By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War ~ 9/11 ~ Part 4


Not just Americans were murdered on 9-11. Nearly 500 foreign nationals from over 80 different nations were killed in the World Trade Center. 108 As a center of world trade and finance this is not surprising. It is also commonly known that many Israelis work in the field of international trade and finance. The laws of probability dictate that among the nearly 500 dead foreign nationals, from over 80 different nations, there should have been a considerable number of Israelis. But the number of Israeli dead was suspiciously low, especially when we consider the report, contained in the September 12 Jerusalem Post, that the Israeli embassy in America was bombarded on 9-11 with calls from 4000 worried Israeli families. 109 George Bush had told the US Congress that he also mourned the deaths of foreign citizens including "more than 130 Israelis". 110 But Bush was either misinformed or he was lying. The actual number of Israeli dead at the WTC was far less than 130. It was far less than 100. It was far less than 50. It was far less than 25. It was far less than 10. It was……. zero! 111A (111B), NY Times, September 22, 2001) That's right! Zero* Israeli nationals lost their lives in the WTC while citizens from over 80 different nations, including such powerhouses of world trade and finance as Granada, Bermuda, Ireland, and the Philippines, all lost people in the WTC.

*(One Israeli was killed aboard each of the flights that crashed into the WTC. None were killed in the WTC itself.)

We learned earlier about the employees of the Israeli instant messaging company Odigo, who were anonymously informed of the attacks two hours before they took place. 112 Even more intriguing than the Odigo warnings was the narrow escape of 200 employees of an Israeli government run company called Zim Israel Navigational. With over 80 vessels, Zim Navigational is the 9th largest shipping company in the world. Just one week before 9-11, Zim Navigational moved out of its World Trade Center offices with over 200 workers. 113A , 113B

Company spokesperson Dan Nadler said: "When we watched the pictures, we felt so lucky. Our entire US operations were run out of the 16th floor. 114A ,114B
Zim moved to Virginia. Nadler added that the aim of the sudden move "was to save on rent". 115A, 115B Somehow the claim that a major global shipping firm, backed up by government money, needed to save a few bucks on rent lacks credibility. And oh what perfect timing!

So who tipped off Zim? Who tipped off Odigo? Who tipped off those Pentagon officials? Who tipped off those Israeli workers in New York? I think it's safe to say it wasn't Osama Bin Laden.


Within minutes after the attack, a parade of politicians and "terrorism experts" appeared on every TV channel all claiming that the attacks were the work of Osama Bin Laden. The Bush administration claimed that it had evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks which it would release to the public in a matter of days. They never did. Just like they never provided any evidence that he blew up the US embassies in Africa in 1997. The entire case against Osama Bin Laden was based on nothing but the repeated claim that he was the culprit for the embassy bombings and for 9-11. Demands were placed upon the Taleban government of Afghanistan turn Bin Laden over to the US or face an attack (we established earlier that US military action had already been planned since June). 116A ,116B The Taleban offered to turn Bin Laden over to a neutral party if the US provided any evidence to them that he had anything to do with the 1997 US African embassy bombings or the 9-11 attacks. The evidence was never presented to the Taleban for two reasons:

1. There was never any evidence, not even circumstantial
2. The war to replace the Taleban with a US puppet government was already in motion. The 9-11 attacks served as the perfect excuse, the "incident" to win the support of the American people and kick off the war.

Three months after the attacks, and with the bombing of Afghani peasants in full swing, the US had still not provided one shred of evidence to link Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda "network" to 9-11. People in foreign countries were beginning to ask questions. Then one day, the Pentagon claimed that some unnamed source found a video tape in Afghanistan. The Bush gang began dropping hints in the media that this video shows Osama Bin Laden bragging and admitting his role in the attacks. How convenient! And how improbable. The "mastermind" of 9-11, who was so brilliant that he pulled off 9-11 without being detected, was careless enough to leave a "confession video" laying around to be discovered by the US!

The video was shown on the news with English subtitles. Bin Laden's voice was so barely audible that even viewers in Arab nations had to rely on the Pentagon’s translated subtitles! An obedient American (Zionist) news media accepted the Pentagon story and translation without question. A few Arab media whores were even trotted out to vouch for the tape’s authenticity. Aha! This is the "smoking gun" they assured us. But this too is another vicious lie.

