "Irish Potato Famine" which killed over five million people 
was not a famine but a deliberate British policy of starvation similar to the
Holomodor in the Ukraine in 1932-33.
"The truth is startling, 67 out of 130 regiments of Britain's Empire army were in Ireland in this period (100,000 at any one time). The troops were not on a humanitarian mission. Their job was to remove food by force."
This is a summary of a Red Ice Radio broadcast supplemented by information from Chris Fogarty's website ;Chris is author of the book: Ireland 1845-1850:The Perfect Holocaust, distributed direct from the author in Chicago, USA.
by Richard Merriman 
History is a big lie told by the victors. The illuminati have almost perfected rewriting history to suit their own agenda.


I grew up thinking that the Irish famine was a natural catastrophe caused by crop failure; the Irish were guilty of only cultivating only one crop-- potatoes. 
While Chris Fogarty was researching the biography of his paternal grandfather at the National Archives, he uncovered a policy of genocide . The truth is startling: 67 out of 130 regiments of Britain's Empire army were in Ireland during this period (100,000 at any one time). The troops were not on a humanitarian mission. Their job was to remove food by force. 
The nation starved as its food was confiscated, 40-70 shiploads a day were removed at gunpoint assisted by British constables, militia and troops. They seized tens of millions head of livestock, tens of millions of tons flour, grains and poultry. These vast quantities were more than enough to feed 18 million people.
The first lie was that the famine was due to the failure of the potato crop. When the quantity of exported Irish foodstuffs could no longer be concealed, the second lie was that the rich Irish were starving the poor Irish. G.B. Shaw wrote in Man and Superman 1897: "The Famine? No, the Starvation. When a country is full of food and exporting it, there can be no Famine."' 
In The Great Hunger (1962,) British Historian Woodham Smith identified 13 of the food removal regiments. She became a pariah in British and Irish academia for the next 30 years. Academic historians maintain the lie that only one crop was cultivated, covering up the food removals and exportation to England. British and Irish academia won't approach the truth, and anyone bringing the genocide out in the open is smeared as a "republican" (implying a terrorist.)
Former Irish President Mary Robinson referred to the genocide as "Ireland's largest natural disaster." In 2005, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said, "Britain stood by while the Irish starved to death", but did not acknowledge role of the British Army in forced food confiscations. 
The consequence of publishing the truth can be severe.  Chris Fogarty has been raided several times and charged by the FBI. He was told unofficially that British intelligence were involved. The charges were later proven to be fabricated and dropped. 


The 5.2 million death figure cited by Chris is higher than the official figures which only posit a 2M drop from 1841-51 due to natural famine and emigration. He believes the 1841 census underestimates the real population of over 12M.  He calculates a total population reduction of about 6 million with about 1 million  emigrating. 
The genocide was a deliberate attempt to exterminate the Irish people and their cultural and national identity.  Queen Victoria's economist, Nassau Senior, voiced his fear that existing policies "will not kill more than one million Irish in 1848 and that will scarcely be enough to do much good." The Times leader in 1848 wrote "A Celt will soon be as rare on the banks of the Shannon as the red man on the banks of Manhattan." 
During the "famine" years, Irish foodstuff received high prices on the agricultural and commodity markets of the world. The British Empire covered half the globe; why else would it keep half its armies in Ireland at great expense? 
The Irish were an obstacle to Britain's world power. They were Celtic, Catholic with their own rich culture and traditions, namely strong: National identity, Family, Culture and Christian faith. The Irish have a strong Celtic consciousness giving the people the ability to think critically, morally and be self-sufficient and it's in our DNA cultural Marxism cannot extinguish it. 
 Ireland like many European nations is undergoing the genocide by cultural Marxism, mass immigration of third worlders, minority rights of LGBT, feminists to undermine marriage, gender leading to moral collapse.  


The Irish government minister Alan Shatter left, a Zionist Jew, accuses the people of not being sufficiently attentive to the Jewish Holocaust. The propaganda project is failing to mass indoctrinate the Irish. 
Charity starts at home and our first duty is to be attentive to our own people's national tragedies before concentrating on another peoples. Shoahism has no place in Irish cultural life, as the nation and its people had no involvement in this event, so have no guilt or responsibility whatsoever.
Ireland 1845-1850:The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept it Perfect 
Mr Chris Fogarty 900 North Lakeshore Drive Condo 1507 Chicago Illinois 60611
$20 , Add $3 in state postage within 
Illinois  email: 
Readers in Europe can order copies to be posted (cheaper postage than from USA) from Ireland from

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Comment by Anti Everything on January 24, 2016 at 11:13am

Damn DTOM, I completely for got about the major part Cromwell played. It amazes me how so many horrible episodes in world history are ties together tightly to such a small collection of men. I'm going to check out the site you sent now. Appreciate that.

Comment by DTOM on January 24, 2016 at 6:17am

Who was always around when Oliver Cromwell and William Stadholder AKA William of Orange AKA William III were assisted financially, militarily and politically?

Up until Cromwell, they had been booted out of England.

Beginning in 1655, Cromwell, through his alliance with the Jewish bankers of Amsterdam and specifically with Manasseh Ben Israel and his brother-in-law, David Abravanel Dormido, initiated the resettlement of the Jews in England.

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