On December 20, 2001, the German TV show Monitor (the "60 Minutes of Germany") found the translation of the "confession" video to be not only "inaccurate", but even "manipulative". 117 Dr. Abdel El M. Husseini and Professor Gernot Rotter made an independent translation and accused the White House translators of "writing a lot of things that they wanted to hear but cannot be heard on the tape no matter how many times you listen to it." 118

Even more compelling than the revelations of the European press are the actual images of the "confession video". Every photo previously taken of Osama Bin laden shows gaunt facial features and a long thin nose. The Pentagon video of Bin Laden clearly shows a man with full facial features and a wide nose. Examine the pictures side-by-side for yourself if you don't believe it. The differences in facial features will jump right out at you. 119

Would the Pentagon leadership be capable of such deception? Why not?! They were capable of allowing 9-11 to happen weren't they? The Pentagon itself has even admitted the existence of a special department established for the purpose of planting false stories in the media in order to carry out strategic objectives. The very Zionist and very pro-war New York Times broke a story in February 2002 which revealed that the Pentagon has plans to deliberately provide false stories to the press as part of an effort to influence policy. The Pentagon set up the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) for this purpose. A Zionist Air Force General named Simon P. Worden was chosen to head this criminal effort. 120 Worden's boss is Douglass Feith, another dedicated Zionist who serves as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. How dedicated of a Zionist is Feith? The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) honored Feith and his father at an award dinner in 1999. So I’ll let ZOA’s 1997 press release you about Feith:

"This year's honorees will be Dalck Feith and Douglas J. Feith, the noted Jewish philanthropists and pro-Israel activists. Dalck Feith will receive the ZOA's special Centennial Award at the dinner, for his lifetime of service to Israel and the Jewish people. His son Douglas J. Feith, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, will receive the prestigious Louis D. Brandeis Award at the dinner." (121)- (Google usues enter: feith zionist organization award)

There you have it! The Zionist Air Force General who runs the Pentagon’s media disinformation department, reports directly to a Zionist Pentagon boss who was a recipient of the "prestigious" Louis Brandeis Award. Brandeis, a former Supreme Court judge, was one of the key Zionist powerbrokers who helped influence Woodrow Wilson into joining World War I as part of the Zionist-British Balfour deal we learned about earlier.

One year has passed since the 9-11 attacks and the FBI has not uncovered any Al Qaeda cells in the United States nor has it found any paper trail. The London Times reported:

"Thousands of FBI agents have rounded up more than 1,300 suspects across America since September 11, but they have failed to find a single Al-Qaeda cell operating in the United States...Tom Ridge, Director of Homeland Security could not explain why none had been caught." 122

In April of 2002, FBI director Robert Mueller - the same Robert Mueller who admitted that several hijacker identities were in doubt due to identity thefts- made this stunning announcement:

"In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot." 123

Predictably, Directors Ridge and Mueller attribute this total lack of any evidence to the skill of the Al - Qaeda "terrorist network". If you've read this far you should know better. The reason that the US has been unable to uncover a shred of evidence to link Al Qaeda to 9-11 is because....Al Qaeda didn't do it!


The FBI's field agents are "the good guys". It's the ass kissing, spineless careerists at the top who have corrupted the agency. In the critical weeks and months leading up to that fateful day, numerous clues were picked up by loyal FBI field agents. Some of these agents were so alarmed at what they thought was an unfolding terror plot, that they tried to convince their superiors to investigate deeper. These agents were either ignored, threatened, or fired.

Each of these FBI agents thought that they were on the trail of an Arab terror plot and unless they've read this paper, they probably still believe so. We can forgive them their ignorance if they haven't realized yet that the trail they were on was not that of Arab terrorists, but rather Mossad agents impersonating Arab terrorists. (much more on that later!) The essential point is that these agents were on to something big that someone didn't want them to digging into.

There is FBI Special Agent Robert Wright. The public interest law firm Judicial Watch is representing agent Wright. Wright claims that he was met with retaliation and threats from his bosses and from the Justice Department who told him they wanted his probes to go no further. 124 Wright maintains that if his investigation had been allowed to continue, the attacks could have been prevented.

There is FBI agent Coleen Rowley. The gutsy Rowley wrote a 13 page letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller in which she actually accuses the director of her own agency of "a subtle skewing of the facts". 125 Rowley's letter also charged that the agency refused to react to evidence of a pending terror plot. According to Rowley the FBI's obstruction was so blatant that her and some of her fellow agents jokingly speculated that key FBI personnel must have been moles working for Osama Bin laden! 126 Rowley’s main point of contention was the agency’s failure to go after Zacharias Moussoui, the "20th hijacker", even after his flight school instructor reported his suspicious behavior to the FBI. Moussoui you will recall was the French Algerian who couldn’t speak French to his flight school instructor.

There is FBI agent Sibel Edmonds. Edmunds was an FBI wiretap translator. She claims that another FBI translator was working for the Mossad and that the Mossad also tried to recruit Edmonds to make phony translations for the purpose of misdirecting investigations. When agent Edmonds refused, the Mossad threatened her safety! 127 When she brought these allegations to the attention of her superiors, she was fired for being "disruptive". The Washington Post briefly reported this story without mentioning the name of nation that tried to recruit Edmonds. But The Post did reveal that Edmonds and the other translator "trace their ethnicity" to this certain "Middle Eastern" country. 128 Agent Sibel Edmunds is not an Arab. Edmonds is jewish. Therefore we know that the "Middle Eastern" nation which the Post chose not to name is Israel. (No big surprise there!) Sibel Edmonds deserves a lot of credit for defying the Mossad and blowing the whistle to her superiors. Instead, she was fired for her patriotic efforts, proving once again that Zionists are willing to hurt innocent jews.

There is FBI agent John M. Cole, program manager for FBI intelligence investigations covering India, Pakistan, and Afgahinstan. In the same Washington Post story about Edmunds, it was reported that Cole also wrote a letter to FBI chief Mueller warning him about lax security procedures in the hiring of translators. 129

Dedicated agents such as Wright, Rowley, Cole, Edmonds and others who have spoken anonymously, had to be stopped from going after "Muslim terrorists". If not so obstructed, they would in time come to discover that they weren’t really Al Qaeda terrorists!! Not only were investigations blocked before 9-11, but they continue to be blocked after 9-11. The cover up is so blatant that members of both the House and Senate Intelligence committees complains directly to CIA Director George Tenet and Attorney General John Ashcroft. The Los Angeles Times reported:

"Lawmakers leading the investigation of intelligence failures surrounding the 9-11 attacks are increasingly concerned that the CIA and Justice department are actively impeding their efforts....The flare up centers on obstacles congressional investigators say the agencies have strewn in their path." 130

That's exactly what FBI agents Wright, Rowley, Edmunds, and Cole said happened to them when they tried to investigate before the attacks! By the way, did I mention that the FBI is under the jurisdiction of yet another Zionist named Michael Chertoff? Chertoff is the Director of the Criminal Division of the US Justice Department. FBI chief Robert Mueller has to answer to Chertoff. Perhaps that explains Mueller’s highly pathetic, and highly revealing, speech before the Anti Defamation League’s 24th Annual National Leadership Conference held in May of 2002:

"I have long admired and respected the work of ADL, and I appreciate your longstanding support of the FBI. I know that under my predecessor, Louis Freeh, this partnership reached new heights. . . . I am absolutely committed to building on that relationship. We in the FBI tremendously value your perspectives and your partnership. Your insights and research into extremism are particularly helpful to us, shedding light on the changing nature of the terrorist threats facing America. Your support of hate crime and terrorist investigations, which are now front and center in the work of the FBI, is essential to us. And the training and education you provide for the FBI and for law enforcement have never been more relevant. That includes the conference on extremist and terrorist threats you are sponsoring later this month at the FBI Academy." 131

Just shoot me now! The FBI is in "partnership" with the Zionist ADL and relies upon this criminal smear group for "insights and research", and "education and training! Didn’t anyone ever tell FBI chief Mueller that when the FBI raided the California offices of the ADL in 1993, they found that the ADL had computerized files on nearly 10,000 people across the country, and that more than 75 percent of the information had been illegally obtained from police, FBI files and state drivers license data banks? 132 Isn’t Mueller aware that the San Francisco Superior Court awarded $150,000 in court judgments against the Anti-Defamation League in connection with this FBI bust? 133

What other group in America could get away with not only stealing FBI files (a Federal offense!!!), but then becoming "partners" with the FBI? So why would FBI Director Mueller disregard the fact that the ADL is a criminal group that was caught spying on US citizens by his own FBI? Why does Mueller ignore the "insights" of his own agents while thanking the criminal ADL for it’s "advice"? It’s because Mueller and his kind are empty, career minded "yes men" who understand that it doesn’t pay to defy the Zionist Mafia. Ass-kissers like Mueller get promoted. Honest agents like Wright, Rowley, Edmonds and Cole go nowhere fast!


On October 3, 2001, an Egyptian-American scientist named Dr. Ayaad Assaad sat terrified in a vault-like interrogation room at an FBI office in Washington D.C. It was not yet known that a pair of letters containing deadly anthrax had been mailed to NBC Newsman Tom Brokaw and US Senator Tom Daschle. Five people would die as a result of the anthrax mailings which had been mailed from New Jersey. Billions of pieces of mail were delayed, costing the US Post Office to suffer huge losses. The news media ran nothing but anthrax stories night and day. Politicians and commentators speculated that Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein were behind the letters. Why was the FBI questioning Asaad?

Before the anthrax murders were committed, someone had sent the FBI an anonymous letter accusing Dr. Assaad of being a bio-terrorist with a grudge against the United States. 134 The letter was sent on September 25th - before the first anthrax case was even diagnosed. The FBI agents soon were convinced that the anonymous letter was a hoax and a frame up attempt. Assaad was cleared of suspicion and released. Assaad later told The Hartford Courant of Connecticut:

'"I was so angry when I read the letter, I broke out in tears. Whoever this person is knew in advance what was going to happen and created a suitable, well-fitted scapegoat for this action. You do not need to be a Nobel Laureate to put two and two together." 135

If we find out who would have wanted to frame Dr. Assad in particular, and Arabs in general, we will likely find out who was behind the anthrax murders. That the wording of the anthrax letters was contrived in such a manner as to frame Arabs/Muslims is so self evident that even a mentally retarded child could see through it. Here is the wording of the Daschle letter:

"You cannot stop us. We have this anthrax. You die now. Are you afraid? Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great." 136

and the Brokaw letter:

"This is next. Take Penacilin now. Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great." 137

Give me a break!!!!!!!!! Ask yourself: Who would want to frame Arabs? Who would want to link the interests of the US and the interests of Israel in the obvious way these ridiculous letters attempt to? Remember the Lavon Affair? Remember the USS Liberty? Remember the dancing Israelis? Remember Netanyahu's saying 9-11 was good for US-Israeli relations?

A good place to start searching would be the US bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick, MD. The Ames strain of anthrax has in fact been traced to Fort Detrick, where Assaad once worked until he was laid off in 1997. After he was let go from Fort Detrick, Assaad filed a federal discrimination suit based upon the brutal abuse and harassment that he had endured from some highly suspicious co-workers. In 1991, Assaad found an 8 page poem in his mailbox which became a courtroom exhibit. The poem had 235 lines, many of them lewd and sexually explicit, mocking Assaad. Along with the poem, the perpetrators left Assaad a rubber camel with a large penis attached to it! 138 This was an obvious attempt to mock Assaad’s Arab ethnicity. Assaad said that when he brought the poem to the attention of his supervisor, Col. David Franz, Franz kicked him out of his office! 139 Now these weren’t immature college kids doing this. This outrageous emotional abuse was carried out by highly trained scientists who obviously wanted Aassad out.

One of the scientists known to have been a leader in the horrible attacks on Dr. Assaad was Dr. Lt. Col. Philip Zack. Philip Zack was to "voluntarily" leave Fort Detrick shortly after Assaad brought Zack’s poem and camel to the attention of his supervisors. 140 Strike one on Dr. Zack!

In an indirectly related matter, another Fort Detrick researcher, Dr. Mary Beth Downs told army investigators that on several occasions in January and February of 1992, she had come to work several times to discover that someone had been conducting anthrax research after hours. 141 Who could that person have been? Documents from that 1992 inquiry confirm that an unauthorized person was observed on a surveillance camera being let into the lab at 8:40 PM on January 23, 1992. Who was this unauthorized person caught sneaking into the bio-weapons lab, during the same time period that anthrax research was being done after hours? None other than Lt. Col. Philip Zack! 142 The same Zack who was forced to resign a year earlier because of his horrible abuse of Dr. Assaad. Strike two on Dr. Zack!

Why would Dr. Zack and others have such an animosity towards Dr. Assaad? What would motivate him to help write a 235 line hate poem? What motive would he have to frame Arabs for the deadly anthrax murders? Well, some research into the name "Zack" reveals that it is a fairly common jewish surname, derived from the Old Testament "Zacharias". Dr. Zack is jewish, and given his obvious, fanatical hatred of Arabs - we can safely deduce that he is a hard core Zionist. Strike three on Dr. Zack!

All of the above is public information. Assaad's 1990's legal proceedings, Dr. Down's testimony, the surveillance video of Zack sneaking into Fort Detrick one year after he had "resigned"- it's all there. The Hartford Courant exposed all of these facts 143 as did the Toronto Globe and Mail, 144 the Seattle Times, 145 and other publications. Just the facts contained in Hartford Courant story alone should be enough to at least indict Philip Zack. So why didn't we see Dr. Zack's face on our TV screens? Why hasn’t Dr. Zack been given a lie detector test? What forces in the media and the government are protecting Zack from being exposed as the logical prime suspect?

The plot thickens (and sickens) even more. It is not my intent to smear, defame, or offend jewish people here. But to not mention the ethnicity of certain players in this fantastic drama would be like writing an expose on the Italian Mafia without mentioning that it's major players are Italians. Remember, some of the Zionists’ harshest critics are themselves jewish.

Dr. Assaad had been cleared and Dr. Zack was coming under a small amount of media and FBI suspicion. Enter, from stage left, one Barbara Rosenberg, a jewish environmentalist professor and political activist with no expertise in bio-warfare. 146
Rosenberg suddenly went public with the claim that she knew who the anthrax killer was. 147 She was supported in this effort by another Zionist New York Times journalist named Nicholas D. Kristof, who openly called for the arrest of Hatfill! 148

Quietly and behind the scenes, Rosenberg began directing investigators towards an American scientist named Dr.Stephen Hatfill (and therefore away from Dr. Zack). The Washington Post confirmed that it was Rosenberg who helped put authorities on the trail of the innocent Dr. Hatfill. 149

The name of Hatfill trickled forth from the news media. In a matter of weeks, the trickle became a media flood. Dr. Hatfill became a household name. Hatfill called a news conference to protest his innocence. There is not a shred of evidence against him and he passed an FBI lie detector test. 150 But the Zionist controlled media lynch mob, led by the evil Rosenberg and the yellow journalist Kristoff, continued to pursue and harass Hatfill. Dr.Hatfill may never be imprisoned, but his life and career have been destroyed by these false allegations and the media hype. Lt. Col. Zack is off the hook.

What these mad Zionist scientists and their media brethren have done to Dr. Assaad and Dr. Hatfill is monstrous beyond belief. It is clear that these anthrax letters were first intended to be an anti-Arab frame up with Assaad meant to take the blame. When that didn't work, these fanatical Zionists (who always stick together like glue!) put the media and the FBI on poor Dr. Hatfill‘s back, and wrecked his career and reputation in the process. Why hasn’t Dr. Zack been given an FBI lie detector test???? Ask FBI boss and ADL’ "partner" ; Robert Mueller!

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Comment by Jeff on February 1, 2010 at 10:02am
Thanks Margaret, I thought it was an extraordinary historic synopsis that carefully exposes some of the historic truths that are very typically quickly glossed over, especially in schools.

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